बाबुरम आतंकवादी को प्रोग्राम ओर्गनैज गर्ने अतन्क्वादी हरु को थिए ? कृपया पत्त लगै दिनु होला । - Sajha Mobile
बाबुरम आतंकवादी को प्रोग्राम ओर्गनैज गर्ने अतन्क्वादी हरु को थिए ? कृपया पत्त लगै दिनु होला ।
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भिडियो मा भएका आतंकवादी हरुको पहिचान गराउनु होला

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Geology Tiger
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पौलिना दिदी,

अरुले चाँही माओवादी भए पनि नभए पनि जे होस् नेपालको प्रधानमन्त्री हो किन अमेरिका आएकै बेला पारेर किन बाबुराम भट्टराईलाई कालो झन्डा देखाउनु? बरु यसलाई त नेपालमा नै नेपाली जनताको विश्वास लिएर उखेल्नुपर्छ, हेगमा उभ्याउनु पर्छ भन्दैमा त्यो आतंककारीको समर्थक हुने तर तपाईंले चाँही This is absolutely true, King was far more Nepali than any other leaders who have had or have. These people are fighting for their chairs by selling their own mother land. King G just left with pride and dignity and with a smile भन्दा पनि तपाईं निष्पक्ष हुने, यो कस्तो अचम्म! तपाइलाई बिर्सनुभयो सत्ता छोड्नु अगाडि ज्ञानेन्द्रले कति तिकडम अपनाएका थिए । तपाईं एउटा सच्चा राष्ट्रभक्त हुनुहुन्छ भने यो ज्ञानेन्द्रको मिठो मुस्कानको जालो आफ्नो आँखाबाट हटाइहल्नुस्, मिठो मुस्कानभित्र के कति पूरा हुननसकेका षड्यन्त्रहरु लुकेका थिए वा थिएनन् भन्ने कुरा तपाईंलाई के थाहा मलाई के थाहा? तपाईं आँफैले भन्नु भएको होइन 'The truth is Not for all. It's only for those who seek it' त्यसो भए के तपाईंले उनको मुस्कान पछाडि नियतको बारेमा व्यापक अनुसन्धान गर्नुभएको थियो । हैन भने ठोकुवा कसरी गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ । माओवादीले धेरै निर्दोष नेपालीको रगत बगाएका छन् भन्ने कुरा तपाईंले भने जस्तै truth नै हो । तर जनतालाई ठग्ने कुरा र भारतको पाउ मल्ने कुरामा कोही भन्दा कोही कम छैन सबै उस्तै हुन् । अब तपाईंले गरेको तर्कलाई अहिले भर्खरै truth भन्ने अवस्था आइसकेको छैन । बिहानतिर एउटा लाठ साबले आफ्नो भनाइ अनुकुल बनाउन आँफैले घुसाएको जर्ज बर्नड शाको अभिव्यक्तिले आँफैलाई उल्टो असर गरेपछि बचाउ गर्दै भनेका थिए 'त्यो त तिनिहरुको कामले नै हो कि होइन भन्ने प्रमाणित गर्छ' । हो त्यसैले भट्टराईले देश बेच्यो भन्ने कुरालाई truth मा परिणत गर्न तपाईंले पनि केही दिन कुर्नै पर्छ । कि तपाईंले जे बोल्यो त्यो नै truth हो?

