Posted by: ritu123 December 3, 2024
peaceful Trump wants to invade Mexico now?
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Yes when it is news you don't like it is fake.

Trump already sold largest number of weapons Last time when he was president, he said himself he will appoint the pro Israel guy, he said he will put 100 200 2000 % tarriffs, he already blew 8 trillion hole in debt ceiling which was the largest. He has appointed 12 key people from project 2025. He wants to use military to eliminate enemies within. Turbo charge denaturalization. America is for Americans only.

There is no hypothetical this time. He has trifecta now and Supreme Court.

If you don't believe me then look it up. You will know who has been done number on by propaganda machine.

Be honest and Also make a list which one was news for you and post it here from all above conversations.

I hope you know who pays the tarriffs.

I hope he does everything he said he will and I hope everything maga gets what they voted for.

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