Posted by: surendras April 27, 2005
Photo Kabita
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Thank you! all - for keeping photokabita alive. This is another one from, Manjul. lhGbuL ;f/?\uLdf afFw]sf] tf/h:tf] 5 - d~h'n cfOlng, lhGbuL g ltdLn] rfx]h:tf] 5 g d}n] rfx]h:tf] 5 5f]P/ x]/ t of] t ;f/?\uLdf afFw]sf] tf/h:tf] 5 slxn] ?of?Nof? km'l:sPsf] slxn] tgSs tlGsPsf] slxn] dL7f] u/L /d/dtL aHg] slxn] aHbfaHb} r8\of? r'l8g] cfOlng, lhGbuL g ltdLn] rfx]h:tf] 5 g d}n] rfx]h:tf] 5 5f]P/ x]/ t of] t ;f/?Ldf afFw]sf] tf/h:tf] 5 hfGg] ufOg]n] ahfof] eg] gldn]sf] tf/ klg ldN5 VofnVofn}df p;n] rfn]sf cf}+nfx?af6 dL7f] w'g lg:sG5 ghfGg]n] ahfof] eg] ldn]s} tf/ klg s0f{s6' w'g cf]s]Ng] d'xfg aG5 s] eGg] < ;fob lhGbuL ;f/?Ldfq xf]Og, clnslt cf}+nf klg xf] ;fob lhGbuL ef]Ug'dfq xf]Og, xlnslt 1fg klg xf] dL7f] u/L aH5 eg]/ d}n] d]/f] jfbsnfO{ 3f]8fsf] k'R5/sf /f}+x? Nofpg nufPF uhf]df afFWg nufPF t/ ;/ud;Fu ldNg' t stfstf 3f]8fsf] k'R5/ 3f]8} eP/ a8\lsof] ddfly lxglxgfof] af}nfxf eP/ bf}l8of] ddfly To;}n] ;f/?Ldf k/]sf] vf]laN6f] n'sfP/ n'Sg ;s]g lhGbuL o:t} 5, g ltdLn] ;f]r]h:tf] 5 g d}n] ;f]r]h:tf] 5 plxn]?plxn] s;}n] ;f/?Ldf afFw]sf] tf/h:tf] 5 w'g t cd]l/sfsf] klg aH5 , /l;ofsf] klg :k]gsf] klg aH5, g]kfnsf] klg a]Unfa]Un} jfbsn] a]Unfa]Un} kf/fn] ahfpF5g\ t/ ;/ud agfpg] :j/ t Pp6} g xf] hf] ;f/?Ldf a;]sf] x'G5, hf] ;a} afhfdf a;]sf] x'G5 To;}n] ltd|f] cg'xf/df ;fFem kbf{ d}n] tf/fx? hl8lbPF ltdL zfGt PsfGtsf] tnfp eP/ ?bfF d}n] h"g ?ofFlslbPF ltdLn] klg dnfO{ /fd|/L lrg]sL 5}gf} xfd|f] uf9f ldqtf ePsf] 5}g t/ ltdL xfF;]sf] b]v]/ d klg To;} xfFl;lbPF af}nfxfh:tf] of eg afnsh:tf] of s'g} ko{6s d':s'/fPsf] b]v]/ s'g} :jb]zL xfF;]h:tf] lsgls lhGbuL g ltdLn] rfx]h:tf] 5 g d}n] rfx]h:tf] 5 of] t j|x|df08df em'lG8Psf] cs}{ Pp6f ;f/?Lsf] tf/h:tf] 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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