तपाइ मलाई आतंककारीको समर्थन गर्‍यो अवश्य नै गाली गर्नुहुनेछ भन्ने कुरामा मलाई अलिकति पनि शंका छैन तर मैले न भट्टराईसँग देश बनाउने सामर्थ्य देखेको छु न त दृढ इच्छाशक्ति । कोही कोहीलाई त लाग्छ देश र जनताको हित चिताउनेले कुनै न कुनै राजनैतिक दलको भाडाको टट्टु बन्नुपर्छ, अनि मात्र स्पष्ट दिशानिर्देश भएको व्यक्तिमा ठहरिन्छ अनि मात्र देश र जनताको लागि केही गरेको ठहरिन्छ । तर सबैले ति ब्वाँसाहरुको स्तुतिगान गरिरहनुपर्छ भन्ने केही छैन । मैले देखेको देश बनाउने एक मात्र उपाय भनेको यी ब्वाँसाहरुबाट नेपाली जनताको उन्मुक्ती । त्यो तवमात्र संभव छ जव नेपाली जनता शिक्षित हुन्छ र यो हुन्छ १० बर्षमा नभए २० बर्षमा ! ल मैले माने तपाईंलाई ज्ञानबहादुर कुनै कारणबश मनपर्‍यो होला, राजाले नै देश बचाउँछन् भन्ने लाग्यो होला तर के तपाईं एउटा सँच्चा नेपाली भएर ज्ञानेले गरेको सयौं नराम्रो काम मध्ये यो चाँही ज्ञानेले देशको अहित गर्ने काम गर्‍यो भन्न सक्नुहुन्छ? हैन देशभक्तिको दुहाइ दिने मान्छेले किन एउटा पार्टी, मान्छे वा समुहसँग टाँसिन पर्‍यो भन्या? राम्रो काम जल्ले गरे पनि राम्रो भने भयो नराम्रो कामलाई नराम्रो भने भयो? आखिर परजिवी त होइन होला ।  

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I condemn a lot of things King G did. All I am saying is what I saw, he left the palace with a smile on his face. If he wanted, he could have lingered it, or made a fuss about it. But he didn't.

Can you imagine any party giving up anything so easily?

i didnt like how King G was awarding his family members awards when there was a civil war going on. i didn't like how he cut off the phone lines, and curtailed media trying to do whatever he was..there are many things i didn't like...he made mistakes..BUT he didn't sell Nepal..

King G if he pleased INDIA like Baburam..we would have monarchy and he would still be in the palace..He definitelis still far more nepali than Baburam because he is not the one who signed 4 bullet points to still remain in power..it is baburam.

Raja lai matra gaali garera nikarlera k chai bhako cha ra na ta huncha?? Raja birendra le paila nai Maobadi lai army lai sakaf garni order deko bhaye aja baburam jasta jibit hudaina thiye..it is the greatness of the King birendra that these ppl are even alive..

Ma Monarchy ko limitations, mistakes, swikarchu..tara ke political parties haru le galti gareka chainan..ani haami k sachinai monarchy lai terroist sanga lagera dhajhna milcha..

Ma afule bhaneko kura TRUTH nai bhanera bhandina..tara mero laagi yo truth ho ki..ma sano ma hurkeko Panchayayt ko Nepal ma dheraii shanti ra surakshya thyo than aja ko political party ra aba maobadi le diney din haru..

GT-- do not flag my posting just because you don't agree with it!!

Last edited: 01-Oct-11 12:02 AM
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Couples of folks here had day dream about Panchayat and Gyane that is rotten and most notorious system. Some see Manhendra as Patriotic leader; wolves support this autocratic system like Mahendra. These are the person who got most benefit from King and congress. My only version is there is no communism in the real world, no one can be real communist and for our dark history that people have no choice to vote Moist.

People can at least day dream in Sajha becoming patriotic, can day dream about Gyane, day dream about Gyanendra, and day dream about Panchayat.

Just 10 people of Sajha are the one who know Nepal and rest is just monkey. People who throw Monarcy are conscious, people know how to vote Maoist and how to throw Moist, People know how to throw monarchy, and people know how to throw congress. Wait and see.

Geology Tiger
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Paulina didi, as a sajha user I have every right to flag anyone's post if I dislike or disagree with his/her post. And this is how Sajha works. But I'd rather reply to your posts than just flagging. If you are wondering who flagged your posts along with Makalekancha's that wasn't me. Both thumbs up and thumbs down are welcome to my posts. 

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Apparently, flagging gets rid of a person's voice..therefore, you should not do that if you can reply back to the person with your voice.

There is no penalty for "like." But why penalty for having a difference of opinion?

Makes no sense!! But, I just flagged ya, cuz you asked for it!
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Mam you are wrong and that's why i flagged yours
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who is raju sounds like timer ko arko version to me..well, go ahead raju, people like you who hide and become invisible dont' count in my life, thread, or the world! so flag all and every post of mine.

