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Shall we help this kid ? He seems to be very intelligent.


वैज्ञानिक सम्मेलनमा जान खर्च समस्या

सरस्वती कार्की

विराटनगर, ब्रह्माण्ड उत्पत्तिबारे गरिएको नयाँ अध्ययन प्रमाणित गर्न नासाको वैज्ञानिक सम्मेलनमा सहभागी हुन बोलाइएका यहाँका एक किशोरले आर्थिक सहयोग गरिदिन सरकार तथा संघसंस्थालाई अपिल गरेका छन् ।

विराटनगरको बूढानीलकण्ठ स्कुलबाट एसएलसी दिएका १६ वषर्ीय रिजन कार्कीले सोमबार विद्यालयमा पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरी अमेरिकामा हुने सम्मेलनमा भाग लिन जान पारिवारको आर्थिक हैसियत नभएको भन्दै सहयोगका लागि आग्रह गरेका हुन् ।

ब्रमाण्ड उत्पत्तिबारे सानैदेखि अध्ययन/अनुसन्धानमा रहेका कार्कीले आफूले गरेको दाबीसहितको फायल विद्यालयमार्फत नासामा पठाएका थिए । 'मैले धेरै मुलुकका वैज्ञानिकलाई मेरो अनुसन्धान पठाएँ, कसैले वास्ता गरेनन्,' उनले भने, 'अहिले नासाले आफ्नै खर्चमा आउन भनेर बोलाएको छ, मसँग पैसा छैन ।' आगामी मे महिनामा वैज्ञानिक सम्मेलन हुँदैछ । आफ्नै खर्चमा शिक्षकसहित ३ जनालाई निमन्त्रणा आएको स्कुलका निर्देशक खगेन्द्र पाण्डेले बताए । '३ वर्षदेखि अनुसन्धानमा लिप्त थिए,' सहयोगको माग गर्दै पाण्डेले भने, 'केही सफल भएको छ तर स्कुलले पनि खर्च बेहोर्न सक्ने अवस्था छैन ।'

ब्रमाण्ड उत्पत्तिबारे केही कुरा चित्त बुझे पनि न्युटनको गुरुत्वाकर्षण र आइन्सटाइनको ब्रमाण्ड स्थिर भइरहने छ भन्ने सिद्धान्तप्रति कार्की असहमत छन् । 'ब्रमाण्डमा एउटामात्र पिण्ड रह्यो भने जीएमएमआर इस्क्वार फर्मुला बेकार छ, यसले गर्दा नै साबित हुन्छ कि ब्रमाण्डमा एउटामात्र पिण्ड भयो भने गुरुत्वाकर्षण शक्ति नरहने हुन्छ,' कार्कीले थपे, 'त्यसैले गुरुत्वाकर्षण सिद्धान्त मलाई चित्त

बुझेन ।' आइन्सटाइनको ब्रमाण्ड स्थिर भइरहने छ भन्ने मान्यता पनि गतल सावित भएको उल्लेख गर्दै भने, 'डार्क इनर्जीका कारणले ब्रमाण्ड फैलिरहेको छ तर डार्क इनर्जी के हो ? यसको उत्पत्तिबारे कसैले भन्न सकेका छैनन् ।'

गुरुत्वाकर्षणको सिद्धान्त ठीक भएको भए अहिले डार्क इनर्जी र डार्क म्याटर जस्ता कुराको हल हुनुपर्ने थियो तर नभएकाले त्यो सिद्धान्त गलत भएको उनको दाबी छ । 'गुरुत्वाकर्षणको पुरानो सिद्धान्त पूरै परिवर्तन गर्ने मेरो सामथ्र्य छ,' सबै कुरा नासामा पठाएको दाबी गर्दै उनी थप्छन्, 'गुरुत्वाकर्षण शक्ति के हो ? यसको उत्पत्ति, डार्क इनर्जी शक्ति के हो ? यसले कसरी काम गर्छ भन्नेबारे मैले हल गरेको छु ।'

स्वीट्जरल्यान्डमा वैज्ञानिकले गरेका एलएचसीको नतिजामा आफ्नो सिद्धान्तबाट त्यसको निष्कर्ष निकाल्न सकिने उनले बताए । 'ब्रमाण्ड फैलिन्छ र यो कालान्तरपछि अन्त्य हुन्छ र फेरि उत्पत्ति हुन्छ,' उनको जिकिर छ ।

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16 years and this knowledge ... Interesting .. I am wondering what is the source of all his knowlegde .. Nepali teachers ..No ..I doubt them .

one thing for sure .. Universe ...gravity and dark energy is the less known stuff.. I would be more interested to know how he acquired that knowledge before sending money or collecting money for his trip..

