Posted by: isolated freak June 9, 2005
He Swaps wife
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Salokya, " नभए मसँग क्लबका संस्थापक, उनकी श्रीमतिको पूरा नामथर, क्लबका अन्य संस्थापकहरुको मोबाइल नम्बर, टेलिफोन नम्बर र इमेल ठेगानाहरु पनि नभएका हैनन् " Isn't this kind of blackmailing attitude? As far as I know, no sane journalist would go around saying/writing (unless it is absolutely necessary) that he has his sources names, email addresses and telephone nos. You know them that's fine, but you don't have to go around advertising that you have their nos. and addresses. पश्चिमी देशमा त यस्तो विवाद टुंगिएको छैन भने हामीकहाँ कसरी टुंगिन्छ? Paschimi desh ma sarba sadharan janta ko privacy ko raxya garincha unless they become a threat to the society. I am yet to read a story with a headline "Mr X came home drunk" or Miss Y spends too much time on her computer or Sanders family went to Walmart to shop or Mr Z watches porn .... People's privacy has to be respected. 3 years ago, a journalist claiming to be the custodian of Nepali morality published an actress's picture, and she had to commit suicide because of that. I think our journalists need to be more careful and instead of revealing or threatening to reveal (I have their phone nos and contact addresses) their (private citizens) identity and activities details, should look at themselves and see how moral they are and what RIGHTS do they have to "blackmail" people. What happened to Shisha Karki? She was not even famous, hardly anyone knew her (unless you were a huge nepali film fan) and one of your people publishes her pictures to "presreve the morality of the society". What the F***... Its a different thing if they were swapping spouses in Tundikhel with a loudspeaker on, but they are not doing it. They are not affecting your life, nor the society in any way. They are doing what they feel like doing. Its like you blogging. What next? Mr X and Ms Y found drinking coke in nanglo!- Look how liberal we are getting! Just my view. IF PS: I like your blogs. Keep blogging!
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