Posted by: shree5 July 30, 2005
Legalize Pot: Canadian Experience
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POT IS A WONDERFUL PLANT & THE LAW IS INCREDIBLE Marijuana is a good fiber source to make clothes, paper, rope, etc., and, marijuana is a relatively good producer of an annual biomass. Anything that can be manufactured or made from cellulose fibers can be readily manufactured or made from marijuana plants too. If one selects the right strains and grows them in the right way, then hemp fiber is of superior quality compared to alternatives. The most astonishing possible use of marijuana is as a food source, especially the marijuana seeds. This fact seems so incredible, and has been deliberately denied and suppressed for so long, that it is very difficult to come to terms with this truth. Marijuana seeds are the single best plant source for human food. Because of that, along with other benefits, it is correct to say: Pot is the single best plant on the planet for people. This is not to claim that marijuana is a miracle plant. Of course, marijuana is only a plant, and grows naturally, but nevertheless, as a real fact, according to an honest and relevant comparison of all the natural properties of all plants, the pot plant is, without any reasonable doubt, the single best. Hemp seed protein content is comparable to that of soya beans, but better. The hemp seed amino acid profile in hemp protein is better suited to human needs than soya beans. Every type of hemp product from oils, to sprouts, and grass juice, etc., could be practical and nutritious. Hash oil might provide a good sunscreen body lotion ingredient. (If marijuana was completely legal, then that hash oil need not be too extensive.) Of course, hash oil should not be confused with hemp oil. Hemp oil is the oil pressed out from the hemp seeds. It is a good oil, in fact, the best oil for humans, but this kind of hemp oil contains very little THC, and it is the different THC molecules that are the most psychoactive in cannabis plants. Marijuana, like all plants, contains a very large number of different kinds of molecules, all of which have large chemical names. The effect of consuming cannabis changes with the different amounts of the different molecules found therein. Compared to most other things, like those containing alcohol or caffiene, cannabis is much more complicated in its effects because there are many more combinations of the different components in cannabis. If one considers the people who enjoy alcohol or caffiene, and ways that they will learn all about their favourites, it is quite possible to do even more of that with cannabis. One can become a cannabis connisseur, even more so than those who appreciate alcohol or caffiene, because cannabis has inherently more complexity to learn about. Overall, marijuana is a relatively weak drug, and, often, the first thing many people say when they try marijuana is that it does not do much. During the long history of marijuana laws, every rhetorical trick in the book has been used by propagandists. Study of statements made by people who enforce pot prohibition can become a study of almost every possible way that some people can lie and distort the truth in order to influence other people. Throughout this discussion, we might return, again and again, to the long list of little marijuana lies that are still prevalent. The denial of the obvious fact that marijuana can be good medicine, something for which written records go back thousands of years, has been permanently stopped here by our Canadian courts. It remarkable how much benefit some particular kinds of sick people can obtain from medical marijuana, and therfore, one has to agree that cannabis can have a powerful effect for these people. From the point of view of people who use marijuana recreationally, it is difficult to imagine people who use marijuana medically, and do not want and do not like the psychoactive effect. Regarding the various people with different kinds of illnesses that clearly benefit greatly from consuming cannabis as their medicine, we must agree that marijuana can be a herb with strong properties. But, for most healthy people, marijuana is relatively mild, and this is especially so because there tends to be a saturation effect, where the more one consumes, the more the effect is diminished. People who consume a lot of cannabis all the time have much less of an effect produced than people who rarely indulge. Since marijuana has no fatal overdose, taking lots of large doses tends to become boring, rather than interesting the way a few small doses are. It is a waste of good marijuana to consume too much of it. There has been an amusing trend in the history of white people who started to consume cannabis, and transferred social habits that evolved with respect to alcohol or tobacco onto marijuana usage. Amongst all the drugs, the hallucinogens are the most psychoactive in small doses, and the least fatal when consumed in great overdose. Marijuana is the most mild of the hallucinogenic pyschoactive drugs. Due to the larger cycles of historical abuse, too many people have serious personality problems, and one manifestation of those problems is drug substance abuse. These problems are usually talked about with an absurd language which gives drugs some magical powers to be themselves good or evil. People who abuse drugs, and the people who blame them, both will tend to blame the drug itself, as if the substance had some magic powers and properties. This is the language of the liars and hypocrites which make things worse by being more dishonest. Making any drug illegal is an absurd approach. It assumes that the problem is in the drug, and not in human perceptions and precepts. Addiction is a cultural thing. ?Addiction? is defined in absurd ways by the established system, to be almost anything that one likes and wants to do again means that one is therefore addicted to that substance or behavior, except, of course, that the established system is blind to applying that definition to everything in a equal way. Rather, any habit that is frowned upon becomes an ?addiction.? However, any habit is a habit first and foremost, and habits with respect to drugs are not in the molecules of these drugs, but rather in the psychological and social behaviors of users. Drug addiction is a death culture, and it is the culture that is the problem, not the drug. Blaming these drugs, and making the drugs become illegal and criminal, is a cultural problem. The moment any drug is criminalized, a crazy culture is in control. Fortunately, if one has to be ?addicted? to some drug, then marijuana is the best ?drug? to be addicted to. The criminalization of drugs never made any logical sense, but rather, was really done for ulterior purposes. Our social system has been built on dishonesty and violence, and drug laws are an extreme example of this situation. It remains absurd even when the particular drugs can be fatal, and it becomes the most overwhelming absurd with safer drugs. Drugs with fatal overdoses tend to produce more and more effect the larger the dose one consumes, but the few drugs that do not have a fatal overdose, tend to plateau off, where a larger dose does almost nothing more. Of course, the more concentrated the drug the stronger the effects from that drug. The claim that marijuana is much more powerful now than before is only true if one is talking about the commercial availability. Marijuana plants have always had a very large range of differences in the amounts and kinds of psychoactive molecules they contained. Stronger pot is available to a larger number of people, but, marijuana plants themselves had most of the natural varieties to begin with. Even if one starts with good seeds or good clones from good plants, and grows those plants very well, one only ends up with marijuana.
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