Posted by: shree5 July 30, 2005
Legalize Pot: Canadian Experience
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Races: Marijuana and Human The pot plant is a tree of life, with male and female plants, and different races of plants. There is an analogy between the THC in pot and melanin in people. THC evolved to protect pot plants from Ultra Violet light. Melanin evolved to protect human beings from UV light. Melanin refers to a group of naturally occurring dark pigments, especially pigments found in the skin or hair in human beings. If one had the eyes of a honey bee that could see UV light, then the UV light absorbing pigments of THC would be more apparent. THC oil may be compared to the pigments found in sunscreen lotions that are not visible to human eyes, but which absorb UV light. The different races of marijuana plants, are like the different races of people. Coloured pot has too much THC oil, and that is what is prohibited, except in medical marijuana. Medical marijuana is black pot, however, that is o.k. because it can come wrapped in a white lab coat. Industrial hemp is now regarded as o.k. because it is white pot, in the sense that industrial hemp may be considered to be like an albino human being. People might benefit from using THC oil as a sunscreen. (This is only a theoretical speculation, since, now, hash oil is too expensive to actually use like that.) Since cannabis was always the same plant, whatever the name, it was suppressed from 1938 up until the early 1990?s, when industrial hemp in Canada was allowed to attempt a comeback, but under strict THC limits. The plant should be allowed to produce its own optimum amount of THC oil depending upon its growing conditions. The separation of legal industrial hemp, and legal medical marijuana, from illegal recreational pot, does not make any more logical sense than the separation of different human races. The names for the pot plants are analogous to names for the human races, and separating kinds of pot plants is analogous to separating different human races. Just as there is some science about human races, but also a vastly greater amount of prejudice, so too there is some science of pot plants, but vastly more prejudice about pot plants. All pot plants are all the same plant, like all human beings are human beings. Only some breeds of hemp, grown under the right conditions, produce significant psychoactive THC oil in their flowers. Best breeds or growing conditions were not found in Europe, but were found in the warmer climates around the world, and especially in the higher altitude tropical climates. The psychoactive THC oil present on the flowers of pot plants probably evolved in some relationship with Ultra Violet light, and to assist in protection from dehydration in the sunlight. Flowering plants have have a pistil, with stigmas, that are places where pollen can stick and be transported into the pistil for pollenation to form seeds. However, some kinds of pot plants produce lots of THC oil. Since most flowering plants have female parts which work to catch pollen, it is an oversimplification to think that marijuana plants produce THC oil to catch pollen. There is something unique in marijuana plants, the THC, that is not necessarily involved in their pollenation. Industrial hemp plants, grown to produce fibre or seeds have very little THC, but they still can get pollenated. Merely because flowering plants have sticky structures that are used to catch their pollen, does not mean that pot plants make so much THC in order to do it. Since not all cannabis plants need an abundance of resin in order to become pollenated, it is not necessarily so that the cannabis plants that do produce abundant THC oil are doing it in order to be able to be better pollenated. The original location of the evolution of pot plants that have evolved to produce an abundance of THC oil, indicates the probable botantical or biological cause. It was only the marijuana plants adapted to an abundance of sunshine, that evolved the abundance of THC oils too. When Europeans began their global conquest about 500 years ago, they had plenty of hemp, however, it was not very psychoactive. After the Europeans had mostly completed their global conquest, they had done so with their rationalizations based on racism. This racism, which was based on the reality of the struggle for power and control, found it expedient to pick particular substances or drugs, associated with different cultures, to demonize or to adopt as either a tool of exploitation, or as a tool of persecution. (Opium exported to China by English and Americans during the 19th Century is an example of a tool of exploitation.) Drug prohibition, in general, was rooted in racism, and making some drugs illegal was mostly done to create tools of persecution which originally had racist purposes. Globally, drug prohibition primarily has had a racist effect. As a global conspiracy theory, that probably was intended. Real human history has been controlled by violence and dishonesty. Real human history has been about a lot of slavery and racism. Real human history made pot prohibition. In Canada, marijuana was first made illegal in 1923 probably in order to give the government of Canada another excuse to arrest and deport people from China who were no longer wanted in Canada. The narcotic drug law system was probably set up to do that. It did do that in the original anti-opium law enforcement. The House of Commons Debates stated that the government was deporting Chinamen as fast as the government could. However, those cannabis laws were never actually needed. (After what the English and Americans did to China, back in the 19th Century, the perverse irony of that was quite awful.) Yet still, the conclusion that our cannabis laws were racist must be informed speculation, after knowing the context, more like a 2 + 2 = 4 conspiracy theory conclusion that is not directly proven by any hard evidence. In 1923, cannabis was mysteriously tacked on to the schedule of our narcotics law. In Canadian House of Commons Debates the Minister of Health simply said that there was a new drug on the schedule. The evidence shows an unknown person simply typed Cannabis indica and hash onto a copy of the law. The words typed in the law schedule by an unknown person in the government were never even spoken in Parliament. There was no debate, and indeed, no public knowledge. Official government documents from 1923 draw a blank. (See the research undertaken in government archives, as reported by P.J. Giffen, et al., in their good book Panic and Indifference: The Politics of Canada?s Drug Laws 1991, Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse) There is no direct evidence of the government?s purpose, because there is no direct evidence whatsoever for why the government originally made marijuana become criminal. Instead, still in 1923, only a few months after marijuana was deemed to be a narcotic (which is totally untrue) the government of Canada enacted a Hemp Bounties Act, that paid white farmers, mostly in Manitoba and Ontario, to grow hemp for use in binder twine and similar industries. There was an irony that between 1923 and 1938 the government had two opposite laws about fundamentally the same plant. Another irony was that Cannabis indica and hash were made illegal in 1923, but yet, nine years later, Cannabis sativa was still being allowed in medicines. That changed in 1938, when the Canadian government made growing any hemp illegal. Reading through the 1938 House of Commons Debates indicates that Canada was motivated by the U.S.A. to make future cultivation of Cannabis become criminal, including even for the government subsidized hemp farmers. One of the most ironic quotes comes from the former Prime Minister, MacKenzie King, saying that they did not want to attract any more public attention to the fact that they were putting out of businsess the hemp farmers that the government had originally subsidized to get into that business. In general, the 1938 House of Commons Debates are full of irony that they repeatedly state that they want to criminalize cannabis, however, they also wanted to call as little public attention as possible to the fact that they are criminalizing it. All hemp was outlawed because marijuana was outlawed. Canada was moved to do that by the U.S.A. influence.
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