Posted by: baibhav February 3, 2005
King made Right Decision
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Looks like my thinking is more aligned to what Gaaunle put forward. As in every other incident in Nepal, we all of a sudden got a lot of people either supporting or opposing KG?s recent move. And, what surprises me is there are a certain block of people who support and celebrate whatever the incident is. In a sense we are lucky that we can celebrate on almost anything: we celebrated in 2046, 2036, 2017, 2007 and going as back as when there was a ?sindure jatra? for Ran Bahadur. So before we celebrate and throw a party this time, shouldn't we pause and think whether it indeed is a good move or not? We have no doubt that these politicians have deceived us in every instance in the last few years. They hurt our feelings by changing their faces and colors on every opportunity. They made the mockery of the parliament and the democratic systems as a whole. Now, the people have slowly started to realize that their vote is indeed powerful thing that turned these struggling ?sadak chaps? from rags to riches. It was the power of our vote. Would they vote again for these corrupted and self-centered leaders? May be not with much excitement as they did earlier; or may be they are already ready to discard them altogether. What we as a public tend to forget is: we are the ones who put these guys there and we have to share the blame too. Looks like we public as well as palace have already mastered the blame theory: always find somebody else to blame when something goes wrong. And, when it comes beyond our comprehension, we just blame India. When do we actually start taking the responsibility and stop being on the defensive side? What I never understood is: since when did we hand over the democracy to these leaders? I know we handed the mandate to run the government, these people are there for just governing purpose; I do not think we have handed our freedom and democracy as a whole. All this time I was thinking democracy was still in the hand of public, and a constitutional monarch could do nothing about it; it would be too soon to tell if it is still in our hand or not. We know for sure this move has given a serious blow to the corrupted leaders, but did it do any damage to the Maoists at all? I do not see it. I do think it has added more people to their ideological belief of republic. The media is already in the government control now, so we should not be surprised if we hear the victory from Royal Nepalese Army side to contain Maoists and the incident like in Holleri may not even come to the news. We can see that Maoists problem is already solved for last couple days. We did not hear anybody killed in last couple days. Now let?s celebrate that government have been given charge of what news to deliver that way we get to hear only the pleasant ones and the progress we have made under the leadership of monarchy as we did in the last few hundred years which just stopped all of a sudden after 1990. When a politician asks for a public vote, he creates a manifesto of his plans. If the politician does not perform as we wish, we can take him out of his office in the next election; basically that is our way of correcting something. Similarly, KG has his plan of making Nepal sound and smooth in next 3 years. I wish he be successful in doing that because that is good for all of us. What if he cannot do that? Do we have power to kick him out without bloodshed? Or, does that mean we should start gathering our muscles to come to the streets again if needed? Anyways, let?s celebrate on the grand occasion on the killing of infant democracy by somebody whose family is in the power for last few hundred years and Nepal has not progressed anywhere; and lets also congratulate our leaders who ignited it by adding fuel to the flame. I am just trying to apply the blame theory myself here. If the democratic systems and the parties are to blame for all the mischief, is there anything at all that these royals have to be blamed for? If all these parties did the mockery of democratic systems by corruption and self-fulfillment, didn?t these royals did mockery of monarchy by suspicious massacre inside the royal palace? We are so used to listening and giving these stories a soothing to our liking that we won?t be surprised anymore if the next day Nepal Radio broadcasts that Madab Kumar Nepal kills Girija Prasad Koirala and commits a suicide after that. Believe me eyewitness will be produced; people in power can prove anything.
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