Posted by: ujl April 12, 2020
Corona Virus: A Karmic Reaction
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When humans perform their actions, the actions then becomes part of the nature. It is now up to the nature to bring forth the fruit of those actions. Corona Virus is one of the fruits of human actions. Humans collective Karma is the source of this Corona Virus. Dharma is all about maintaining harmony within the nature. Humans are not outside of nature. In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna talks about Kshetram. What is this Khetram? It is thus expained - "Kshiyate iti Kshetram" -- That which is subject to change and decay is Khetram. In other words, Khetram is the entire world, body, and mind. And this Khestram is ruled by Karmic Law of action and reaction. Actions which produce harmony in nature are punya karmas and will bring good results. Actions which produce disharmony in nature are papa karmas and will bring bad results. Corona Virus is the result of papa karma.

Having said all this, there is no need to fear Corona Virus because it may look really bad when we see all these people dying, economy collapsing, and humans confined within the walls of their house. However, nothing happens for no reason. People who died are getting Mukti from this Samsara and will eventually get a new body based on their Sanchita Karmas. Also, this Corona Virus has decreased the air pollution through-out the world. Families and communities are brought together and they are able to spend time with each other.

Corona Virus shall pass. However, it is now time for humans to face the consequences of their own actions, as no one is above Karmic Law. Humans can create Heaven right here on Earth by purifying their mental thoughts and actions. The choice is clear. Respect Nature!
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