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Shame on all those elected members, and also the officials and NGOs working in Biratnagar.


शौच गर्न रात कुर्नुपर्ने बाध्यता

विराटनगर/ भलुवाटोलका मधेसी एवं आदिवासी महिलालाई शौच गर्न रात नै पर्खनुपर्ने बाध्यता छ । उज्यालो छउन्जेल पीडा सहेर बस्ने उनीहरू जब रात पर्छ अनि मात्र शौच गर्न बाहिर निस्कन्छन् । शौच गर्न नपाउने समस्याले आजित भएका मोरङ सोराभाग-९ भलुवाटोलका महिलाले विभिन्न संस्थालाई शौचालय बनाइदिन मागसमेत गर्दै आएका छन् 

शौचालय बनाइदिन धेरै संघ-संस्थालाई अनुरोध गरे पनि कसैले वास्ता नगरेको गाउँलेको गुनासो छ । कति त चर्पी बनाइदिन्छु भनेर आश्वासन दिएर गए, तर फर्किएनन् । 'चर्पी बनाइदिन्छु भनेर गएका छन्, अझै आएका छैनन्,' स्थानीय उर्मिला चौधरीले भनिन्, 'कहिले आएर बनाइदेलान् र चर्पीमा दिसा गर्न पाइएला ।'

दिउँसो शौच गर्न जाँदा सबैले देख्ने भएकाले समस्या भएको उनले बताइन् । 'पुरुषले देख्लान् भन्ने लाज लागेर दिनभरि सहेर बस्छाँै, अँध्यारो भएपछि कसैले देख्दैन अनि जान्छौँ ।' भलुवाटोलका कुनै पनि घरमा शौचालय छैन । टोलमा ६५ घरका करिब पाँच सय छन् । त्यसमा आधाभन्दा बढी महिला छन् 

भलुवाटोलका बासिन्दा शौचालयका लागि वर्षौंदेखि दौडधुप गरे पनि अहिलेसम्म कसैले आफ्नो कुरा नसुनेको गुनासो गर्छन् । शौचालय बनाउन नसकेर साह्रै समस्या भोग्नु परेको उनीहरूको भनाइ छ । शौचालय बनाइदिन पटक-पटक सरकारी तथा गैरसरकारी संघ-संस्थाका कार्यालय धाए पनि कुनै उपलब्धि हुन नसकेको स्थानीय तेतरी चौधरी बताउँछिन् 

शौचालयको अभावले साह्रै समस्या परेको र गाउँमा कसैको पनि शौचालय नभएका कारण गाउँको बाटो र खाली जग्गामा फोहोर बढेको छ । विराटनगर रंगेली सडकसँगै छोएको भलुवाटोलका बासिन्दा बस्तीनजिकैको सडक डिलमा गएर दिसा गर्ने गर्छन् 

· Snapshot 14
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It should be an community toilet and can be done by organizing  by themselves. What are the men doing, just love to make love at night and no toilets.
They should organized themselves and no love making until the toilet is there.  The result will be surprising, the very next day each house will have temporary toilet.

· Snapshot 297
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disgusting man [Disallowed String for - bad word] the government of Nepal and even the mayor of that town why they ain't building restrooms, what if foreigners come to visit and see all those craps and pussies of those madhesi women trust me they will be scared to death haaaa
· Snapshot 300
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Why Government will build toilet for citizens? Who cares about foreigner? May not seen a white guy in decade? Next time you go home, you will be a foreigner and had to apply for visa to enter Nepal.Then you will be the first foreigner in the decade they will be seeing. 
· Snapshot 592
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No offense. That will happen all the time when everyone look at others to do everything but you do nothing. Why we look at elected members and ministers to make a toilet. Why they cannot dig the whole in their backyard ? Ki mantri le udghatan garna na aaera? J ma pani aaru ko mukh takne ani aafule chai khe na garne?
· Snapshot 621
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If all women in the village go strike "No sex until we have toilet", I bet the man from each house will build two instead of one by the very  nest day.
· Snapshot 647
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here is another news about toilet


Pahila aafule garnu parcha ani matra aarule madat garchn.
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Spirit, I agree with what you said. But I guess they're calling for assistance to build a community toilet and government allocates the fund for that; I used the word 'shame' to say that the city is perhaps putting priority on some other stuffs and these desperate voices were never heard. It's government's job to build a drainage system and invest a community projects. As you can see in the picture, almost half of the nepali people use the public toilet. I was thinking Biratnagar is much developed than other cities, but perhaps not. Again, all those members elected from these areas might have promised again and again to make these toilets and never looked back after winning the election.
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I'm reposting a picture, where your saying comes true. The school officials could simply have used any kind of cheap potteries for providing drinking water access to the students instead of creating the situation in the following picture. So we perhaps like to look for the help even when we have the solution.
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नागरिकता लिन चर्पी बनाउनुपर्ने !

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Another flaw in the picture; the toilet and the well (is it?) should NOT have been built this close.
· Snapshot 1849
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The "well" is a bio- gas plant --
· Snapshot 2599
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सबै पहेलो धातु सुन हैनन अनी कुवा जस्तो देखिने चिज कुवा नभएर गोबर कुहाउने भाडो पो रहेछ, हत्तेरिका कती चाडो निर्कौल मा पुग्छौ हामी ?
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