Baburam Bhattarai Next Prime Minister - Sajha Mobile
Baburam Bhattarai Next Prime Minister
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Madhesi Forum will try to misuse this situation and bargain for the unreasonable position in Government. UML is already feeling guilt of bringing down the government.

It will be impossible to form a government of 21 parties.  Even by number it is not possible to form government without Maoist. So UML will again propose Maoist to lead the government but just to save their butt they will ask Baburam Bhattarai to lead the next government instead of Prachanda.

Baburam will be the next prime minister which won't be a bad deal for Nepal.

Last edited: 06-May-09 10:06 AM
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"UML is already feeling guilt of bringing down the government". 

Can you elaborate this please, i got more confused. I thought they are in a row right now to lead the government. Haina?  

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The voice of prachanda was trembling for the first time today on his clarification speech to people

Here are the few points to see?

  1. He calls other party lead by Indian Government but he has no hesitation to answer Indian journalist in hindi
  2. He Hesitate to take US name despite taking India and China.
  3. His voice for the first was trembling and making mistake on reading during speech
  4. He sounded like he is in Pain during speech
  5. He sounded really unmotivated and his soul is hunting him.
  6. Without anyone's question he tried to verify the Moaist activities forcing UML and NC is against the party
  7. He didn't want to stay there longer
  8. He is in Shame for sure
  9. He tried to win the people heart by saying they will go in peaceful process.
  10. Now he know what does it feel to be evaluated by this verification and previous speech may hurt his candid.
any class 12 pass with self consiense in life and has seen what is life can understand him? If not then you need to get inside the pressure cooker and turn your arrogant into tender soul after 5 whistle.
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prem chopda
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Yes Baburam will be next prime minister of Jungle. He can rule his fellow jungalee in Jungle. Jwala you are welcome to delete this too. But be ready face consequences too. You know what i mean.
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There is no alternative functioning government without Maoists support. They knew it so they went for such a dangerous step alone.

About presidental rule: it is impossible to do so by president alone without support from all other political parties. Next, NC will lose its identity as a democratic force if it invites presidental rule with the help of army. also, if NC can obstruct the CA for 2 weeks, some people may argue why Maoists can not do that. if army rule really become infamous, NC would invite the end of NC from Nepali politics. Maoist could take the advantage of situation and do some revolt. Army is sort of divided now, so presidental rule is not possible.

now, I heard that India wants or likes Baburam Bhattarai to lead Maoists or government from long ago. he had good relationship with Indian leaders, especially with communist leaders. if Maoists hard liners did not oppose it, Baburam would be the prime minister instead of Prachanda. Times of India wrote few days ago that India would be engaging on talks with Maoists to please them. India itself will have hard time dealing with the situation if Maoists are out of power in Nepal. So, India might have given some signal to Prachanda about it, so Prachanda might have said that Maoist would be leading next government.
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If it were possible, India would just want to finish Maoist. But India cannot ignore the fact that Maoist are the largest elected party in Nepal which has won more seats in the consitutional assembly than 2nd and 3rd largest parties combined.

It is an ignorant analysis that India perfers Baburam over Prachanda. The truth is Baburam is the most popular politician at the moment in Nepal although Hisila's credentials are not helping him much.

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baburam bhattrai is the example of most stupid and buhi bhrastha .....with those PHD one should have used it in infrastructures ,./....not destroying them ....yesle padheko ta googhari gayo
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Jawala seems to be doing some soul searching now after the prachanda's video episode. Well, while I do not agree with maoist policy, however, I do give credit for Baburam for collecting huge revenue. But again, what is the purpose of the collecting huge revenue if it is going to be utilized for maoists party only and that too for so called revolution?? Baburam while collected the revenue, but fail to spend the targeted budget. No wonder this might will be their strategy. Who knows??? But whatever happens, this is the end for prachanda-for good.
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प्रचन्ड भनेको एक नम्बर को फटाहा हो भन्ने त भिडियो ले पुषटी गरिनै सक्याछ। कि कसो?


यस्तो फटाहाको पछी लाग्ने बाबुराम चाँही कस्तो होला त? आँफै सोच्नुस्।

Last edited: 06-May-09 03:35 PM
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In my opinion there will be no government in Nepal at least for next 15 days…there will be no government till the result of election are out in India in third week of May. The future of politics in Nepal will be completely dictated by the result of Indian election. If BJP and its alliance are able to garner majority their, I think it is end of Moist in Nepal at least for some time where as If Congress and its alliance are able to garner support without left support we will have a government without Maoist too. But, if congress is forced to form a government with support from leftist parties in any kind, then God will only be able to save Nepal.

