Posted by: Speaker23 January 27, 2025
TPS for Nepal likely to extend next week
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Unbias opinion- country condition suggest Nepal TPS should be terminated.

Practical option for the US- to provide pathway to Permanent Residency for 'long-time' TPS holders...maybe those who stayed here on TPS for certain year (its not my job to calculate the years but could be 10, 15 or even 20 years). Seems like a practical approach.

My thought is that Trump is not stupid to send back 100s of thousands of people who are on TPS. Just like last time- Trump will cancel TPS and then try to negotiate with broader IMMIGRATION DEAL. He did the same thing last time after the TPS & DACA terminations. It will be something similar. Also, not to forget the COVID 19 where many TPS holders worked as essential workers (literally saving LIVES)

Also, just a logical assessment- US Govt's immigration advisers know that the main reason for Diversity Visa is to bring diverse group of people to the US. Roughly 4000 nepalis get DV. So, many immigration advisers could suggest keeping the TPS nepali all the admin aspects such as- Social Security Card. Alien Registration Number, Background Checks, Social Security taxes are already setup for the TPS holders. So, there is some potential that US Federal govt will help TPS holders.
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