Posted by: Nirman January 25, 2005
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hey ruina...thanks for being my awesome fan...:-))...anyways..i m completing it but with soo much works at office i haven't been able to type room doesn't have computer so problem is i write at my room and i have to type it here at offiice...k garnu gaun ghar ma kaam garna aayo bhane yestai hunchha....okay..i have writtten my 4th part is continuation from the last posted...hope u enjoy it and post some comments...i would love to hear any is new...enjoy... ************************************ Time passed, and before I knew the final exams of class 4 was there to hit me. "Study is a compulsion to you" My mom would say. I was lean and thin at that time (still am). And My mom would continue "Ahile padhena bhane paachi bhariya bannu parla, aani tan jasto dublo lai kasle patyanuchha?? (If you don't study now, You will have to become bhariya (porter) in future, and who would believe in thin person like you??" I was scared to death to become a bhariya, So I would study just to get a better future and a good job (Now it seems bhariya would have been better option?;-)). Anyways, I had to study for exams, and I did it just thinking not to become bhariya. Soon the exam was over and there was two months winter vacation or min pachaas, my favorite time of the year when I would be free just to do anything I want. No tensions of mom scolding for not studying, no tensions of homework, carefree as I was head of all my schedules. Times would pass playing with her, or going alone for my "adventure trekking", finding new and harder trails through jungle to the top, or lying still in garden staring at the stars in nights, or teasing her with the scariest pranks. Also min pachaas would mean I would have chance to go to live at my cousin's home. Going for long bicycle ride with my cousins, playing table tennis on dining tables, making new flavors of ice-creams, discovering new games of cards, playing carom board all day long, playing ludo and being angry when defeated?(I can't remember more) would be our favorite pastime.( I still miss those precious moments). She didn't have much cousins and once she asked me if she could come to mine, but I was embarrassed enough to take her there. And, when I would go to my cousin's, She wouldn't go anywhere from home just to wait for me to be back from my cousin's place. Two months passed as if two moments and it was again time to get back to school before I knew. I had passed my fourth grade with the aggregate marks above average. I was satisfied, but my mom was furious because she wanted me to get at least distinction. (Which I never got in my school life, my aggregates would always be below distinctions) I was all set to start a new class. In the school I studied, we would have more than 10 sections in each class, the advantage or maybe disadvantage was that there would be new friends to be made every year. I usually used to get two or three old friends in my new class but this time around all faces were new to me. I had to start from zero. The seats of class were reserved in the first come first take basis. I was last to enter my class that very first day. And all I got was that forbidden last bench without any friends around. At Tiffin time, with not a single new friend made, I remained in the class. I was there at the last bench, with none around to recognize me. I hadn't noticed him before. I think (don't remember exactly) he was sitting in the third row and reading something colorful. Curious, I wanted to make friend with him immediately, but was reluctant to initiate. Instead I choose to pass by him so he would rather speak with me. I slowly passed in-front of him. But he was rather busy with his colorful book (which was first comic strip I ever saw). I was now too much impatient to start conversation. "Hi" I played my shot. "Hey" he replied. "timro naam k ho??(what is your name??)", I asked. "Call me Pee. anni tmro ni??(And yours)" He replied. "Nirman." I gave my introduction. "Can I see that??" I asked, curious to see that comics. "Sure" He was ready to share his book with me. "Thanks" I started seeing my first comic strip ever. I don't remember it was Naagraaj comics or Super Commando Dhruva comics but that day a new friendship started, which would be one of my first long term and intimate friendship. (We still remain very good friends till date.) ************************************
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