Posted by: independent December 3, 2024
peaceful Trump wants to invade Mexico now?
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"When there is no rebuttal and even after denying that Trump is not for project 2025 delusion but enacting on every point and when asked questions can be answered maga tends to stop the interaction."

Well, Trump has repeated that he is not involved with project 2025. If some of the points in Project 2025 matches with Trumps policy then it's a coincidence. 

In the other hand the title of this post "Trump is going to invade Mexico" is nothing but plain stupidity and paranoia. You should go see a doctor.

Before I leave this thread, I want you to admit that you are the TPS guy who used to bad mouth his mom. But you are a liar like your democrat masters so you will deny it.
Last edited: 03-Dec-24 09:01 PM
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