Help me techguy/(& techgirl if he has one!) - Sajha Mobile
Help me techguy/(& techgirl if he has one!)
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Write a program that implements a method that receives an array parameter and sorts that array using the bubble-sort algorithm. The bubble-sort algorithm makes several passes through the array. On each pass, successive neighboring pairs are compared. If a pair is in decreasing order, its values are swapped: otherwise, the values remain unchanged. The technique is called a bubble sort because the smaller values gradually "bubble" their way to the top.


boolean changed;


  changed = false;

  for(int i = 0; i < list.length - 1; i++){

    if(list[i] > list[i + 1]){ 

      swap list[i] with list[i + 1];
      changed = true; 


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ha ha ha.. this is freaking crap.... no one's going to write a whole code for you... you should practice it yourself and post the lines of codes where you get error... If you keep on posting your problems in the blogs and someone posts the codes then when you'll learn to code yourself? Do, some research dude, read some books, follow programming basics and finally you'll be able to generate the codes by yourself...
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Seriously? You can't even code a simple bubble sort algorithm?

I am sorry to be so critical of you zeepa but I think programming is not for you.
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is that your assignment given by your professor...if so..its better to get help from your professor ....we are here to learn...not to plagiarize...
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You have already done everything, where r u stuck...about that swap logic?

well here is how it works,

suppose you have oil on bucket A


 and water in bucket B


, now you got to transfer oil to B and water to A,

final result B=oil, A=water

 how will you do it?

Take another empty bucket C.

Put oil from A to C

C=A; (well in  real world bucket A will get empty, but in programming,  A and C both will have oil, ignore  that and think this is real world)


Put the content of B(water) to A, so A contains water


then put the content of C(oil)  to B, so B contains Oil


This is how swap works.

For your problem




Hope that explains .

 Post your code, if therez logical or syntax error we can point it out. Java or C or C++?

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Thanks techguy! BTW, its java.

This was specifically for you. Others talked about plagiarism and shit like that. I tell u , except techguy, what!

Fear of Plagiarism shouldn't hinder sharing of knowledge. Knowledge is open surce and free!

Techguy knows what i am talking about!

But guys, I am cool with your suggestions too..

thanks anyways.

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Plagiarism not only hinders sharing of knowledge but is the lowest you can go. I mean it is good to have a genuine desire to learn but blatant plagiarism and copying isn't the right way.

However I do like Techguy's style of analysis and I hope that it helped you. Good luck.
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Asking questions is not plagiarism.Copying from someone else is.
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Over the last few threads, I am kind of amazed with people bashing someone asking for help. And People who are asking for help are asking for the whole code... #include ... to return blah.

I think you are doing java, and it is a good question, how to pass array to a function. As java does not use pointers like C++.

Zeepa, you seem to have already done the hard part, so whats going  on ? make a function, like the question says passs an argument ( array). .

String myArray == new array[20];
// put your values into myArray in each elements.

public string  myArrayFunction( myArray) {

 type that code... you found or did.

return myArray; // which at this point is already sorted.

Last edited: 30-Oct-08 09:52 AM
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I saw kudos to Techie bro and yellow.. the poster is trying to learn, what the hell yaar.. if you don't' want to help than don't' ridicule the poor chap..

Maybe he doesn't' want to be a programmer, he has to take programming class to get his degree... what is wrong with cheating and passing if you are not going to use it ever in your life...>???

so most of you guy's here are trying to tell us, you guys are geniuses..
a learned man will never make fun of a person who has less knowledge than them,., that only shows how intelligent you are..
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Test it. I may be wrong. I did not test it.

/// Routine sorts the array that holds integer values. Make sure list[i] returns integer but NOT string or object or double or any

//boolean changed; not needed
//changed = false; not needed
int temp = 0;

  for(int i = 0; i < list.length - 1; i++){

    //initialize the temp varaible for every spin
    temp = 0;

    //Swap it only if first value is greater than next value
    if(list[i] > list[i + 1]){ 
    temp = list[i];

    list[i] = list[i+1];

    list[i+1] = temp;

    //swap list[i] with list[i + 1]; 
    // changed = true; not needed


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this dude is too lazy lol
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