Posted by: isolated freak February 1, 2005
King Gyanendra to make Royal Announcement
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What is the point of taking over something that He took over, and had complete control of since, 3 years ago when he first sacked Deuba in 2002? The Oct. 14, 2002 was not a complete takeover. The King then did not dismiss the oppurtunity to work TOGETHER with the political parties to solve the Maoist problem. The Political parties did not wnat to work with the King. For almost 3 years, the King tolerated the parties with a hope that they will work with him. So the Oct. 14 was more ofa preview, this is the whole show. "I mean, aren't 2nd Dueba government's failures a reflection of utter incompetence on the part of the King himself? " In my opinion, no. because all the govts. formed after the royal move of Oct. 2002, wanted to work with the other parties. And the govts. formed after 2002 did make it claer that they wante dtow ork with the parties. The parties declined that.. so, I think the political parties are to be blamed than the King or the govts. formed after 2002. "So, in light of the fact that the past three years have heralded NO progress towards peace, development and democracy, how are we to believe that the same King, surrounded by the same old crooks with primitive ideas about governance, would be able to fulfill his promise of healthy democratic elections (that too, with peace at last!) in the next three years? " Just like Musharraf in Pakistan. is HOW he did it? Just like the Jordanian King did in the 70s. Just as Musharraf did in 1999. When there is no consensus among the players, then this is what happens. I seriously doubt that there will be any protest aganist this in Kathmandu or elsewhere in Nepal. Of course when we read about teh French Revolution, democracy and Locke's liberty, we fall in love with those. And we analyze what's happening in Nepal and elsewhere based on our textbook readings. However we are cut off from the reality of Nepal. The King could do it because the public mood was for it. Poonte bro, you are a learned man.. and you have access to information. To understand the theoratical background of why coups get supported by the public, when you have time, please do see Berry Weingast's article on Dmeocracy and the Rule of Law. "We need to find and put in place a truly visionary, politically modern, sincere to the cause of the PEOPLE,door-darshi leadership! King G is definitely not one of them!" Arise ! Ye workers of the world UNITE... oopss Nepalis of the World Unite... !! :-)
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