Movie - Muna Madan, Queens, NY
Date: Sunday, Mar 07, 2004

S.J. Entertainment, Inc, New York/ (we_help_NEPAL, an org) is promoting & organizing a show of the movie "Muna Madan", an acclaimed Nepali play, written by Mahakabi Laxmi Prasad Devkota has been made into feature film. The producer brought the movie to Hollywood for Oscar Nomination and Palm Spring Festival. According to the producer, whererever he did the show of the movie "Muna Madan" the theatres became HOUSE FULL , so we have also limited seating capacity In Eagle Theatre, Jackson Heights, Queens, NY. Please buy your tickets early to ensure your seat.

Date: Sunday, March 7th,200

Event: Don't miss the most popular film in Nepali History "MUNA MADAN"

Venue: Eagle Theatre, 37Ave & 74 st, Jackson Heights, Queens, NY
Time: 2:30
Price: $10(a part of profit goes to we_ help_NEPAL)
For more info: Chhepak Gurung:917-981-4250, Nima Sherpa:917-385-9667, Sanat Risal:718-446-4057 & Sudh..:917-355-2048
Thank you very much.

Venue: Eagle Theater, Jackson Heights, Queens, NY
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