Posted by: Gagan-deuja February 7, 2025
Embassy of Nepal might be able to help extend TPS for Nepal
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@ suggestion : look what u wrote
You need to brain to understand paragraphs!! You can't see beyond your jealously and bitterness. What desh, the one you left and didn't care about??? If you care why don't you go back????? Don't lecture other people when you left the country and call yourself MAGA, no basic decency to respect others genuine concerns, dragging other people down purposely. What proof you have that Nepal has recovered from the earthquakes and flood? Bring evidence don't just say blah blah blah. Such a hypocrite! Or get a hobby or something.

So you are asking TPS because you think that nepal still hasnt recovered from 2015 earthquake and floodings that occured in the following years? Are u serious???
For this reason nepal should qualify for TPS?
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