Posted by: independent December 22, 2024
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There you go fear mongering again sis. They are threatening to take action against any tariff.

First of there there is no tariff yet, so obviously no reaction yet. It's just talk. 80% of politics is just talk. They say something and wait for reaction and depending on reaction they may scale down or not even go through with what they say. Maybe Trump will impose the tariff but the Canadians won't be able to to go through with their threat because Canada depends on the US for a lot of things. So most likely these are empty threats, that is to say even Trump may not impost the said tariff.

Again, sis I dunno why you are so intent on fear mongering. It may have something to do with your psychology. In your mind go back to that time in your childhood where there may have been an adult who was fear mongering you. You should get over it to enjoy the present moment. Present moment is serene.
Last edited: 22-Dec-24 07:13 AM
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