Annual Convention - Newa Organization of America
Date: Sunday, May 25, 2003

Dear friends

NOA is having it's annual convention this May Memorial Day Holidays.
We would like to inivite you all Nepali leaders of DC and of America to take part in this annual event of our community.

As the program is being developed you can see that some interesting topics will be discussed at the forum and sessions.
Your active participation will help NOA to focus on important subject matter that benefit the entire Nepali community and the development of Nepal and Nepalese here in the Americas.

Your suggesstions are most welcome and if anyone of you would like to present appropriate material of interest in the sessions please let us know to include the subject matter in the program.

Your support and encouragements will be greatly appreciated and go along way in working together for a brighter future of for all Nepalese people.
Our president Mr. Beda Pradhan sends you all his best wishes and regards

Thank you,
Tribhuvan Tuladhar
General Secretary NOA

NOA is glad to announce it's Second Convention to be held during the Memorial Day Weekend.

11315 Falls Rd. MD, 20854

Date: Sunday the May 25, 2003.

All members of the Nepalese community are cordially invited to participate in this Day long Event. For out of town participant, it is the perfect time to visit the Capital Washington D.C, meet friends and mingle with the community crowd!

Community members from various part of the US, Nepal and other countries will congregate at this interesting event and use the opportunity to know more about our compatriots, friends and family. Spend quality time together and just have a good time. Interesting and fun-filled programs are being designed, as we speak, to make the time spend memorable and informative.

It is the place to be this coming Memorial Day.

Mark your Calendar and be there!

Here are some relevant information: (Do visit For updates on the convention)

As we fine-tune the Program here is an Outline:

Preliminary Program of the Day:

1.00PM onwards Registration
1.00 PM - 2.00 PM Samee Bajee

Opening Session:

1.00PM -2.00PM Program inaugural, Welcome address,
NOA General Meeting:
NOA Annual Report
NOA Financial Report
End of general meeting

Guest Speakers:

Words from the Chief Guest:

Note of Thanks:

2.00PM - 2.30PM Break


2.30PM - 3.15PM First Session:

Workshop - Newah Language Class
Newah Language and the Newah people

3.30 - 4.30PM Panel discussion - "Culture and Trade"

4.30PM - 5.00PM Coffee Break

5.00PM - 6.00PM Second Session:

Panel Discussion: "World in Perspective"
(A forum for wide ranging discussion in varied contemporary topics of interest)

6.00PM - 6.30PM Coffee Break
A Short film/documentary interlude

6.30PM - 8.00PM Evening Session:

Performance Art Session: ( Cultural Program )
Fashion Show

8.15PM - 9.30PM Dinner
Lottery Drawing, Door Prizes and good music.


Provision are made for Children and toddler to play and swing at the TOT LOT, watch cartoons on wide screen TV.
Youth can take full advantage of the time by shooting some pool or team-up for a games at the Table Tennis Board. Tournament of the games can be arranged if there are sufficient request from the participants. Those interested in basket ball please bring in a ball for the game. NO swimming in shorts! TV will be on to watch some favorite program and of course do not forget to watch the interesting documentaries.

Also, individuals interested in making any presentations in any one of the session, or participate in the cultural program, are requested to contact NOA and send in a short description of their presentations, time required and other needs.

Submitted presentation will subject to time available in the program. AV equipment Hardware for Power Point presentation , overhead projection, microphones, lap -top will be made available.

NOA also would encourage individuals to promote their activities or businesses by putting up a stalls. Space for stalls are limited to five (5) on a "First come First Serve Basis." Contact NOA for further details.

Here comes the TOUGH ONE !!!

Registration charges: $ 22.00 per Adult
Kids below 10 are Free. Pre-registration is advised.
Information on Students and youth discount is still to come.
Pre-register to help us to estimate the number of participants. Send us an e-mail . Also visit our website for other information. Register on line.

Registration charge includes:
Samee bajee,
Evening Dinner,
Cultural Program
LASKUS ( Convention Issue)
DHALLAH ( directory of Newah people in the US)
Door Prizes


LASKUS is the Official Newsletter of NOA:

Individual interested in getting their Articles, writing, short Stories, Humor, obituary, graduations and marriages and other material of interest published should send them to Chief Editor Mr. Daya Shakya e-mail:

Also do not FORGET TO ADVERTISE your businesses and events in LASKUS or in Newah Directory DHALAAH. For rates visit


Here are the people to contact to help you with more information about NOA and the Convention:

Beda Pradhan MD 301-949-7562
Ganesh Kayastha MD 301-680-9797
Daya Shakya OR 503-282-0447
Balaram Joshi MD 301-649-4104
Tribhuvan Tuladhar VA 703-713-0107


Here are are Directions to the Venue:

11315 Falls Rd. MD, 20854

Direction from South ( Virginia ):

Take I-495 [I-495 Innerloop] (North)
Entering Maryland
At I-495 Exit 39, turn off onto Ramp
Merge onto SR-190 [River Rd] (West)
Bear RIGHT (North) onto SR-189 [Falls Rd]
End: Arrive 11315 Falls Rd, Potomac, MD, 20854

Direction from North (Maryland):

Take I-495 [I-495 (South/West)
At I-495 Exit 39, turn off onto Ramp
Merge onto SR-190 [River Rd] (West)
Bear RIGHT (North) onto SR-189 [Falls Rd]
End: Arrive 11315 Falls Rd, Potomac, MD, 20854

Direction from Rockville:

Take SR-183 [Randolph Rd]
Continue (West) on Local road(s)
Continue (West) on Montrose Rd
Bear LEFT (South-West) onto SR-189 [Falls Rd]
End: Arrive 11315 Falls Rd, Potomac, MD, 20854

Please - Forward this e-mail to friends and individuals who might be interested to participate at the Convention

Venue: POTOMAC COMMUNITY CENTER, 11315 Falls Rd. MD, 20854
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