Posted by: Sangey April 7, 2005
Canadian Immigration
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As per the question of who is ripping off who, I believe it is the immigrants who are often illegally or illegitimately taking advantage of the government benefits. But I also believe that happens because of the well intentioned but loose policies set forth by the parliament and the inadequate management by the government. Canada is the most open and welcoming country. This has to do with not only the fact that Canada does need more productive citizens - by golly, country is one of the largest in land mass - but also because Canada holds firmly to the philosophy of immigrant nation, the philosophy of "Send Us Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses Yearning To Be Free", the philosophy that the US of A has now pretty much forgotten. As for those of you who keep harping about the lesser opportunities available at the north as compared to the south of the border, what do you expect? Hello, have you been living under a stone in Mars? Canada's population is around 30 million (not much more than Nepal's 26 million) with GDP of around $1 Trillion. Compare that with the US's 285 million population and almost $10 Trillion GDP. Obviously there are bound to be more opportunities in bigger economy. One should be aware of those figures before one chooses to immigrate to either country. I am not sure how true is the notion that there are Phd's driving cabs and MD's serving at fast food joints. I have not run into one as yet. Even if it is true, I am sure most of those folks are in those so called "lowly" but nonetheless respectable positions only temporarily, until they can get their skills certified by Canadian boards and so that they can move on and work in their respective fields. I think it is a good policy that foreign credential needs to be rigorously checked and certified by the domestic board in order to make sure that it meets the standards prevalent in the land. I would not want to be treated by a doctor who got his degree in Somalia from a university that may or may not exist, would you? Furthermore, if you are good in your field, you will find plenty of job opportunities in Canada. Sure, competition is there, but if you have solid credentials that cater to market needs, you will find employment sooner or later. And the enterprising ones create their own jobs if they can't find one. Canada has one of world's best support system in place for entrepreneurs. People are just too keen on blaming the country for their lack of ability and industriousness I am sick and tired of the fools who are more than willing to take advantage of what the country has to offer, while deriding it for their own shortcomings.
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