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mandale murdabad
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सत्ता कब्जाबारे प्रचण्डको खुलासा, गोप्य भिडियो सार्वजनिक

०६४ पुष १८ मा प्रचण्डले भने :

  • हाम्रा लडाकू ७ हजार देखि ८ हजारको बीचमा
  • ३५ हजार भनेकाले २० हजारमा झर्यो, नत्र ४ हजार हुन्थ्यो
  • लिडरशिपले बुद्धि पुर्याएर ७ हजारलाई २१ हजार पुर्यायो
  • संविधानसभा कि कांग्रेसले हुन दिँदैन, कि हामी हुन दिन्नौं
  • हामीले जितेपछि भेरिफिकेसनलाई आधार मान्दैनौं, अर्को नियम बनाइदिन्छौं
  • हामी माथि परेको बेला समायोजन भए पुरै सेना माओवादीमय बनाइदिन्छौं
(भिडियोको लागि प्रतीक्षा गर्नुहोस्)
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With what face is prachanda still staying at Baluwatar??
prem chopda
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Oh Jwala,, Tero PKD daddy ko karamat dekhis ta. Kehi bhannu chha.
mandale murdabad
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Dr. Ram Baran Yadav and Rukmangut Katuwal saved our nation from a great disastar


They are our national heroes

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Who the fc uk are his 3rd grade armies to give the level of National armies? What the f cuk he mean the only people who supports him are to be given priority and what??? rest of whole Nepallese people are what ..Shit??,,,,Look at his fc king way to took over the country? He is making this country as fuc.. kin as N. Korea? ....

I saw a bad dream just last night...I was in American Army and i Had to go to Nepal to kill the rebels? I dont wanna see my country as Afghanistan?

.......But I will not step behind to kill those supporters of Guerella Person AKA PKD whose power and mind has killed and displaced thousands of poor Nepalsese People for their own fuc kin benefits........................................................................
pyaari kt
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Khai ta Jwala, Dipulata ra Eternalbliss bhanne maobaadi le bidesh ma chhodeka bhusiyaa kukur haru?? Kehi comment aayena ta aafno baaau ko karaaaamat baare???
Peter Bagdas
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Pyaari kt jee testa terrrorist supporters the scum hun; ini haru sanga compare gare ra bhysa kukur haru ko apaman nagarnu hola.
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nice going..........guys.......
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Maobadi lai desh ma j bhaye pani bideshi haath jasto lagcha....aba tyo video pani conspiracy ho re external force haruko.....tini haruko afnai bachaa haru pani external force le ta janmaeka hainan?????kina bhane maobadi namard hoon tesaile Jhala Nath Khanal ra usko Communist Party  lai tesrro linga bhanera aarop lagaudai thiye....

Maobadi kati samma gireka ta...aba yo video lai pani naswikarne...

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pyaree kt I am the 6th commentor on this thread please read it properly and can read my all previous comments and point out. I am only anti-congress thats it.
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Nepalnews' video has some more revelations.

pyaari kt
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Dipulata Bro..I am extremely sorry...Its ok if you are ant congress, which everyone has rights to be...But being a terrorist..uff. I mean maoists should be haung to death.period. Sorry again...
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I am deeply upset , and concerned by this.

Same old shit keeps repeating again and again.Are n't there any politicians who really love their country???


Peter Bagdas
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Technokid your question is admirable. But answer me this - are you proposing to love these terrorists to death? See more of what they are doing:


It's time for round 2 and no wishy washy stuff this time.

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I amn't proposing to love any terrorists. i am just curious if there are any politicians who really love Nepal.



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Now Maos are probably going to come back with " we had to say that to our cadres to loosen up the peace and integration process" but this is a huge blow on Maoists face. They are in a position where they can barely sell any ideas to people now. You are right Techno kid, it is unfortunate that Nepal will never get the leader that it needs. Be it Crazy Maoists, Hermaphrodite UML, Corrupt & DesDrohi Comgress, or Regressive Inbred Royals.

Nepali le kahilei Shanti ko saas pherna napaune bhaye. Yo ghanta jasto strugle against indian emparilism bhanda ta india ko nai state banna thik, teso bhayo bhane ta madeshi lai pani aandolan garna pardaina thiyo.

