Posted by: posh February 2, 2005
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FYI Press release from HURPEC News Release: Nepal: Royal Coup led to State of Emergency and uncertainty! International organizations condemns!! After the Royal Coup today by the King Gyanendra shacking the coalition government of the Sher Bahadur Deuba, the King has declared the State of Emergency making house arrest of the former Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba and other political leaders, and cutting the telephone and internet lines, and shutting down the public medias. The king has also suspended several provisions in the constitution including the freedoms of press, speech and expression; the freedom to assemble peacefully, the right to privacy, the constitutional protection against news censorship, and the right against preventive detention. "This move is just an another step of the King to re-establish the Autocratic Monarchial System that was dismissed by the 1990 People Movement", HURPEC International President Milan Karki said, "We have been opposing the King's move and saying that it was always unconstitutional and anti-democratic since October 4, 2002 take over the King Gyanendra". ?The King of Nepal is just a constitutional King, and he doesn?t have any such power to sack the government on his own decision. But, by doing so, the King has shown it?s dictating policy and his will to establish his direct rule?, president Karki said further, ?We, the Human Rights Activists always want democracy and human rights in Nepal, and we never accept the Direct Rule of the King which is just anti-democratic?. ?We, the HURPEC International asks the King Gynendra for immediate and unconditional release of all the Political Leaders who are in house arrest, and restore Human Rights and People?s Democracy in the Nation?, HURPEC International has said in a Press Statement today. ?The international community has now crucial role to protect the civilians and restore people?s rights and democracy in Nepal?, HURPEC International states. After the Royal Palace Massacre of 1 June 2001, Nepal has fallen into serious political crisis and during the period of last three years, over 9,000 people have been killed on the way of Maoist Insurgency and the anti-war by the State Forces. The Human Rights of the people is in severe crisis. Last week, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour had criticized the human rights abuses by the State Forces and said, "A climate of impunity prevails in this country as a result of which the rule of law, the fundamental glue of any society, is being worryingly eroded". Criticizing against Royal Coup, High Commissioner Ms. Arbour called on King Gyanendra to "ensure that the democratic institutions of the state are reinstalled without delay". Similarly, the Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and International Commission of Jurists have expressed their serious concern over the Royal Takeover and said, ?The international community must make it immediately clear to the king that by assuming power he is directly responsible for protecting the people of Nepal and safeguarding their fundamental human rights?. News Released by: HURPEC International Head Office 25 Trailwood Drive, Unit: 1805 Mississauga, On L4Z 3K9, Canada Phone: (905) 568 - 7289 Email: URL:
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