Posted by: world_map April 6, 2005
Photo Kabita
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Another of Bhupi's spellbinding poem on "shahids" of Nepal. Ironically, more than eleven thousand stars have fallen from Nepal's sky, still the formation of peaceful Nepal is far from the horizon. e"lk z]/rg zxLbx?sf] ;D?gfdf x'Fb}g laxfg ld/ld/] tf/f ?/]/ guP aGb}g d'n's b'O?rf/ ;k"t d/]/ guP cf]7df xfF;f], ufnfdf nfnL ta cfpF5 hut\sf] b]zsf] kL/n] e]6L ha jL/n] r9fpF5 /utsf] 3fF6Ldf kmfF;Lsf] dfnf ufF;L jL/n] xfF:tf dft[e"dLs]f r/0f 9f]lu efUb5 bf;tf pd|Gg af]6 s;}n] aLpF 5/]/ guP xfdLn] vfg] k|To]s ufF;df /ut 5 zxLbsf] xfdLn] km]g]{ k|To]s ;f;df /ut 5 zxLbsf] xfd|f] d'6'sf] k|To]s rfndf 5 w6sg zxLbsf] xfd|f] v';Lsf] k|To]s kndf 5 hLjg zxLbsf] kfpg] lyPgf} v'zL ltgn] 5f8]/ guP xfdLn] cf?gf] st{Jo lj;]{ Oltxf;n] lwsfnf{ uf]ln lgn]sf zxLbsf Kof/f tL nfzn] lwsfnf{ w/tLn] d'v nfhn] 5f]Knf, cfsfzn] lwsfnf{ zxLb /f]nfg\ xfdLn] pGglt u/]/ guP x'b}g laxfg ld/ld/] tf/f ?/]/ guP aGb}g d'n"s b'O?rf/ ;k"t d/]/ guP ?
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