Posted by: ritu123 December 2, 2024
peaceful Trump wants to invade Mexico now?
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Show me where I defended all this point
Are you sure you got your facts correct?

1. Increase sales of weapon of mass destruction to provide profit to donors
2. Destabilize world to increase insecurity to sell weapons, push world close to world war 3.
Also Israel will get free reign under Trump

9. . Create money out of thin air to profit democrat friendly corporations and organizations and thus create massive inflation
Trump pout 8 trillion hole in the debt ceiling before covid and look up who got PPP loans

7. Promote controversial GLBTQ agenda to divide people further and profit healthcare industries
Who is going to profit when Trump cuts ACA,VA, Medicare, look it up.

4. Use media owned by donors to spread hateful message and divide people by gender and race
You mean, Joe Rogan?

6. Allow unaccounted spending in government so that they can reward donorsĀ 
Who got most tax cuts under Trump? He is going to give tax cuts to the rich again and put tarriffs on everything, which will result in poor paying more and rich won't feel it, it will be the greatest wealth transfer in the history.

I don't know how rich you are, from what I have seen from your other post you seem affluent maybe that is why you are defending Trump.

I hope you get everything you voted for.
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