Posted by: Andrew WA March 28, 2005
What religion do you call yourself?
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I am a Christian. This is why I am a Christian: I was born into a Christian family but when I got older I started to question it and why would I just follow my parents. I had to make my faith its own. I questioned my faith so much in my teenaged years and even denied it a few times. But I kept comming back to it. The reason is all other religions seem to think that to get to "heaven" or "enlightenment" you have to do works. You have to read the vidas etc, the magavahdgita you should practice yoga and never eat meat. You have to constantly worship the gods and goddesses and meditate with them. There is no forgivness you have to please the gods. If you dont please them you dont get anything. With muslims you have to read the Koran and pray 5 times a day. you have soooo much works to do. You have to constantly be good and try your best to bne perfect. Also with catholics you have to be good and do works to get saved and then when you die you STILL end up in purgatory and have to work your way to perfection. In reality no on is perfect and we are all sinners. We all do bad things. Even if we have done ONE bad thing we are in no way like any god. There is basically no perfection in humanity, only corruption. No matter how hard I try to be good I cant. I always end up sinning. There are so many rules and laws to follow in all religions its impossible for ANYONE to keep them!! If anyone is honest with themselves they will admit they dont do everything their religion asks of them and they also do sinful things. In Christianity Jesus Christ is God who came down in the form of a man and died for our sins. He took all of the crimes against God we did for all generations of people who accept Christ all throughout history and even future!! He took them all so when God looked down He saw perfect people and only 1 imperfect person which is Jesus Christ. Christ took our punishment, He was perfect. His punishment was brutal. There is no way to repay Him for what He has done. He was risen from the dead and is alive in Heaven. Now we are considered pure and perfect if we believe and ask for forgivness. Christ will never leave us and we can go to heaven. God demands absolute holiness because He is Holy. We in no way can be this. So He made for a way for us to get saved. Sin has to be punished with bloodshed so Christ took the punishment. God loves us and did us a favor. It is our fualt we sinned. One of the things people cant accept is the fact Christians believe in absolute truth. We believe in right and wrong. We have discerning spirits that can tell the differences. Since we have such strong convictions about morality and God other people who do not believe get angry. It is not our fualt that God commands us to love Him and ONLY Him. If people could just learn to accept that fact we believe in an absolute truth for ourselves and just let it go then there would be a better world. I think the anti-conversion law shold be changed. Nepal needs a society that has free thought. People should be allowed to choose their own beliefs and be able to speak their minds. If people are converted then its their choice! Leave them alone! Stop trying to control religion and the way people think. Jesus Christ who is God DOES say that everyone HAS to follow Him and only Him to get true salvation, but HE DOES NOTY FORCE IT! Nor does He ask Christians to force people to convert! He says to go into all the world and tell everyone about His name so they can hear the good news. Its up to the individual to accept that. It is not up to the Christian to force anyone. People come to Christ willingly and THAT IS ALL CHRIST WANTS! WIlling people!! Not force!!! Also Christianity is a belief of TRUTH and ONE WAY. People keep trying to eprvert the name of God all the time. All I know is if a Christian does not read the bible and follow the way of life it commands and believe it is the absolute infallible word of God then in reality they are not Christians at all and simply just a cult from it. Im not trying to be offensive im just stating fact. Its their choice to do this but its not Christianity. One of the bad things in this world is the popular trend of moral relativism where people think morality and faith is up to the individual. "Whats right for me is not whats right for you" etc...this is a terrible thing that mainly America is brainwashing everyone with. Not that America is a bad country its just many foreigners who go there get corrupted by their immorality and illogical thinking. As for greedy corrupt pastors stealing money from everyone those people are NOT CHRISTIASN! They are perverting the name of Christ for their own personal material gain. These people are evil and not of God. They claim to be able to heal and have magic powers but its a lie. DOnt believe everything you see on TV. According to the Bible they will be burning in Hell when they die. Christianity is the only logical choice for me. It has been proven in history, archeology and in personal peoples lives. If you go by the Bible our belief is actually older then Hinduism. But thats only if you believe the Bible to be true.
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