Live And Learn And Pass It On... - Sajha Mobile
Live And Learn And Pass It On...
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I hardly get inspired by such things but I once came upon one of those motivational posters and it made me scratch my head. It was titled 'I've Learned' and the person goes on writing all the different things he/she's learned at various ages during their lifetime. After some googling, I stumbled upon this website and thought it would be a nice idea for all of us here in the sajha community to share what we've learned.

So, the way it works is you will have to write what you have learned so far in your life, within a sentence or two and the age next to it. Check out the link for examples. I know we've got a very unique Nepali community here in sajha, with people from all over the world, of all ages, and experiences. I also know each one of you have something unique you can share. It could be something personal, impersonal, life-changing, amusing, funny, even generic, whatever you've learned. But I ask you to be honest, please.

If you want to see what other people have said, check this link out -->Linkhere.

I will start with mine:

I've learned that when you put boiling water on your head, your hair falls off. -- Age 5

I've learned that Nepal bandhs were only fun when you were a kid. -- Age 18

I've learned that people who matter the most are the ones who believe in you more than you believe in yourself. -- Age 22


Last edited: 03-Dec-09 08:51 PM
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Femme Fatale
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SoulLessEyes.... spot on dude, good learnings.

I've learnt that no matter how nicely and lovingly u treat close ones, someone will always be stabbing u in the back - 22

I've learnt that no one is worth making u doubt your self-worth - 23

I've learnt that u have to take the rough with the smooth, even the best of couples have to work at it - 24

I've learnt that even though he always leaves the toilet seat up, u can always get him back another way. LoL - 23

I've learnt that don't be a follower... be a leader - 24

I've learnt that you should always show u love someone and not just say it - 18

I've learnt that people will always chat sh*t about u even if you're Mother Teresa - 22

I've learnt that when you do something wrong, u should say sorry, don't have too much pride - 23

I've learnt u should love from your heart, but not give your entire soul - 24

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Life is better with the person you love whereas sex is better with someone else.


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* I've learnt that true love still exists.(Present)

* I've learnt that love conquers all.(Present)

* I've learnt that one meets the right person at the right time.(Present)

* I've learnt that somethin
g called destiny,karma and fate do exist.(Present)

* I've learnt that coincidences are the most well planned of all.(Present)

* I've learnt that marria
ges are made in heaven.:) (Most recent Present)

Last edited: 06-Dec-09 03:22 PM
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I've learned that love is really blind and it makes you go crazy. It is really like a mental illness (now that i think of it) lol.
Femme Fatale
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Shantii dear,

Yes so true.... i have been in a situation like that when i was young and naive. But proud to say I started getting my eyesight back bit by bit and seeing him for what he really was.. now he is out of my life. Now i have perfect vision and waiting for my hero. Oh Romeo, where art thou baby?
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I've learned to keep my door locked or get robbed at gunpoint in my own apartment!Age- 18, Houston, TX. (thanks god I wasn't ass raped!)
Last edited: 06-Dec-09 04:12 PM
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I know that was not your fault!

But it was a life long lesson for that fool talking to his gf outside!

Femme Fatale
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Good to see u are seeing the positive in the negative things...nice!

I've learnt always look for the good things in any sh*t situations - 20
bhakunde bhut
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Below are some of the things that I have learned/realized over my lifetime. Since all of them are not objective things, I believe I learned them as a process and realized them at a certain point. Thoughts got mixed with facts and then rationalizing them worked up to create yet another thought.

Learning is a gradual process just like life as a journey, although the realization/revelation is like getting the solution from the equation. It's the process that is vital, although solution is what counts in the end.

When you have learned something well, it's really hard to unlearn that.

You can make philosophy out of life, but to make life out of a philosophy is an absurd decision.

When randomness becomes a rule, systematic rules make little or no sense.

It's not true because somebody said so, but it's the corollary: somebody said so because it was/is true.

When you are working and you are thinking, which is pertinent to your work, it's single tasking; when you are doing something and thinking entirely different, it's multitasking- like when you are dish-washing and thinking.

Why try to remember something, when you want to forget it?! It's pointless.

Obviously, it's better to be simply late than really late. You might be considered for being late but hardly you would be considered for being really late.

Don't try to be like others, as someone said "Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you do." If you try to be like others, you wouldn't be YOU. However, it doesn't provide you an excuse to be a jackass : )
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I've learnt that, life is tough, love is tougher.
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*I ve learned that girls have this thing happening to them every 28 days or so (if normal), when they go hay-wire about everything. The best thing to do if you find yourself get caught in this, which most probably you will, just a hide a nanny cam in the room and be a perfect boyfriend while it lasts.Once the hormones find their respective spots back, use it for your advantage (interpretations might vary). 