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thats fine but no more krantikari
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Jawala,"Madhesi Forum will try to misuse this situation and bargain for the unreasonable position in Government." ha ha ha Hasaucha yo gadha ley, DIDN'T YOU GUYS DO THE SAME SHIT 10 YRS AGO ? Making unreasonable demands, then heading to the Jungle and starting a bloodbath of 13000 Nepali citizens ?

It is funny to see this guy geting the same prescription they prescribed to Monarchy 13yrs ago. ha ha ha That is why they say what goes around comes around.

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कान्छु, वावुरामने पैसा तो जमकर इकठ्टा किया क्युँकि उनका बाँस ने शहिदके नाममै १० - १० लाख, क्यान्टोनमेन्टके आदमीके नाममै १२X५०००X२५००० पकेट मनि, और क्यान्टोनमेन्टके रासन दिनका १०० करके कूल ११,४१,२५,००,००० का हिसाब हुआ, उसमे और तालिमके लिए पैसे, और लजिस्टिक ऐसे वैसे करके कुल ३०,००,००,००,००० तो हो हि जायेगा । ३००,००० वाइसियल के लिए महिनेमे २००० हि देनेको लिए भि और ७,२०,००,००,००० का जरुरत हुआ । यह तो सीधा बात हुइ । माओबादी सेनाके हतियारके लिए उन्हे ट्रकमै पैसा ले जानेकि जरुरत है, वह दिखाना नहि है । पार्टीमे लगनेवाले कार्जकर्ता और नेताओ का हिसाव इसमे नहि है, क्युँकि वह खुद उसका ब्यवस्था करेगा । और बहाल रहा जनपद, सशस्त्र, सेना और सरकारी कर्मचारीका खर्च भि भर्ना हि होगा । इसिलिए वह इकठ्टा कितना हुआ बतासकते है, लेकिन खर्चाके बारेमा चुप है । target बजेट अगर स्पेण्ड हुआ तो इतना खर्चा कैसे भरेंगे ? हाँ ?
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deshbhakta, I agree with you the fate of maoists will depend on outcome of election in india. If that happens, maoists will utilize this time, as they are doing now by taking a hell lot decision and appointing thier tails in the various postition. Which seems to me is their planned strategy-they are not dumb too. The main aim of any communists, from bolsevik to maoists, is to capture power. Why in a earth they will give up the power that they are already in. I do not think they will leave the kursi...what say you brother?

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New generation will have a chance to read, once upon a time, Maoists were in power for 8 months!

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Baburam was talking about third sex to the other parties... it's only natural that his mind poured such words becasue his own wife looks like third sex.. who knows she might be for fact...

These Maoists netas should be thrashed... jailed...
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ok ta k hayo india le pressure diyera senapati hatayana tara k katawal hateko bhaya ramro hunthyo tha ....please don't die of ignorance....
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There is a vast difference between telling an individual third gender and one political party third gender.

In politics, there are two gender - left and right. UML always acts like party of the middle of left and right, that's why Baburam was saying third gender UML.





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Past few days i have been a silent reader of the threads out here......i have few request from you guys!!

can you give me the PDF copy of NEW INTERIM CONSTITUTION.....(after CA election, where President is mentioned), i have fourth amendment, but president term is not included!! wanted to read through it!!

Bathroom Coffee mentioned 10 years back they made UNREASONABLE DEMAND...can you point our which POINTS were UNREASONABLE HERE??

Maoist's 40 Point Demands

demands were submitted by the political front of CPN (Maoist) United
People's Front with the coalition gpvernment headed by Nepali Congress
party. These are the same demands which were raised during the 1990's
people movement including the end of band of political parties. The UPF
raised these demands for 5 years after the so-called democratic
negotiation with the monarchy. But the successive government and Nepali
Congress government acted just opposit of the demands. Thousands of
supporters and workers of communist party and UPF were imprisoned or
trapped in false charges and more than 100 sons and daughters of
Nepalese were killed when peacefully they demanded. Now the government
asking what were the demands of their. It means they through away the
demend request in dustwin. Here the demands are reproduced. (INSOF-JP)


1) Regarding the 1950 Treaty between India and Nepal, all unequal stipulations and agreements should be removed.

2) HMG should admit that the anti-nationalist
Tanakpur agreement was wrong, and the Mahakali Treaty, incorporating
same, should be nullified.

3) The entire Nepal-Indian border should be
controlled and systematized. Cars with Indian number plates, which are
plying the roads of Nepal, should not be allowed.

4) Gorkha recruiting centers should be closed and decent jobs should be arranged for the recruits.

