Posted by: GORKHALI-X December 17, 2004
Badar ko hath ma nariwal...
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You can't do nothing... I can see that... you are confused..???? if you can't do nothing.. than don't say anything..... the reason the WAR in nepal is ongoing with no point of stoppage is beacause of people like you who live in the saftey of their Concrete houses built in KATHMANDU who think there is nothing happening in nepal......... For your Kind F*cking Information.. Kathmandu is not nepal...Kathmandu represents nothing what nepal is,..... some american said..... America is 50 times bigger than nepal... it only takes 7 hrs to cross the country from east to west.. but it takes 2 weeks to cross nepal from east to west...... that should give you an idea how rural and underdeveloped our country is...... if you think Girija is a great leader than you are not a Nepali...... if you think the leaders of maoist movement are Human enough to be forgiven than you are not a NEPALI.... I could go on and on ... but what use..... raat bhari karayo, dachina haryo.... You might be smart.. might have gone to harvard or yale.... but I think you have no sense... you think you know it all are wrong my friend... I might be a dumb Gorkhali.. not as educated as you..... but I am a TRUE NEPALI.. unlike you... I hurt when I hear and see people suffering because some dumbass wants to rule the country just for the shake of power.... THe reason the family of Mr.B and Mr.P should be dead is.... their freaking families are safe in some foreign country... their kids getting superb education... whilst Nepali people are unsafe... can't even celebrate festivals... schools are closed can't get a decent education..... while their families are living large at the expense of ordinary nepali people....... give me one reason.. why they should be spared? they are living in the lap of luxury and their followers have burnt all the rice fields , burnt down schools and healthpost's(yeah!! healthpost's because in rural nepal there is no hospitals).. there is no food to eat.. schools to get educated and food eat when you are hungry and you still say I am Sterotying,.... I am not sterotyping.... I am hearing in STERO dolby surround sound the cries of pain from those orphan's and Bidhwa's.... I think you are hearing in mono........ If Baburam and Prachand hadn't given the ultimatum to Girija's Gov't .. we wouldn't be facing with this delima today... that is why I blame them.....and only them...girija for being arrogant..baburam and prachanda for thinking communism is good for nepal.. ANd for u RITEN.... people are only keeping count of what the goverment does.. how about what the maobadi have done.. who is keeping count... forget high road... if diplomacy had worked ... sri lanka would have peace.. peru would be in the shining path of development instead of shining path terrorism... columbia would actually produce only coffee instead of cocaine.... ... These Communist have to be crushed ..meaning hunted and killed.. like the talibans of afganistan and the rebels of chechnya.... To make your point go across.. u don't have to take the path of violence.. You could be like Gandhi and defeat the mighty British... be like MLK and fight for the rights of his people who were segregated dispite being freed by Abhram lincoln, Baburam and Prachanda decided to make their point across by terrorizing people that is why the verdict is death for them and their families....(familes because the mass won;t spare the czars of russia) Jai Nepal Peace in Nepal No caste no religion Only Nepali O.G. (Original Gorkhali)
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