Note: This is meant just to garner some laughs. You can try this, it actually works, but dont be shocked if you find someone else in that video too.


PS: Cleopatra lai dherai dherai badhai chha. I believe in all of what you said, but I am yet to learn from experience 

PSS: faded, nice post. K6, FF, bhut, n namaskar..... Loved all of your posts!! :)
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I too have learnt of this 28 day phenomenon (yes id read it in bio books all my life but...heres a live on in this case).

the subject gets irate for no apparent reason. Logic fades, and judgement is impaired. winning an argument is almost impossible when subject in this state. Note to send subject to debate competetion when induced. 

the remedy: lower self esteem, give up all hopes of communication with subject, obey your master, or avoid as much as possible. it helps to buy a pack of unisom to slip into subjects drink before bed. 

but once subject returns to conciousness, you have re-found your precious.
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*subject banai de chha.... lmfao.. 

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I've learned to smoke Marijuana. Age 19.
I've learned if you argue with fools, person watching will not find the difference. Age 18.
I've learned that hard work really pays off. Age17.
I've learned that true friendship does exist. Age 20.

Femme Fatale
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I've learnt that during the "28 days phenomenon," it is best solution for the guy and girl to stay some distances away from each other and avoid talking.

No good will come with being in close proximity unless u have a death-wish.   

After the "phenomenon" has passed, girl will be much happier, guy will be jumping for joy, both will be aching to see each other and love still exists!

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Haha Femme Fatale,

I feel the same way : )

I've also learned not to trust extremely charming people and the so-called "social butterflies." They only say what you want to hear. -- Age 22.

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I learn there are medicines for regrets. 


I learn not to take life too seriously, however it is good to trust life as it gives chances.

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"At fifteen, life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice." - Maya Angelou.

"My mother said I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors."

"Belonging to an elite class doesn't guarantee you an elite temperament."


I've learned that when someone gives you a compliment, accept it and own it, even if they're b'sing. - 2004.
Last edited: 08-Dec-09 03:08 PM
Last edited: 16-Dec-09 03:45 PM
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I have learned that you have to see your cousin wear your favorite pair of shoes because the shoes do not grow with you. --- Age 6

I have learned that you know exactly how many stops there are and how long the bus stops on each of them on the way home from school if you have motion sickness. Second day of (new) school--- Age 7

I have learned that your parents are the only people who will never give up on you.

I have learned that love is the most wonderful feeling.

I have learned that you should always keep an open mind about things you have learned… because…

I have learned that you thinking you have learned something does not always mean that you learned it right.

I have learned that I typed ‘fortunefaded’ in ‘what’s in your mind’ box and hit ‘add’…. instead of doing the same in ‘search member’ box and hitting ‘search’ to post this “I have learned that…” post. --- few minutes ago.

Last edited: 09-Dec-09 09:48 PM
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Thanks to all who contributed. I found few things interesting.

A lot of people seem to learn, at least remember, things out of human relationships. Some are bitter about their experiences while others are still optimistic. That makes me wonder that if you really want to learn something, may be you should start dating it! I must confess Physics was the first love of my life.

I also noticed that we have particularly one demographics who were contributing in this thread. By the looks of it, most people seem to be in their 20s. Nothing wrong with that, but I would like to see some participation from younger/older people as well. I always loved hearing stories from my grandfather.

I would humbly like to request people to start their sentence with 'I've learned that...' and write your age next to it just for consistency. I am thinking of compiling all your responses (there are a lot of good ones) and unveil the list the next decade (i.e the New Year's). Please keep contributing.....

I will add a few more things I've learned:

'I've learned that I can fully appreciate songs and music from languages I don't understand' --Age 12

'I've learned that 15*9 = 135' --Age 9.  (Something I've never forgot after I received a memorable beating from my math teacher in 4th grade who expected us to remember multiple tables up to 20.)

'I've learned that ants are very hard to drown' -- Age 6

'I've learned that the beer bottles I chug today will hug my belly tomorrow' -- Age 24

'I've learned that some of the biggest inspirations in life come from the most average people who have a kind heart' -- Age 10

'I've learned that if I don't embrace my past, I can never let it go, nor move ahead in the future' -- Age 19

Btw, if you are wondering what happened between Physics and me, well we
broke up after I found out that she was two-timing me with Mathematics.

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