5) In several areas of Nepal, where foreign
technicians are given precedence over Nepali technicians for certain
local jobs, a system of work permits should be instituted for the

6) The monopoly of foreign capital in Nepal's industry, trade and economic sector should be stopped.

7) Sufficient income should be generated from customs duties for the country's; economic development.

8) The cultural pollution of imperialists and
expansionists should be stopped. Hindi video, cinema, and all kinds of
such news papers and magazines should be completely stopped. Inside
Nepal, import and distribution of vulgar Hindi films, video cassettes
and magazines should be stopped.

9) Regarding NGOs and INGOs: Bribing by imperialists and expansionists in the name of NGOs and INGOs should be stopped.


10) A new Constitution has to be drafted by the people's elected representatives.

11) All the special rights and privileges of the King and his family should be ended.

12) Army, police and administration should be under the people's control.

13) The Security Act and all other repressive acts should be abolished.

14) All the false charges against the people of
Rukum, Rolpa, Jajarkot, Gorkha, Kavre, Sindhuphalchowk, Sindhuli,
Dhanusha and Ramechap should be withdrawn and all the people falsely
charged should be released.

15) Armed police operations in the different districts should immediately be stopped.

16) Regarding Dilip Chaudhary, Bhuvan Thapa Magar,
Prabhakar Subedi and other people who disappeared from police custody
at different times, the government should constitute a special
investigating committee to look into these crimes and the culprits
should be punished and appropriate compensation given to their

17) People who died during the time of the movement,
should be declared as martyrs and their families, and those who have
been wounded and disabled should be given proper compensation. Strong
action should be taken against the killers.

18) Nepal should be declared a secular state.

19) Girls should be given equal property rights to those of their brothers.

20) All kinds of exploitation and prejudice based on
caste should be ended. In areas having a majority of one ethnic group,
that group should have autonomy over that area.

21) The status of dalits as untouchables should be ended and the system of untouchability should be ended once and for all.

22) All languages should be given equal status. Up
until middle-high school level (uccha-madyamic) arrangements should be
made for education to be given in the children's mother tongue.

23) There should be guarantee of free speech and free press. The communications media should be completely autonomous.

24) Intellectuals, historians, artists and
academicians engaged in other cultural activities should be guaranteed
intellectual freedom.

25) In both the terai and hilly regions there is
prejudice and misunderstanding in backward areas. This should be ended
and the backward areas should be assisted. Good relations should be
established between the villages and the city.

26) Decentralization in real terms should be applied
to local areas which should have local rights, autonomy and control
over their own resources.


27) Those who cultivates the land should own it. (The
tiller should have right to the soil he/she tills.) The land of rich
landlords should be confiscated and distributed to the homeless and
others who have no land.

28) Brokers and commission agents should have their property confiscated and that money should be invested in industry.

29) All should be guaranteed work and should be given a stipend until jobs are found for them.

30) HMG should pass strong laws ensuring that people involved in industry and agriculture should receive minimum wages.

31) The homeless should be given suitable
accommodation. Until HMG can provide such accommodation they should not
be removed from where they are squatting.

32) Poor farmers should be completely freed from
debt. Loans from the Agricultural Development Bank by poor farmers
should be completely written off. Small industries should be given

33) Fertilizer and seeds should be easily and cheaply
available, and the farmers should be given a proper market price for
their production.

34) Flood and draught victims should be given all necessary help

35) All should be given free and scientific medical
service and education and education for profit (private schools?)
should be completely stopped.

36) Inflation should be controlled and laborers
salaries should be raised in direct ratio with the rise in prices.
Daily essential goods should be made cheap and easily available.

37) Arrangements should be made for drinking water, good roads, and electricity in the villages.

38) Cottage and other small industries should be granted special facilities and protection.

39) Corruption, black marketing, smuggling, bribing, the taking of commissions, etc. should all be stopped.

40) Orphans, the disabled, the elderly and children should be given help and protection.

We offer a heartfelt request to the present coalition
government that they should, fulfill the above demands which are
essential for Nepal's existence and for the people's daily lives as
soon as possible. If the government doesn't show any interest by Falgun
5, 2052, (February 17, 1996,) we will be compelled to launch a movement
against the government. *** The above demands put forth by the Samukta
Jana Morcha, led by Dr. Bhattarai, were handed over to the then prime
minister Sher Bahadur Deuba.

(As translated by Barbara Adams - published in People's Reveiw)


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guys lets not flagg every msg of jawala, we can certainly flag his some ultra maoists version but  let him give also chance to speak, he must be feeling low these days...we believe in democracy that means we should also listen someone like jawala. he must be pro maoist but certainly he even can not remain too naive, too stupid for a long time. let us help him open his eyes!

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