Hpw to bring huge sum of money from Nepal to US - Sajha Mobile
Hpw to bring huge sum of money from Nepal to US
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There is no need to transfer $$ from Nepal to USA , the money can be deposited in your account here in the USA as well as Nepali Rupees can be handed over to somebody in Nepal side by side,

I would like to know what would be the rate that you would be willing to pay for $1 US.

Maybe we can break this big money into many installments so that it wont draw attention from others and by doing so there will be trust in doing the transaction

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 Bhim karki uniqc mart Irving Texas belt line road he is hundiwala call him that's the only we know.

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 message me, I can help u out with it

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many suggested to use hundi but what's he gonna say if IRS questions him where such a huge sum of money came from?
i suggest find a legal way..consult a banker
you mite have to pay bank fees but i'm sure you don't have to pay tax on it in the states since it automatically becomes tax free
but make sure you transfer it legally
its just my view 'n i've never done this
someone who have done this can answer you better

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highway, I think the best bet for you is to use bank to bank wire transfer. 
I'm imagining you have bank account here and there in nepal or anybody with the account there in who is going send that amount to you here in Texas. This is the fastest and the most secure way of sending large amount of money to and fro. 
You'll be confronted with lot of legal documents to deal with which sounds scary but it's not and once you pass through it, you can count money in hand. :D 
So, don't be afraid, just consult with your bank, talk to your relatives home, initiate the process. This is all about numbers. All you need to see is that 6 digits number in your account.  In business context, across the overseas, esp in Europe and such, millions of dollars get transferred this way.
Hope that helps. 

PS: Without showing the proof of your income or withholding to process through any of the legal documents in the United States would be considered money laudering. So, don't try to avoid those steps or you'll be screwed up big time. The US government wants to make sure that money is for legal purposes. As soon as you get money through bank wire transfer, bank reports to IRS.  Just wanted to tell you ahead. Like I wrote before, they just want to make sure it's not being used for illicit purposes and if you are planning to open a business or investment, you know the rule. pay tax and all that stuffs. 
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PS: Without showing the proof of your income or withholding to process through any of the legal documents in the United States would be considered money laudering. So, don't try to avoid those steps or you'll be screwed up big time. The US government wants to make sure that money is for legal purposes. As soon as you get money through bank wire transfer, bank reports to IRS.  Just wanted to tell you ahead. Like I wrote before, they just want to make sure it's not being used for illicit purposes and if you are planning to open a business or investment, you know the rule. pay tax and all that stuffs. 

Bitter truth is absolutely correct. The two agencies concerned with this transactions are IRS and US Customs. Just because you are brining money does not mean that you would have to pay taxes on that. There are several ways of doing that. It would depend on your residency status in the US, the source of income. Bank transfers will take care of the Customs (You do not have to fill out the paperwork, they will do it for you). And, IRS only cares if the money is taxable, so they can collect their taxes. Now the question is, is it taxable?

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Hig=ghway 2 hell,

If u really need it, I might be able to do it for u.


· Snapshot 1381
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Ask Pawan Kumar ....just an suggestion
take it easy
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can you please help me get money in USA?
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Western union or thamel.com
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Any deposit that is larger than $2000 in your bank statement will come under scrutiny if you do any financial transactions such as buying a house or business.  Also, any money transfer larger than $9999 will be checked by the relavent government agencies.  You will have to show the source of fund to verify it is NOT money laundering or related to terrorist organizations.

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Last edited: 29-Nov-15 10:18 AM
· Snapshot 6994
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just make sure no one is collecting your IP Addresses for the possible money laundering frauds.
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can anyone suggest me how to send money from usa to nepal
· Snapshot 9228
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There is money gram in walmart.
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As moonsign said: if you acquire huge money without a proper proof you will be in watch group, bank has to report any transaction 10k , either in or out by  bank to IRS as well  Anti Money Laundry task force.
How do you  trust him/her ? Because it is not couple thousands dollars.

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मान्छे को अनुहार र तिनको बाउको ब्यबसाय हेरेर मान्छे तौलिन सकिदैन | मैले १९९५ मा ३७०० डलर नेपाल बाट एता छिर्दा ल्याएको रिण तिर्न पठाएको पैसा १२ बर्स पछि ७ लाख दियो रे अनि त्यो ७ लाख लिनेले चलाए | त्यो पैसा लगिदिनेको घरमा मर्सिडिज बेन्ज थिए , बिस्वासको आधार धनि मानिका छोरा थियो  | बिस्वास कसलाई कसले कसरि गर्ने ?  
Last edited: 06-Mar-16 12:41 PM
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२०११ ताका २ करोड अमेरिकी ड्लर नेपालबाट झिकाउनु हुने हेल ब्रो त यो himalayan dog chew का मालिक को परिहाल्नु भएछ | अहिले त वर्थ 3०० मिल्लियन्स पो छ्न क्यारे | मान्ने पर्छ नेपाली युवाहरुलाई |

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i also wanting to bring some money around 70 grand to pay my housing debt here which i bought recently. this is a very good investment to be so i brought but bringing back own money here in new york is a hassle . to much paper works still very less chance to bring legally so i am doing hundi
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