Posted by: Gagan-deuja February 7, 2025
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Tallo bato bata america chhireko bikaari haru le kaile TPS lina bhyaachhan? Sala deshdrohi haru . Tehi uber eats doordash resturant job garyo ani sakina sakina laagya bela feri royera karayera extension…
Na ta south american desh jasto voilence gangs criminals haru chha? They are literally asking for tps extension because of unrest in politics . Fuck you piece of crap shit donkey ass face . Its time to go back to.
Na ta south american desh jasto voilence gangs criminals haru chha? They are literally asking for tps extension because of unrest in politics . Fuck you piece of crap shit donkey ass face . Its time to go back to.