GT I unflagged u :)!! thanks for the "type" response than a cowardly "flag" response!!

I welcome our difference of opinion! Nobody is perfect and the forums should help us see the other side..
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 "Never argue with an idiot - He will drag you to his level and beat you with experience" 


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footyfan, I am beginning to feel exactly that way. Thank you!
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Mam, i got one suggestion if you think you are right then just stand by your point don't worry who is timer and who is Raju. Well timer bro and Raju have their own history here in sajha and ya it was before you were born in sajha. Just not to distract you, let's stay in the main theme of the thread. I don't want to be counted in your life either and yes i don't give a ratsa** either.
People flag with two reason. First they don't know what they are doing and next they know what they are doing. I know what i am doing. I don't like your response to Gt, that's why i flagged yours coz i don't like your opinion. And yes you sound more conservative than liberal. It's one's right to either like or flag your opinion.

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Raju I am ignoring you, you don't exist in my discussion here, please flag as you please..! Good job!
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As you please,and thank you for being liberal.
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A woman surviving in a male dominated sajha can't be all that conservative can she?
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Just to clarify Pulinadidi, raju and timer are different. But by the way we have very different version of thinking but yet we respect each other and well wishers but I have no idea who is Raju. We had hot discussion in these issues in Sajha, just look the previous post of Timer and Raju, Happy Dashain Raju. Paulinadidi it is not male dominating Sajha and it deosn't matter if you are male and female in Sajha but the way you are presenting here is more confusing to Sajha . No one here directly support Moist as you guys are thinking but the way you are presenting, it is like you are supporting super hard to special Interest, some special group and you are just putting your vested interest. I think you are supporter of specefic group who you are benefitted most (even if it might not be true) and now you have really hard times because that group is weak or doesn't exist. It doesn't mean Nepali people don't know that thing, it is Nepali poeple who throw monarcy, it is Nepali people who voted Maoist and it will Nepali people who can throw Maoist. Please wait and see.Ya, everyone know these political leaders are wolf but how you conclude that Babur Ram will donate Nepal to India right now, how are you dam sure about that wait and see how that happen.

Finally the people whose vested interest doesn't meet, the people who are benefiting from the system now not getting anything or people whose parents are leaders of some special group are more frusteted.  People who had hard times from Maoist or army in civil war times can every right to say for and against Maoist and if we are successful then the humanity against crime will punish them.

Last edited: 01-Oct-11 10:21 AM
Last edited: 01-Oct-11 10:35 AM
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"how you conclude that Babur Ram will donate Nepal to India right now, how are you dam sure about that wait and see how that happen. "

Just read all the news reports and opposition about Baburam and his Indianization of Nepal from his own party people like Mohan Baidya Kiran.

thank you for excluding me from the "vested" interest group..lol!! I have an interest in what happens to Nepal because it is my country and is not ON SALE for Baburam to sell it.

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Yes, you don't believe Babu Ram but believe Mohan Baidya or some other group, these all have their vested interest there, Paulinadidi probably you are not only who knows about Babu Ram, I don't mean Babu Ram is good or bad but any person who want to do any good for the country will be humiliated by these vested group. These propoganda papers and people had mentioned Nepal is already sold Nepal to India from the day I was born, but what happen, every day and every night people are saying congress will donate Nepal to India when congress is in Power, UML will donate Nepal to India and now Maoist, just monkey see monkey do. Just get out from these things. Funny and shame.
Last edited: 01-Oct-11 11:04 AM
Geology Tiger
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पौलिना दिदी साझामा यसरी अहोरात्र खटेको देख्दा त लाग्छ बाबुराम भट्टराईले ईन्डियालाई नेपाल त के नेपालमा ईन्डियनहरुले चनाचटपटे पनि बेच्न पाउने छैनन्  
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I agree with you, GT. She also trying to prove which she is not actually.
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Thanks GT and Dhostaii!!
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नक्कली भ्याट बिल अनुसन्धान गर्नेकै सरुवा
Guess what's that so called people's war for?
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