Posted by: maxpayne March 4, 2025
Measles vax deaths vs measles death in USA
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There is no place for dangerous mis-ingormation. A a pretty dangerous virus. 1 infected person can spread it to 16 people. Herd immunity is a good thing here.

Even in the case of TX, 1 child already died out of only 79 unvaccinated.

Since you're quoting gov sources, this is from hhs site:

Prior to the introduction of the vaccine in the 1960s, virtually every child in the United States contracted measles. For example, in the United States, from 1953 to 1962, on average there were 530,217 confirmed cases and 440 deathslinks to an external website, a case fatality rate of 1 in 1,205 cases.

The current Texas outbreak has predominantly affected children, with 116 of the 146 cases occurring in individuals under 18 years of age. The DSHS reports that 79 of the confirmed cases involved individuals who had not received the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, while 62 cases had unknown vaccine status. At least five had received an MMR vaccine.

You obviously are vaccinated. Stop it with these posts please.,of%201%20in%201%2C205%20cases.
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