There are two possibilities: Either he is born knowledgeable person or he is tricking everyone .. I doubt it is the second one becoz my understanding of universe , dark energy balck hole . there is no way a 16 years boy can understand .. it is beyond teen age knowledge

If you know a little bit about physics .. U know what I am talking about ..
Last edited: 22-Apr-09 01:29 AM
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the guy is a dwarf!!!!
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I do not understand, where and how he studied entire physics of universe? It is Nepal, anything may happen!! We have seen new budha and now this new Newton !!!!
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Hehe .. Well said fortunefaded, "
16 year old kid thinks he's figured out gravity: the least understood of the four forces. Jeez, give me a break, and before that give him an advanced multi-variable calculus textbook along with differential geometry so that he can actually comprehend General Relativity before pointing flaws in it. That should keep him busy for a couple of years."
I totally agree with ya.
Comcast- I dont think they have invited him for a paper presentation. They just invited him because its a curious case. 16 yrs old boy from third world country ( no prior knowledge of calculus/ advance physics) disagreeing with gravitational theory- interesting.. OR.. stupid?
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Deserves a chance, we can donate but can not afford for 3 teachers, only  Him and a teacher. Lets start collecting donation.

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anyone got the link to this guy's work?
I want to verify.
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Don't make a rush to raise funds. Please verify the information with NASA before doing anything.
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At the least, I would suggest someone who is on direct touch with him to put a video presentation of why he thinks he should be financed to visit NASA. He could talk about his theory just to see how interesting he is presenting. About 1/2 to 1 hour presentation about this would convince many of us to find a reason to donate him. We are not asking to prove his theory on us but just asking want to see his potential.

Also, everyone of us would like to see the NASA invitation docs to see under what circumstances he is invited and what are they expecting from him.

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How about San Dai?? We all shorta know him and he can post the total amount raised and send it to the kid. I am not comfortable in dealing with others. what do you say people. Should we ask san Dai?? I have had a bad experience with donating money before with others so....


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I am amazed by the cynicism (or is it just people playing devil’s advocate here?) demonstrated by few fellow posters here. Here a 16 years old kid from a third world country is getting an invitation to present his proposition on gravitational theory and extent of the universe in a NASA conference (I sincerely hope it's not just a hoax). Isn’t it some accomplishment already (at least he could make NASA get curious on his statement)? If a clerk working in a patent office could come up with theories like photoelectric effect, Brownian movement and mass-energy equivalence; someone without formal training in mathematics could impress a professor at Cambridge and came up with almost 4000 theories, why not a Nepali kid? And, the news does mention that this kid is studying on the topic for years.

I will be more comfortable to donate few dollars for this kid if his claims are supported by some physics professor from TU rather than his teachers from the school. If someone like Prof. Udaya Raj Khanal (who had created some sensation during my high school years claiming that it’s possible for a body to exceed the velocity of light which contradicts with Einstein’s theory) can find some light in this kid’s theory, I will be more than happy to skip few bottle of coronas for next few fridays to bring the kid to NASA conference and get grilled from the hands of heavyweight theoretical physicists like Edward Witten and Brian Green.  
Last edited: 22-Apr-09 11:36 AM
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If the things is true. Then first he has supposed to prove for government institution and which must support to him (ex-RONAST). I m not quite sure the new name of RONAST. I m not discouraging for any one to make fund raise or making popularity for him and marketing his school too. Though, he must prove in national and regional level before proceed to NASA. Also, he must proof his past award and abstract in this research too.

Of course, he must show or someone has to provide the authorized links, videos and some sort of information about his research presentation.

On top of that please ask to post his abstract in the forum.

Last edited: 22-Apr-09 12:42 PM
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i strongly agree with the thread posted by everest2 , first he need to establish his foundation and theroy at regional level or country level , then if his profounded theory are guinine then of course NAST(National Academy Of Science and Techonlogy) will atleast make some effort to priortize out side the country.


natra sathi haru kasiko paisa jwam parne naya thread huna sakha again no offesnce for any one..

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Shirish dai,

If it is true that he has received invitation from NASA to showcase his findings then it would be a worthy cause to help him out. I don't support raising funds for all the teachers - maybe one would be sufficient as far as keeping him company and for guardianship. If the other teachers find other means to get the financing then good for them too.

How can we verify the authenticity of this?

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Just authenticate the NASA invitation, and I will gladly fork out what I can. That's not being a cynic. Just don't want to be scammed and taken advantage of. I have been fooled by Sherpakyidug.com on Save Dolma. The amount raised for her has gone compltely unaccounted for... It's time we all use a little common sense.
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I found the number for Budhanilkantha English Boarding School and will ask for verification.

I will also try to contact Saraswoti Karki who reported for Kantipur.

But will NASA respond to my call ? Which Dept of NASA should I call ? Can some one help me?

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Public Communications Office
NASA Headquarters
Suite 5K39
Washington, DC 20546-0001
(202) 358-0001 (Office)
(202) 358-4338 (Fax)

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Shirish dai,

I can try and find contact information for Budhanilkantha School in Biratnagar if you want. Then I think we can directly have conversation with the principle of the school and the Rijan Karki too to expedite the donation process.

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I've tried to contact an active member of Budhanilkantha. I am waiting for his response. I will let you all know if I hear from him.

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ल ल मेरो $२५ आयो ...दिने चाही कसलाई हो? यस्तो रिसेसन माँ २५ झिक्न नि धौ धौ छ ता पनी यो भाई को लागी २५ स्वाहा ... ल जा 
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I left a message at NASA's system. Lets wait to hear from them. In the mean time, contacting Budhanilkantha English Boarding School in Biratnagar would be appreciated.

The number is 524168.

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