Posted by: coffee333 March 15, 2005
u wau want to smile but u have to sigh!!
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i thought now i should write too. it happened a day i was on my way to oklahoma and i had problem in the brakes. it was making sound.. and i was driving at a speed of my 85 m/hr or up. i tried to halt the speed.. oh no.. Brakes Failed!!!! i tried more than 10 times and finally its speed started halting and came to rest. i knew i could not drive this car anylonger until it got fixed. it was around 7.00 pm or so. all i did was i called my friends in oklahoma city.. and they were are around 60 miles away. so there was nothing i could do. kinda scary too. anything could be possible. somebody could rob you or i could remember the story of sniper too.. finally! a red neck parked the car next to mine.. and her sister came out of the car and knocked on the window.. and asked me.. if i need any help. i explained her the problem in the car. she was like an angel for me.. she said.. her brother is a certified mechanics. i got out of the car.. and talked to him.. he was scott. a pure red neck. he was high too. i asked him if he could help me out with the brakes of the car. he was like... brakes are my speciality. i was so relieved. Scott started working on the wheels and i thought i should not make them feel odd.. so i started talking to them just for the sake of giving them company. Whitney (sister) was 35 and scott was 38. Whitney told me they have five dogs in their van and asked me if i would like to meet them. Well i was not in that mood for sure... but i like dogs too.. and i thought its good idea to at least walk to next to the car and see their dogs. she opened the door and introduced me with their dogs... Five dogs.. Two were Huge. she started talking about their (dogs) family lineage.. and breeds. All five dogs had their names.. and i dont remember it now.. because i always thought there were a lot of good things in the world to remember. Its good to remember the biochemical structure Steroid than the names of dogs or somethings like that. so the scene is more like she was talking and talking and talking.. i was mostly acting as if i have all my ears for her... and i pretended as if i am paying all my 110% attention on her talks. White lies...!!! anywayz.. i could see scott was working hard on the wheels. and i was just crossing my fingers.. that he would fix it. finally i asked her where they were heading towards. she said they were coming from Florida , Melborn (spelling could be wrong) and headed towards a city (forgot the name but it was like another 2 hours drive from oklahoma city). she said.. they went to Fl to get these dogs. they like dogs. i was just nodding my head but honestly i was not paying any attention on her talks rather i was much worried if scott will be able to fix it or not. then i realized maybe i sould stand around my car than their van so that i could have few words with scott too.. .. just trying to make sure... he was the myaan!! heheheehehe... wooooo hoooooooo!!! Scott fixed it.. i did test drive and amazing.. brakes were so perfectly working.. wow!!! i called my friends at oklahoma city and told them i met somebody and they fixed the car.. so i would catch them after an hour.. i was much relieved. i said .. scott you guys are more like angels to me..i was so worried half an hour ago.. and see i am smiling now and this smile is more than a million dollar.. and you gave it to me.. i offered him cigaretts... because i was smoking. he said.. he doesnt drink or smoke cigaretts.. and asked me if i have weeds, he would take it. Well, i said i dont carry weeds in my car.. dont want to put myself in trouble... but i have very good access of weeds and all of my friends in oklahoma city smoke weeds. hehehe... i was lying.. i just wanted to assure him that i am just like him.. smoking weeds!! hehehe... now it was time to pay him off. well.. nepali ko baani ta ho. i started buttering... i said.. i liked his hat .. his van.. and their dogs.. are the best in the world. i asked him what he does for earning.. and he said one of his relative died recently and left 200 Acres of land and he fixes cars and drive 18 wheeler truck sometimes. i said.. ok.. why dont you plant roses in your 200 acres land.. and do the business of rose.. myaaan you could make million dollar in few years. i knew i was like .. giving him suggestion as if i am an expert.. hehe.. i knew i was trying my best to pay him as little as i could just by giving him a dream of millionaire. as if he is a future millionaire.. and ... whatever i am about to pay him is nothing so that he could waive it too. i know i was being mean and greedy. but i tried my luck on it too. i was shocked he said..he wants to put his trailer on that 200 acres land and he likes see sun shines.. in the morning... he wants to see red sun sets in the evening.. under the sky. he likes dogs.. 200 acres will be good land for dogs to play around. he wants to do puppy's business in that 200 acres of land because last year one of his dog gave birth to 4 puppies.. he made $1000 dollars by selling them. so he was thinking about owning 5 female dogs so that he could easily make $5000 dollars a year. he was telling me about his dreams in a very jolly mood. and thats was i was waiting for.... a perfect timing.. i gave him $10 bill and said i am so impressed with his plans. guess what????? you wont believe it... i could see the charm in his eyes. he was so happy as if he had a million dollar winning lottory ticket in his hand. God! i could not believe it. i can read his body langauge and can still picture his every gesture. that was the happy ending of my story... i got my job done in $10 dollars.. which worths at least more than $200 dollar that i know honestly. No one will come with you to get ur car fixed in the free way so easily. Scott and Whitney! both were gone.. i was back on my way. I was thinking what would i have done if i had 200 Acres of land. God! he was so happy with his life and living with puppies..... then i saw..the life is an art of living! the life is an art of living. its like a painting and everything you face or everything that comes and goes in life will add an extra color in our life... all we need to pick the desired color from the diveresed patterns of color of life.. and put it in canvas and create a painting of living. Give a reason to ppl to contemplate on your art and learn few things from it. Scott and Whitney gave me the painting brush.. and now i could select the color and make my own painting. the art of living. sorrow, pain , happiness, pleasure, jilting, tears, or smiles.. they are also colors of life.. and it depends on your will... which color you like the best... or how you like to create the painting of your life. it depeds on which color you want to put in the canvas of your life. Scott and Whintey have changed my life in my ways. i am very obliged towards them. Niman and Shaheeba! thank you for sharing ur experience. we live life together...... lets see the sun shines and sun sets and dreams in the blues sky. thank you.
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