Posted by: independent December 8, 2024
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Lol Ritu sis, at this point you will beg, borrow, lie and cheat to show that Trump is bad. Your video gets cut off so that people cannot get the whole context. He says that he cannot guarantee anything like he cannot guarantee if we are going to live tomorrow. Trump is a realist, he knows that anything is possible. He knows that because of establishment trying to force Russia into a corner they could do anything anytime. Also he knows that Biden's been giving out aid money to Ukraine even till his last breath because his family is getting paid off. Btw Biden just gave another Billion to Ukraine. Such an evil corrupt man with no shame. Anyways, back to the video. In the video Trump goes on to say that he put tariff during his last presidency and that did not increase the price. Ritu sis, stop freaking out for no reason. Like I said, if you are a reasonable person, wait till Trump's policies are in effect. And wait till they are having the same negative effect that you are paranoid about and are fearmongering. At that point, it would be fair for you to start saying all these things. Until then, you are simply echoing the media fear mongering tactics showing that you are simply a puppet of the media.
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