Posted by: saroj May 12, 2005
Nepali in Nepal's reaction to DC rally..
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All these people who are super concerned with democracy and ending king's rule, have you ever thought what's going to happen if the king decides he's had it and steps down for good. Maybe let's say goes to some other country. What do you think is going to happen in Nepal. Do you think your Democracy is suddenly going to come and everything will be sunny and nice? Ok, I know what you're going to say. You're going to say it's going to take time. Ok, how long? 20 years? 40 years? 100 years? Looking at our country's situation I don't believe that your ideal democracy is ever going to be established in Nepal. As soon as the king steps down, there is going to be a power vaccuum that will create power struggle among the so called democracy loving politicians. We all know it's going to be a dog eat dog situation. Dogs/politicians fighting for the piece of meat/power. You are all concerned about how King and his family are above the law and how they are taking advantage of their position. Do you think that as soon as your so called democracy comes there won't be any politicians that will take advantage their position? In fact instead of one family, there will be 50 different families who will be taking advantage of their new found power. Your zeal in fighting for democracy is praiseworthy specially so far from home but you are not being practical. Nepal is an ailing state. It is seriously lacking in leadership. Before the Feb 1 move, the country was heading towards a downwards spiral as we all know and now there is some kind of progress that is evident in some kind of stability which is increasing more and more. I know you are going to say that only Kathmandu is fine but the rest of the country is not since it's controlled by the Maoists. Are you saying that after the king leaves his power and the democratic government takes over the Maoists are going to hand over thier conquests in a silver platter just because now it's the democratic government? Dream on. That is never going to happen. Just like King and Maoists are separate, the Democratic movement and Maoist movements are mutually exclusive. If you think that as soon as there is democracy, the maoist problem is gonna go away, it's time for you to wake up and be practical. You are hopeful but hope is one thing and reality is another. Your democracy is NOT going to be better than the King's current move. Your democracy is going to KILL more people because you try to show a hope for a utopia that is never going to exist. What you are all rallying for is to make Nepal a battleground where peace will NEVER exist. You are all in relishing in your american lifestyles asking the US and other donors to stop the aid that is badly needed by our countrymen. Your think people who don't appreciate the value of democracy are stupid, but I think people who are engulfed in thier imaginary utopian government for Nepal without a pinch of vision of reality are suffereing from displaced nationalism. Yes you love your country but your peripheral visions have been blinded by your hopes of utopia that will never happen. Right now the best bet is to let the King do his thing for the 3 years that he asked for. Hopefully by the end of three years there will be a change in the faces of politicians that we see. We're tired of the same old politicians. We definitely need some new faces with forward thinking ability. From reading and communicating with people in nepal, it seems like the king is doing a good job so he deserves a chance. Looks like a big percentage of the people are happy with the way things are than they were before. Seeing the ralleys and agitations it paints a different picture because the low percentage of people who are unhappy with the way things are unfortunately make the LOUDEST noise. And educated people like us should ignore these few people and try to be more practical and try to help build our nation instead of constanty trying to stop any kind of development because the politicians want to desperately come into power and make Nepal the worst place on earth. Just imagine the state of Nepal when the King Steps down. What do you see then?
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