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 DV Lottery winner Affidavit of Support form
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Posted on 12-06-18 4:59 PM     [Snapshot: 115]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I just sent a support letter to my cousin when she won DV lottery 3 years ago.
Posted on 12-07-18 9:04 AM     [Snapshot: 339]     Reply [Subscribe]
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In that form, you need to disclose all your tax report, income, SSN and DoB. Basically you are exposing everything to your family person.
Posted on 12-07-18 12:21 PM     [Snapshot: 424]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It's required because of the public charge law introduced by Trump administration. You are on hook to take care of dv winner until she gets her naturalization. Income is required to show that you can actually Support the person outise of your family responsibility.
Posted on 12-07-18 12:53 PM     [Snapshot: 456]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Be careful in filling that form. If he/she racks up medical bills and doesn't pay you will be liable for the payment.
Posted on 12-07-18 3:27 PM     [Snapshot: 513]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you everyone for the detail. Considering the family person will not do so, will have to help out. I think rather than medical bill it is more about if the person would file for low income and request social security benefits.

The form ask for US citizenship certificate detail, however i am a green card holder only. Anyone with Green card has sponsored filling that form I-130 for DV winner ?

Posted on 12-07-18 6:19 PM     [Snapshot: 563]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If have to, you have to. But tell them in advance not to use public benefits because they will not be able to get citizenship/extend gc. Put a fear or Trump in her.
Posted on 12-07-18 9:59 PM     [Snapshot: 635]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@poch12, if you are gc holder you need to tick the 11(d) box of form I-134.
Posted on 01-05-19 8:37 AM     [Snapshot: 1449]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@maxpayne and @Sparty I am filing I-130 for my spouse and it's about to get approve. I will be filing affidavit of support for her once I-130 approved.
Now, one of my relative got DV and asked for I-134. if i send I-134 for DV holder relative, will there be any issue in near future when i have to file affidavit of support for my spouse. Thanks!
Posted on 01-05-19 9:54 AM     [Snapshot: 1489]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@HereIam. Yes it does. Specially it depends on your income. If you can support your family and your dv relatives with your income, then there will be no problem.
Posted on 01-05-19 5:57 PM     [Snapshot: 1615]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@damar. Thank You.
I see, current 125% of HHS Poverty Guidelines for 3 person is $25,975/year. As my income is above this requirement so should be good, right.
Posted on 01-04-20 9:33 AM     [Snapshot: 2960]     Reply [Subscribe]
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how risky would it be to sponsor DV lottery winner who is asking for my W2, sponsor letter and I134? Checking at different blogs have different opinions. I don't know the person personally and he is friend of mine
This is what I found on their official page:
"Under section 213 of the Act, if the person you are sponsoring becomes a public charge, the agency that provides assistance may be able to sue you to recover the cost of the assistance. In addition to that provision, your income and assets may be combined with the income and assets of the person you are sponsoring in determining whether that person is eligible for Food Stamps, 7 U.S.C. 2014(i)(1), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 42 U.S.C. 1382j, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), 42 U.S.C. 608."
Last edited: 04-Jan-20 09:42 AM

Posted on 01-05-20 12:01 AM     [Snapshot: 3203]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This sponsoring stuff is always risky bet. Those folks will say oh it’s just a sponsoring thing , it won’t impact you but it may create a problem later if they do any stupid thing in this country. I personally wouldn’t sponsor any friend of friend unless they’re my cousins or siblings.... but folks in Nepal don’t understand this and they get mad if you don’t sponsor them. It happened to me.

Just my 2 cents
Posted on 01-05-20 8:58 AM     [Snapshot: 3273]     Reply [Subscribe]
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No Need for I-864 Affidavit of Support for Lottery Winners

The good news is, unlike family visa applicants, Diversity Visa Lottery (“DV Lottery”) winners do not need to file an I-864 Affidavit of Support in order to apply for permanent residence.

They will nevertheless need to demonstrate to U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or the Department of State (DOS) that they will not become a public charge (rely on public assistance benefits) during their time in the United States. It's possible for you to do this by either:

  • demonstrating that you have sufficient income and other assets to support yourself once you are granted permanent residence, or
  • having a friend or relative who has legal status in the U.S. complete Form I-134, Affidavit of Support and agree to sponsor you during your time in the United States. For more information on this, see Filling Out Form I-134, Affidavit of Support to Help a U.S. Visa Applicant.

"Assets" means property like investments, savings, and real estate (so long as it can be easily converted to cash). So, if you don't have a current income, showing a source of wealth or cash can help your application for a green card.

If family members are immigrating through the DV winner, they must also be listed on the Form I-134 as accompanying you, and the income and assets listed on Form I-134 must be enough to cover them, too.

Posted on 01-05-20 9:45 AM     [Snapshot: 3288]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@smtzac I am talking about I134 not I-864

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