Abortion.. - Sajha Mobile
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Nobody is killing baby HUH???
it is always better to think before running your mouth

Last edited: 11-Nov-11 12:28 AM
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@ Raju (You never let me down hehe :) )
       Interesting visual display, You christ loving fellow christards must have come up with this ingenuious idea. 
Fetus is not a person, Last time I checked we did not count them in our census. 
For me a fetus is in many sense like an organ (a part of her body) growing inside a women's body. Fetus is attached to her body, totally depends on her body for survival. So it is a part of her. If she does not want to keep this part of her, it is her choice. I am a man so I don't have to worry about these issue.  But I will fight for every womens right to choose. 

    Imagine you have three testicles (or three breasts if you are a women). In this case, tt is you decision if you want to keep the three testicles or remove it. I cannot make that decision for you. 

     However, once the baby is born  (still dependent on the parents) then the born becomes a citizen of this world, detached from a mother's body. Now it is a crime to kill this young vulnerable child. We have laws against killing people. 

(On a funny note, Fetus is nothing but a sweet mistake in many cases anyway )

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just like you were to you parents i mean a sour mistake. ... murderer...   its funny how you keep cursing Christians. By the way just so you know Hindus dose not believe in abortion .. and in Muslim country you say something like this in public you will be stoned to death .. which probably would not be a bad idea.. you scum of the earth you have already failed. you are just a bhaar for the world.. instead of killing a baby who in future might be a president or a surgeon who would save millions of lives its better you kill ur self.. what a nice way to figure out if one is a humanbeing , if they count you on census then you are alive.. thats so stupid..but thats to expect from an idiot like you ...if a mother can't keep the baby she can always give her up for adoption... if there is a heart beat there is a life. .. jo chor usko thulo soorr bhaneko yei ho.. its the guilt you have inside that is making you mad you poor thing you are  tryingso hard to justify ur action on killing your own baby which ur whore concived. ...
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It's funny you would say something like "just like you were to you parents i mean a sour mistake"

Did you ask your own parents if you were conceived by mistake or not? Believe it or not but over 95% of conceptions happen by chance and not because they wanted it to happen at that particular union.

People like to constantly attribute things to a grand design because lack of grand design means they are nothing but result of pure chance. They go at any lenght to give their lives a meaning creating delusional god characters to help them with their own insecurities. They are willing to take others lives to show their undying support for their God character.

Such hypocrites.

Accept life for what it is - a result of chance. If a woman is raped multiple times and she wants to abort her fetus what are you gonna tell her? Answer this one you god fearing insecure people. Remember, a life is a life.
Last edited: 11-Nov-11 08:40 AM
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  well if a girl is raped its not the child's fault to begin with.. but she can always give the baby up for adoption. she dose not have to keep it... and by the way THOU SHALL NOT KILL is our lords commandment so i don't know why you say we kill people for God. rather we are being persecuted for our faith. for believing in life not death.. if anyone is insecure its you .. you have no idea what you believe in... to justify ur existance you have to stand up for something like killing babies.. 28 days and u can detect babies heart beat but u keep insisting its not alive. wow .so is it ok to kill grandpa and granma as well cause they are old and fully dependent on others or people who are retarded.. exactly the philosophy of hitlar.. if ony you took time to watch the video i posted but noo too scared if it might change ur mind.. insecure and scared is you my friend.. .
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me believes it should be the sole decision of the woman....
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One week old baby (not aborted)
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@mazzarella i can definitely see that u are totally brainwashed by the video !!! :p and ur logics are exactly what the reporter said!!!
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Hitler was raised as a christian and you know very well what he did so bringing him up was a bad example on your part my christian fanatic friend.

So if your sister or mom is gang raped then you will ask them to give birth to the condemned child anyways just because your God says thou shalt not kill? Then how do you explain the killing of hundreds of thousands of muslims by the church going christians? 

You are such a hypocrite my fanatic friend.
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just because he was born Christian dose not mean he was Christian ...who do you say are the church going Christian that is killing Muslims? ur an idiot we are talking about abortion here why do you change a subject. did you see those pictures still dose not do anything to your heart? have u ever held a new born baby in ur arm? didn't think so..like i said before its not a childs fault that the women was raped.. so lets say if you kill someone then instead of you going to jail why not send ur son or a daughter dose that make sense.. she can always give it up for adoption.. with the technology today she just has to go to sleep and get a c section.so she won't even know..giving birth to a baby won't kill her... the only exception is if giving birth is seriously harmful for mothers life.. then there is not much choice.. .. by the Muslims are  strongly pro life...they will stone you to death for being pro choice dude .. you better be scared very scared..
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those who support abortion.. are the people who are already born ...

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I am sick and tired of these religious extremist trying to shove their version of morality down my throat!
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just don't swallow it.. its your choice you know..
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Thats if you let her live...
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 This is ridiculous ." MERO GORU KO BARAI TAKKA" is a saying in Nepali that sums up everything said above.
I would think, it should be the right of a women to keep or abort. There should be absolutely no "correct" or "incorrect" things to do regarding this matter....
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 Mazzarella did make some useful points . Like some of us considering the baby as just a part of mothers body , which can be wrong sometimes. As mazarella said, baby has its own heartbeat by 5th week , and that embryo circulates its own blood  , which may by different blood group than the mothers.
By 16th week, the fetus can control its movement , so I consider the baby as a new life by now. Which some of you may not consider. 
Personally, I would not support abortion after this time period.
So watever raju161 posted above, I agree with his points. His posting mentions the fetusof 23 weeks . By this time , the fetus has developed and functioning nervous system and if the baby borns after three weeks later, it can survive.
And as GrgDai said, if gangraped or misconception ( 95% chance as grgdai said) , the mother should be allowed to decide. However, it would be better if the abortion is perfomed early rather than waiting till the baby grows fully. For the rape victim, you can just take oral pills to end pregnancy under health care supervision by first few weeks, and you dont have to go for chopping/sucking the embryo .
What I am trying to point out here is that aborting a baby considering him/her as mother's body just a couple of days before the actual delivery date is simply cruel. It should be destroyed before it is fully developed.
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 An analogy of abortion can be made to wars. Noone likes wars because everyone knows that numerous innocent lives will be lost. But there comes a time when war must be waged as a means to your survival, otherwise, the consequence may be even worse. It is like choosing the lesser of the two evil.
Last edited: 11-Nov-11 09:06 PM
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It's funny how these extremists come up with arguments.
All these so called "christians" force the govt to cut healthcare and medicare and let people who cannot afford health care die. They go around killing lot of innocent people with wars and genocides. And yet they raise hell about unborns. How the fu(k are they ethically or morally right. How is saving a fetus different than saving a senior citizen or a person from another faith, religion etc. 
It's one thing to protest abortion in the name of humanity. But why in the hell with religious viewpoints.

@mazzarella go and fu(k yourself. Why can't you do stuff for humanity and leave religion aside? And don't ever quote something from stone age (aka moses bible etc). They didn't even know that the earth is just a grain of sand in the universe. If you want to make earth center of universe and disprove evolution then it's your choice. But don't expect people to respect your views if you make such ludicrous comments.  

And BTW Hitler did kill people in the name of religion. You can disprove that he was a true christian but again he thought he was. How are you any different than him if you just do what the book tells you to do without using common sense? 

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