Posted by: isolated freak February 1, 2005
King Gyanendra to make Royal Announcement
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First of all, from what I have seen, Musharraf and his political gang is far (I mean FAR) more educated, articulate, modern-thinking, forward-looking, visionary and connected to the people they rule than King G and his vision-deprived crooks who hail from the OLD SCHOOL. Poonte bro, We don't know who the King will be choosing as of today. So let's just not jump to conclusions right now. I don't think he will choose someone from the Panchayat era... who knows he might assemble a team of intellctuals like he did in 2002. My guess is, he won't choose the people who have failed previously. It will be a fresh team. Our country has educated, visionary people too. "I admit I lack any knowledge of specifics in Pakistan's development after the last military coup. However, just as a general observation, one can argue that even though India and Pakistan were literally born together with almost the same level of development, look at how far Pakistan lags behind India now, which, among other factors, of course, can be partly attributed to India's committment to democracy ever since it's inception. While Pakistan got embroiled in social conservatism due to religous rigidity, and politcal backwardness due to intermittent military rules, India, despite it's mound of problems, slowly but surely rose to hitch a ride in economic and social prosperity. " Pakistan udner Musharraf is more peaceful and less corrupt than it was under Benzir and Nawaz (Kaplan, 2002/3); Zakaria, 2003). I agree about the democracy part. Pakistan is behind India because it never enjoyed political stability due to the failure of democratic regimes, but India is behind China.. and India is behidn China because India is a democracy. Russia is failing because its a democracy, China is developing because its not [yet a western style] democracy. Pakistan because its uner Musharraf, doesn't have to deal with communal strifes, corruption and fanatical ideologies that India has to deal with. "This is not to say I advocate the notion that democracy based on Western thoughts should, and must, be appied to every society on earth. However, I seriously wonder if Nepal and other underdeveloped countries can really prosper if their leaders dictate what/how the governed should think. Cultural, social and geographical aspects aside, FREE MINDS that democracy promotes is an absolute necessity in ANY society's prosperity, be it economic, intellectual, or social. " No. Freedom minus elections.. is also acceptable. Hoina? Elections nai huna parcha bhanne ta chaina ni bro, mero bichar ma. Democracy supplemented by the rule of law should be the ultimate goal of Nepal. Noone can dream of imposing rana or panchayat regime now. Things have changed, however people along with political rights want economic oppurtunities and its the latter that is more important to people, if global surveys are to be believed. So a phase-wise manner with teh ultimate goal to having a liberal democracy is more sensible. Also many people are contesting democracy and development theory. Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Chile.. and look at Russia, Nepal, Central Asian States, African democracies going downhill. " THAT is why I think Nepal fell far behind because Panchayat shunned FREE MINDS, and THAT is why I don't see a bright future for Nepal if it is to revert back to Panchayat era, as the initial moves of King G indicates. " panchayat was 3 lost decades. If you ask me, I personal;ly do not have any problem with the system.. the system failed because the people were corrupt. IF the people were responsible, in that 30 eayrs time, we could have come a long way.. economic development would have forced the state to implement the institutions of democracy and the rule of law, and tdoay we would be having democracy quite similar to that of the Asian Tigers.. "SO, I know you and I will have vast differences on these issues, but it's no secret that I take immense pleasure in trusting your capacity to argue with civility and articulate reasonings. Therefore, I hope you also understand that these differences are limited to intellectual discussions, and I otherwise hold a great personal admiration for you" No.. I know you hold deep grudges.,. and are planning on "lakheting" me holding a Sirupate Khukuri in your rifght hand and a beer bottle in your left.. from Baneswor to Gyaneshow.. from Mandikhatar to Baluwataar.. kasam yaar.. tyo chyattya petticoat laune habsini le phone garera bhanya!!! Come on Poonte bro, we have been exchanging views in Sjaha for a long time. I udnerstand your POV. And I respect those. La alik Sur launa janey hoina?
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