Serious Issue: Depression Medication - Sajha Mobile
Serious Issue: Depression Medication
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I would like to know if any of you is taking medication for depression at the moment or took them at some point. I am going through a very rough time right now and I was diagnosed for depression by my doctor. He prescribed me Paxil. It’s been a week I have been taking it and it does make me feel slightly better. However getting up in the morning is very tough as I feel mentally down. But then rest of the day goes fine.

I hope to stop taking it as soon as I can but I have been given it for 28 days. I would like to know if anyone would like to share his/her experiences, side effects, harms, benefits in after having taken certain depression medication.

Thank you all in advance for your seriousness.


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i think i m suffering from depression too. same problem terrible dreams at night, very uneasy feel in morning while getting wake up....severe headache...but i dont want to take any medicine...i want to kill this by my own power.... naturally....
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Since you have started taking Paxil for depression, you can't stop it abruptly fren. I am not doctor, but I have seen people getting worse once they stop taking medicine and not be adherent with doses.

Depression is normal in this economy crisis world. Medicines help many people. I request you to consult your doctor before you decide to stop on your own. It takes a month or sometime to get better after taking medicines.

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medication for depression is not like pain killer which works in a day, so hang on bro. Due to this hard time and not finding anything upto expectation there are lots of people who have been suffering from depression, so don;t discontinue it. But u have to try to strengthen yourself also.

There are some experts in sajha regarding depression there will be some more suggestions to come

good luck

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Hi Maha,
Ahh if you started the medication, you have to finish the complete dose pescribed to you by your doctor.

Also, I was really depressed at one point. My doctor told me either I could take the medication or do some physical activity. I did not take any medication, but worked out like crazy. It really helped  me. Find a physical activity that you like and stick to it. You get two benefits: you get better w/o having to take medication! and you will get in shape too. For example, running or working out at the gym really really helped. Again, it won't work if you do it for one day and skip for months. If you are regular, I think this is the best way.

What ever method you chose, I hope you get better soon!
Take care
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You took a first good step by recognizing that you needed help and consulting a psychiatrist. For most depressed people, that is the hardest thing to do. Give yourself credit for that. Now that the doctor has prescribed a course of action, you would be advised to follow through on the medication dose. Of course, if your body is really not responding at all Paxil or if you are having really *bad* side-effects, consult your prescribing doctor right away. He/she may be able to adjust the dose or suggest other ways of better outcome. But do not stop if you are feeling some benefits. Consult first. 

However, as smile-07 said above, just because you are taking medication doesn't mean that there are not other ways to help your condition. Just like exercising, there are many other activities that would be helpful while taking the drugs and even regularly afterwards. Here are some that I would recommend:

1. Make sure you talk with some friends or relatives about how you feel . Do this daily. When I say daily, I really mean DAILY. Even more than once a day whenever necessary. If there is no one nearby, talk on the phone or even chat. But talk. 

2. Make sure you are eating enough and frequently. DO NOT skip any of your meals. If you do not feel like cooking, get yourself to a restaurant and eat something. Keep fruits and vegetables handy, so you can munch on them as snacks. 

3. Exercise. If you don't like to go to the gym, just go out walking for 10-15 minutes. Get out of your room as often as possible during the day. Don't stay indoors all day. 

4. If you have the opportunity, meet with a counselor at a counselling center for weekly sessions. They are really, really helpful. 

5. Meditate, do yoga or breathing exercises. If you don't know how, google. 

6. Keep a daily routine about all the things you can do to keep yourself busy. And follow the routine the best you can. 

7. Finally, always remind yourself, there is much to look forward in life no matter how dire the situation looks right now. 

8. ****If you EVER have a thought about suicide, immediately call a friend or relative and tell them. If you are still having the same thought, call a suicide hotline.****

Be Strong. Good luck to you my friend!

Hope you start feeling better soon:)


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I am also having some sort of depression. After beeing consulted with a doctor; i have strated exercise and meditation which are really  the effective way to reduce depression,  but the problem is; i m  not punctual and regular with it but still i m feeling lil bit better than it was . Thogh sometime really get depressed and would like to have medication  treatment but want the suggestions from some professionals or expirenced people. Any help will be appriciated.
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Hi everyone, thank you very much for your suggestion on this serious issue I am having to face right now.
Yes I was told that Paxil has some bad withdrawal effects, but I will see how that goes once I stop the medication.
According to my doctor, it seems like I have been depressed since an early stage in life. Having lived in a boarding school at an early age and then in a foreign country thereafter, it seems to have affected me gravely. 
For the moment, I do not have many people around to whom I can talk about my problem since I moved to a different state recently. I do not want to talk about it to my parents on the phone as it will worry them unnecessarily and they will feel very helpless since they are in Nepal.
I do go to workout regularly but the motivation has decreased recently. Thought about suicide does cross my mind once in a while but I am too scared to do something like that. But I do sometimes wish that I could just disappear from the world.
Anyway, I hope the medication I have been prescribed will help me get through the tough time.
Thank you all for your comments once again. 
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EveryOne wants happiness, No one needs pain, But its not possible to get a rainbow… Without a little rain...              try to think positive only........ do not compare with others.........
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I guess doing meditation twice a day will resolve this issue one in the morning and one at the evening for every 25 to 30 minutes. Please do pranayama and some yoga streching steps before going to meditation.

I do not know whether it works for you or not but for me it completely reduces my stress.

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Not trying to be sarcastic, may I ask few questions?

Did you feel similar symptoms while you were in Nepal or started immediately once you boarded or it started gradually?

Like coping with the new cultural, disconnection with friends and families, having hard time in school or what ever business you are in, not able to meet the exception you came with or  back home your friends and family are expecting  more than you can deliver? After graduation , unable to find a dream job, or still in school but going to graduate soon and the job market is not good, missed girlfriend and not able to feel her?  Are any of these causing you headache ? Do you think that if you  had done similar hard work back home, you would have achieved more or would have a easy life? Then do not use pills.

Disengage from this kind of thoughts which charges negative attitude and takes away all your positive energy. Yoga, Exercise, sexercise, meeting with friends and express what's going on, let it go from your head, do not hold it for long,  it will burst and will be worst. One of my friend told me that he used to drive 3 hours drive once in a month to meet a Nepali friend and family. That is early 90's story, now you will find every nook and corner, but may be hard to find one with similar interests.

Have you heard this story ""ज्वाँई हजुरको टोपी चाँही मेरो ". "ज्वाँई हजुरको टोपी को कुरै नगरौ " I mean accumulation of  is not healthy. 



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