Protest - Protest against Blockade - Washington DC
Date: Sunday, Nov 22, 2015

Please come to Lafayette Park, in Front of White House to protest and show solidarity for the Unofficial Blockade by India.

Please come with Nepalese Flag, Men wear Neapli Hat & wear Daura Surawal if can. If anybody wants to wear their Ethnic Dresses and costumes to show the diversity of Nepalese culture & her People, PLEASE Do SO..

If you are coming as a group and want to show which City State or Association you represent, Please bring Banners!!

Organized by All Associations in Northern America and any or all Social,Cultural & Language Groups.

अहिले भारत द्वारा नेपालमा गरिएको अघोषित नाकाबन्दी (अमानवीय ब्यवहार) को बिरुद्ध अमेरिकामा हरेका विभिन्न नेपाली संघ-संस्थाहरूको सम्युक्त आयोजनामा यहि नोभेम्वर २२ तारिक बिहान १० बजे देखि दिउँसो ३ बजे सम्म लाफायत पार्क (ह्वाईट हाउस अगाडि) हुनगैरहेको एकता भेलामा उपस्थित भई दिनुहुन हामि यहाँहरू सवैमा आव्हान गर्दछौ।


Venue: Lafayette Park Washington DC
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