Posted by: isolated freak June 18, 2005
What happened?
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"To be honest, I have always tried to study the demeanour of some very educated intellectuals who make subtle defence of King's autocratic moves while lodging grave allegations against the political leaders." Look, let me repeat myself again: What you consider autocratic might not be seen/considered autocratic by other "rational" human beings. How hard it is for you to understand this? "Overlooking King's mistakes but taking every chance to lambast the politicians. For eg, they commend the King's anti-corruption rhetoric. But when I ask them about the detention of Narahari Acharya and Nawaraj SUbedi (who is regarded by many as the cleanest MP in Nepal's parliamentary history), they never answer my question, forget about answering them satisfactorily. When T Giri's Loan heroics is raised in the discussion, they are blindfolded! " What about that NC guy Chataut or someone, who was blacklisted by the CIAA and had an arrest warrant against him, but was seen meeting with GP KOIRALA in Baluwatar. Kantipur even published a picture of this meeting. I am not saying everyone in pachayat was clean and pure, but Panchayat from time to time arrested high-profile people, including DB Lama and Bharat Gurung, who were in quite influential positions with all the necessary connections, when they were arrested. Good to know you are in touch with high-profile people in Nepal. I am not as lucky as you are, and I have no direct or indirtect access to the people in Shital Niwas. Congratulations on your reach and connections. I'll contact you when I have to renew my passport. "मैले आफैले आफैलाई सोध्ने गरेको छु - Isolated Freak जस्तो विदेश मामिलाको विद्वान प्रजातान्त्रिक प्रणालीमा पनि त शितल निवास भित्र अटाउन सक्छ, अनि किन उ राजाका अप्रजातान्त्रिक कदमहरुलाई देखेको नदेख्यै गर्न चाहन्छ ? के उसले पारिवारिक पहुँचबाट अलग भएर आफ्नो क्षमताका भरमा करिअर निर्माण गर्न सक्दैन र? सक्छ तर सजिलो बाटो हुँदाहुँदै किन अप्ठ्यारो बाटो हिंड्ने हैन त?" Again, what kind of childish assumption is this? What makes you think that I cannot compete.. I have full confidence in my ability and competitiveness. If i were choosing an easy path, I wouldn't have continued with my studies. Coming from a middle class family with no political connections whatsoever, I have to study, rely on my comepetitiveness and confidence. Yor are 100% mistaken to believe that I defend the King's move so that I can have an easy way out.. waht kind of logic/assumption is that? Can't people be supportive of the King thinking that may be he will be able to clean up the current mess and restore law and order in the country? If you use that kind of dangerous logic to defend yourself, you lose credibility. You don't comment on others just out of the blue based on your WILD imaginations. Let's use reverse logic: Maybe you are looking for an easy way out ebcause you have connections and parivarik pahunch with the parties. Who knows? Maybe you don't feel confident and competent enough to succeed in the King's regime. Who knows? Now you clarify your stance, so that we know you have no uletrior motives in criticizing the King. Ye baba.. bhanne ko paani euta limit huncha ni. Fine disagree with my views, that's the kind of democracy I believe in, but you don't have any rights whatsoever to ooutright label me incompetetive and all that. Challenge my views, not me. If you believe in democracy as much as you claim to, then defend your position in a non-personal, scholarly way. I have no problems with that. Having come across many briliants students/friends who donot think like me, and who just knock me out with their brilliant defense/points in class discussions/presentations and informal talks, I have come to like challenge. It only makes you refine your arguments. You are always looking for the loopholes in your own arguments and in their arguments.. and as a result you can have a great non-personal, non-offensive discussions, debates over coffee/beer. But if I follow your kind of logic, become personal with everyone .. and tell every American I come across who believes in democracy, "dude you seem to be a CIA agent".. People take PERSONAL remarks seriously, understand this simple fact. Unless you have credible facts/evidence/proof to back up your claims, you do not make such "defaming" points. I hope I made myself clear, and I do expect an apology for your outlandish claim yet again.
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