Posted by: Dananah March 25, 2005
Lets Talk 'bout SOCCER
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geordie bro...ajo holi ho?hehe malai thaha thiyona..until now ;o) hehe..well hapy holi to u and everyone...hopefully u played and for me too ;o)..long time bhoyo nakheyla ka..and most prob will be quiet long before i play it...:o)...habit bhoisakio holi nakhelna even if i knew it was hehe..anyways enuf of tragic story and back to football ;oP and yap football is a teams game :o)..thats the whole magic of it ..hoina :o)...(well who cares for the other team biased ..;oP)..yap 1 or 2 charismatic players dun make a team...tho a good team smtimes one those kinda players..when well team needs magic ;oP hehe...but yap team first ni :o)...and 1990 ko ta world cup mention garda..hehe dyam yaad ayo..the jhagada between Voeller and Rijjkard..wahahahaha...(german won that match..tho i like to think if would have been diff if rijkaard was still around for the whole match :o)...and of cos german won the cup then too :o)... 1994 ma ta..if branca hadnt shot such a classic banana..well it was anyones match..:o)...and yap brasil won the cup then :o)...and 1998...semis ma pheri basil lai bhetio..and well..i think it was hollands game if u ask me :o)...(maybe cos im biased ;oP..nah seriously in that..i dun think i was that biased :o).. )and well it came to penalty shootouts..and nah...i never do think the better team wins in a penalty shootout...seen it too much to..change me mind hehe..sorry alik thick headed chu ;oP...and well..i still believe the Orange would have come on top of Orange..if they were in the finals..kina ho kina ho hehe..biased?yap iagree with u..i think so i am ..;oP i really thot it was their year...since England pheri jhuur para..penalty shootout dhekin out..and i still dun see wat was wrong in that Sol campbell goal which wasnt allowed....ref said..Shearer impeded the keepr..well..maybe i was blind to not notice that..:o)..yap being biased isnt good ;oP...(and dun wanna talk about someones oscar winnin acting on the field hai :o)..tension..when i see too much actin on the field...) and jagata ta huncha players ma..saab ta stars ho..and big headed ;o) ni esto big headed chu..uni haru kasto hola?wahahahaha..but well..wat was happenin ke tha...politics ta ja pani huncha..gotta live with that :o)..PASSION uni haru ko thiyo ki thiyena..alik well..nabhannum hai..:o)..just cos some players didnt perform..well..hey heard of burn out or out of form?dherai biased hunu hunna ni..and esp believe the press too..they exaggerate too much ke ;oP hehe and well Van basten isnt too pleased..cos he sees them leakin too much goals which shouldnt be in the 1st place..:o)...ask anyone about their country's team..esp a football fanatic..they tell u how weak they are..and in wat..etc...wont stop :o)..everyone is a perfectionist ni ;o)...but of cos if someone else tries to tell them to that...alik defensive huncha ni ;o) that err...called Love?Love for their football..Love for their team...and their country?well mero country ta England hoina..nor holland..but hehe football ma chai..i dunno..alik heart set bhoyo jastai cha ...kasari yo heart lai manauney?jidde cha..mero tauko bhanda wahaha ;oP and ppl gives names to teams....cos dhat..they got a reasons ni..maybe nonsensical maybe not..;oP....and of cos they like giving names..humans ko habit ;oP.. wahahaha as they smoke if theres no fire :o)...there must be some logical reasons why those names were given to them and not other teams :o)... and about RVN herum who the manager chooses..if u were..we know u wouldnt ..not now anyways ;oP...well he just came back from a long injury...and well..of cos a bit rusty and out of form..and how they perform in training only the manager sees and hehe..dhat...have u seen a central striker like RVN?any teams will accept him with open arms :o)...he can go past players...has the height and strength....can shoot with both the right place in the right hard for the team..and most importantly can head ;o)..hehe..wat else do u want from a striker :o)... ani kaha dutch players matrai..saab over rated..ppl like to spice up stuffs ni..more tastier ke..;oP....but of cos they dun get rated highly for nothing :o)... and they do top their Q group right now it loks good..but i guess its never over until is the Q is done..and step World cup ;o) hehe..herum ke ke huncha :o)..its a tough group they are in..and well these days..none of the so called minnows teams of the past..are minnows..everyones standard is good in europe..:o) well..may the better teams qualify..:o).. and geordie bro?whoever re?hehe..thats for me to know..and hopefully u never find out..;oP...good things ta is good to share..but these days too lobi ke hehe..;oP..and well hopefully she is playin holi :o)...if not ..hehe she is a busy person ni ;o)...and if she read here or not..i dunno...if she read and doesnt wanna reply hehe she has her own reason..and if she hasnt read here yet..better still...dun wanna her to start writing too much its not good(well im tellin from me view ;oP)..but of cos she writes better than me..:o) she is more logical..than me :o)...tho she is biased about some teams hehe...anyways herum if she writes..:o)...dun expect one...if ur gonna be too disappointed if she never writes..;oP...hehe and are u gonna watch the matches this weekend?i dun think they are showing it here.not even on cable!!!GRRR.dyam this country!(not so football friendly hyaa..:o(...aru chiz ma ta ramro ni cha..:o)..)hope u do...enjoy ur football :o) rose ji..hope u get to watch the matches too...better than F1 i reckon ;oP now dun show me ur temper...cos if u ke huncha hai ;oP... harke ke ho!i got lots of words for u..but ajo ko lai pugyo..herum if i will write next time ;o)....but one thing...kina euta pani Spanish team the Champs league right now ;oP..wahahaha..dhat..just pani Spanish football ko fan ni ho :o)..i think they got a pretty good balance of both English football...and Italian football..and of cos entertaining footballl :o)...but jay para khelus football English team england ta...they give their dumb kukurs ; ta dumb kukurs ko fan ho...maybe i am one?;oP wahahaha...i think beckham is doin quite well there..:o)..kay many stars there..some might not notice him for his football..cos too many to see..tirimiri ni ;o)...and well if ppl notice him..maybe not for his football..hehe saab kaha football followers..just look at football..when well..there is more to look than football these days hoina ;o)... when will womens league be as popular?waitin for that day ho ..then we can discuss about women players..and just for their football..;oP...right bhanney..Mia hamm matrai alik yaah aucha..and she too has retired from international football hoina?well one thing for sure..she sure can kick me arse in football wahahaha..dyam shes good :o)...and well saw the england kit?ma ta drool ;o)..and not at the english football playerni who modelled it..hehe forgot her name..guess i need to see her kick some balls before i can remember hehe.. anyways too long hehe.. gday.. danny
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