Posted by: SITARA January 20, 2005
Care about your looks?
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Bedrock, I do yoga, have been doing so for the last 4 years, but this year more seriously. And no, I haven't turned into a frying pan or a dead steak yet! Benefits personally: -Breathing improves, concentration and focus enhanced (usually..... if not always!) -flexibility and stamina increases -muscle toning without the bulging -Quicker to heal from colds, sinus infections (the poses relax the muscles and the membranes to drain toxic substance from the sinuses) -flexibility helps cells sustain their life span thus reducing aging, memory loss, imbalance and other bodily degeneration. Recently: Although my car crash was so severe, I did not bruise or break a bone.... because, according to my doctor, since I was used to contorting my body, the jarring from the car did not cause much damage despite it rolling over 3 times. toher than that, I agree with Casey: Minding Eating habits and goings for walks everyday does keep one young.
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