Posted by: independent November 28, 2024
peaceful Trump wants to invade Mexico now?
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Trump has always distanced himself from project 2025. He does not have anything to do with it. Only propaganda media is trying to force it down his throat. If he says no he does not agree with project 2025. If he says he has nothing to do with project 2025. Do you think it makes sense to keep saying he supports project 2025? That's how propaganda and brainwashing works. IE by forcing people to believe something that's not true.So keep on believing. It's your prerogative but don't try to act as if you know it everything. You would never believe Trump could win but he won because lot of people are breaking free of propaganda and began to think for themselves than let the media do the thinking for them. You should wake up too before people start realizing how brainwashed you are.
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