Posted by: Paani June 7, 2005
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POONTE, LIE FROM ME ? for what ? Do you even know me ? DO NOT ASSUME POONTE !! You said " This much, we did well -- you and others, including the government's official mouth pieces like the Gorkhapattra, were forced to pick up on the news of us making noise." I AM NOT EVEN A KING SUPPORTER AND YOU LIKE A TYPICAL MORON.. ARE TALKING TO ME LIKE ONE. YOU THINK YOU ARE SOME KIND OF AN EXPERT(what qualifies you as an expert in nepal relations do you live there ? Except for the chatters and newspapaers which everyone has access to ? AND YOUR MEANINGLESS PROTEST HAS DONE WHAT ? Except provide a PLATFORM FOR THOSE OPPERTUNISTS. I have a feeling you are also one of them(TRYING TO GET A PEICE OF THE PIE JUST LIKE A GRAFTER). ALL I SEE YOU DO HERE IS MAKE NOISE FOR PUBLICITY I DO NOT SEE YOU MAKING ANY CONSTRUCTIVE SUGEGSTIONS. You talk as if there were no atrocities taking place at all before Gyaney took over. As a matter of fact was worse. ONCE I AM NOT A SUPORTER BUT I AM WILLING TO GIVE HIM A CHANCE. cause if he does not fix it its the end of his royal family and he hoas everything to loose. He did say he will restore democrasy and freedom once the country becomes stable.
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