All of the Mao fans and Indian Greasy balls lickers  congressi, uml, and royalists need to go to hell !!!!
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hey sidster and all poltical party haters of Nepal!!!

what you think about registering a new political party for a true concerned citizens of Nepal like us "DESH BHAKTA PARTY".. or whatever good name we can come up with....and start a real "NEW NEPAL"..
and i agree with you, i have had same opinion, Nepal being a part of India after hating them all these years ..at least that will help create a peace and prosperity in our beloved country..and at the same time , we will have much more opportunity and stability in Nepal where we can also contribute in a huge way...

i know there will be people who will not like my idea but let me ask you something," Do you ever think, our political situation is ever going to change with same politicians who wants to either capture power or who wants to get richer using country's resources"..the answer is NO, you like it or not and we all know that too..
i am a big desi birodhi man, i boycott all hindi movies, hindi serials and possibly avoid using any desi materials...i have had heated arguments about these above mentioned things with my own siblings, friends, and people who are so obsessed  about desis...cmon people stop watching and listening  those copied idol programs, movies, songs and talk about it so proudly... 
I am not saying all desis are bad, i m mainly opposed to desi govt and their interferance...and at the same time i have few desi good friends who are well wishers of Nepal..

So in short, our generation should unite together, and stop being a putla of external forces like all the political parties...
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yesta khate neta lai maya garera gaddi ma rakhne ani afno raja lai chai ghar bata bagira falne..,

thukka nepali janta haru..

Don't know know they gonna learn.., neverever...

god bless nepal

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Omg what is this. Now whom should the public trust. Was this the democracy that we had wanted. First came  Raaj tantra then Praja tantra then Gana tantra then Look tantra now wat Tantra was Prachanda upto. Twenty years before at least my neighbours were my neighbours, at least my village was my village and my country was my country. I could atleast happily walk around the streets where we use to play around and parents not worrying that their son/ daughters would return home safely at night. But now.....

                                   Now what have you done to our country or is our country has become my country and your country. I thought i still live in the country in which you lived too and i still thought you still breathe  and feel the air of the same country which i do. Twenty years back when there was Raaj tantrra, didnt knew about dictarship or democracy, but atleast i/ we wasnt feared of our own neighbours being maobadi or congressi or ycl badi and chasing out of our own home or community.

15 years of all those blood sheed which i was never never supportive of it, and after ellection by hook or by crook, maobadi came in power and Prachanda became a prime minister. I was neither happy nor sad coz i had seen all those previous polticians ripping of my country one after another gradually.

After loosing faith on King Gyanendra, when Prachanda became a prime minister and came in power, just had a hope, at least this dude would do some changes and atleast think about the country beyond politics, beyond his party and beyond himself. But in vein same shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit and after seeing todays video clip of Prachanda, i am so disgust by your act and i even curse my self, how could i even trust this guy who lead on killing his own 15000 fellow brothers and sister could do better and think something good for the country.  I am so f ...kin frustrated. EXCUSE my words but i am honestly so  f...kin frustrated.   Inside me i got so many things to vomit out but right now if i had only this rotten egg in my hand then it would surely be for you Prachanda.  You just not only betrayed yourself, you betrayed your country men, your fellow comrades and as a human being too in general.

I just dont belive, what kind of law or rules or concept is that, to be good you got to make look some one bad. How could one even think about bringing peace by killing someone and following the path "my way or high way"..... We all know sooner or later we all has to die, we all got to sleep for ever on those dead bamboo bed being carrid by four fellow, we all got to go same way at the end.  But why.. why.... why.. . I am just one fellow man of the country who always think good and posperous of the country and i will contribute to the country to the ability of mine as i can. But Prachanda bro, u r bad, really really bad, morally today u did loose one of the non-voilent supporter if u had only done something positive to the country and paid back the value, life and blood of those martyrs.

Good bless you Prachanda bro, but i think he/ she wont this time....if there is one.

I hope u would not be saying one day "I have long feared that my sins would return to visit me, and the cost is more than I can bear."

" Nasochau Desh le hami lai k diyo, sochau desh lai hamile k diyaou"-

mandale murdabad
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If mao tse tung was alive, he would laugh at pushpa kamal dahal,

"What a stupid follower i have" 

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Janaandolan mero g ulo. Maobadi hypocrites. They are all about power like all the other parties. On top of that they are most crooked ones. Prachande r andi ko baan, Sale chor hamro desh lai experiment garne bhado sochchas taile. Maobadi are just bunch of dakas. Tiniharu ko political agenda bhaneko power ma aaune ani ti pahile hamro pyaro Nepalese Army haru lai marne kukur haru (PLA) lai army ma integrate garne. Hami sabai Nepali haru milera maobadi ko khel khattam garnu parcha. They are just playing with our nepalese sentiment and situation. They had never good intention (video shows). Maobadi is the reason why our country is in this distressed position. Pahile hamro desh garib bhaye ni santi ta thiyo. ahile yi Daka haru aayera tyo nepali haru ko bich ko santi ra trust dhwasta paryo.
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