Carbon Credits: Any info?? - Sajha Mobile
Carbon Credits: Any info??
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Since the whole Global warming/environmental issues have taken a huge leap forward especially in the past 5 years, does anyone here know anything about obtaining carbon credits in Nepal?  Who does it there and also any kind of govt/Rastra bank involvement in it?  Anyone been through that process as yet or know anyone? 

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Do you think there is carbon credit system in Nepal ?? I guess not...(just gut feeling tell me, not from any source)

 US ma ta aahai sabbai state ma enforce garako choina...vanae we in Nepal have a lot more different things to worry about for daily survival. I guess this doesn't fall in priority in  the current list.

Anyways, I too would love to see if anyone comes with any information relating carbon credit and Nepal.


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India/Pakistan/Bangladesh ra hamro aru neighbors haru ma ta aaye sakyo...Its all around the globe and the IBs here are capitalizing on it already.  Just want to know the process of how it works in Nepal.  I should think it should depend on the business owners (rather than the govt).  But really am unsure and if anyone knows someonw who has had this done to his/her business abck home, pls elaborate. 
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This could be a great project for students in environmental engineering or science in US right? I see a good potential not in private sector in Nepal (how many industries do we have anyways) but with the development organizations!

In kathmandu i can think of indistries like carpet dying and brick factory to go for with funding from development org... hope someone has already started it..

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Sheetalb, students and engineers have been left out in the race...Its bascially the Investment banks who have pretty much monopolized this sector.  Finally our fellow capitalist have started to vent out a little more sympathy for nature. 
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But in case of Nepal, the capitalists first have to see the potential ni hoina ta? the investment sector first need to know the potential. I do not have any idea how the investment bank (sector) performs in Nepal though!
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Its not the Nepali IBs I'm talking about but the BIGGER dogs in the West.  They've monopolized most of the world's carbon credits funds already.  Hate to say it but Nepali IBs and whatever banks there don't even stand a chance in this sector.  Like I said the business owner (factories and farms which emit Co2 and No2) can look to benefit from this. 
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Since Nepal is one of the signatory nations of Kyoto Protocol, of course there is carbon credit system in Nepal too although it may not be as developed as here in US, I believe.  Non-profit organization like Winrock International Nepal,  WWF Nepal, and Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology (MoEST) along with ADB work together to deal with climate change and carbon credit in Nepal at the policy level.  But I am not quite sure how it works at the grassroot level.  There are many projects in Nepal that have been doing some work in abatement of greenhouse gases under the technical and financial support from those mother organizations.
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What is carbon credits?

bhakunde bhut
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Did anyone read yesterday's WSJ. It had some information regarding Carbon-Credit projects. The excerpts.

//   Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) companies can buy 'credits' for their emissions by paying to people in poorer countrires. A CDM credit fetches around $25. Principally, a credit is granted for a ton of CO2 for a polluter can emit. //

In Nepal, we can do such projects and involve in carbon-trading. We need creative ideas to operate good projects.  I hope NGOs must have found the new cow.  


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Bhakunde: $25 is the street price per credit.  The offer given to the farmers/industrialists who provide such credits in the LDCs are half of that or even one-third.  And about NGOs doing it, though it would be great if they did it but really the costs incurred for setting up the turbines and all the other costs for making the farm/factory energy efficient is quite large and as far as I know, its only Western IBs who are doing this type of trading. 

BTW, anyone knows anyone who's done this process in Nepal as yet?  Any farms/factories and how?  Since I can't find anything on google for that, maybe someone here would know better about the process and the govt. involvement if any??

Last edited: 23-Apr-08 11:03 AM
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I don't know why you guys are not protesting against this Global Carbon Taxation based on the lies of Human caused Global Warming Myths propagated by Globalist pig like Al Gore. Seems like you all are excited to pay the new taxes in the name of  "saving the planet Earth". How long will you remain a sheep ? Have you ever done any significant amount of research on the Global Warming myths and opposing views of other major scientists (who have been threatened to shut up)? Do you even know in the 70s, the same greenies who are spreading today's global warming myths were crying out loud for "Global Cooling" ? Do you even know water vapor constitutes Earth's most significant greenhouse gas, accounting for about 95% of Earth's greenhouse effect and that human activity causes only 0.28% of the green house effect? Please don't follow the mainstream masses like a stupid sheep. There is a bigger agenda behind this so called Human caused "Global Warming".  I urge you to read on what other scientists who don't believe on human caused global warming myths have to say and their facts.

Global Warming and Taxes: A Match Made in Heaven

In a terribly convenient way for him, Al Gore announced to the world that global warming not only existed but that there was a scientific consensus. For the sheep of the world, this must have sounded like the last call to do something - anything - before the glaciers and ice caps melted, the hurricanes hit and and seas covered the continents. Fortunately for those of us smart enough to question Al Gore and his global warming crowd, the glaciers haven’t melted (nor will they), the ice caps are either back to record levels or expanding, hurricanes are down significantly (now considered a side-effect of global warming) and there’s even sea-level drop in some areas. So what is the real reason behind the global warming hoax? Taxes!

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Nas, as long as the farmers/factory owners in Nepal can make money outta this program and end up emitting less Co2 or No2 into the environment, ain't it all good, son??  This program lets us emit less pollutants in our home city and ends up allowing the industries of the West who buy these credits to pollute their own backyards for a change.  I guess you still don't know how this system works...And yes, we ain't being taxed for carbon credits.  Its just another traded instrument just as stocks and bonds now.

Captain Haddock
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Those who don't believe in the man-made aspects of global climate and environmental change should be made to reduce their carbon foot print by getting off whatever it is they are smoking.

What's next - the world is flat and the moon is made of cheese?

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"I guess you still don't know how this system works..."

"Cap-and-trade systems work like this: each entity in the world, whether it be a person, an organization or anything else that emits carbon dioxide, is provided a limit to the amount of carbon dioxide that can be released into the atmosphere. Each unit, usually in cubic tons, can be bought, sold or traded in a carbon market, if you will, which would be similar to a stock exchange. Companies and individuals that have excess carbon units could sell these carbon credits to others who are expected to exceed their carbon output. However, different people, and corporations, have different output caps in place, so each carbon unit could be different in size and hence traded on the carbon market and, as the year draws to a close, those carbon units could increase or decrease in value depending on carbon dioxide output for the year. While this may be reported in the media as a neutral tax, it’s far from being neutral. "

"Nas, as long as the farmers/factory owners in Nepal can make money outta this program and end up emitting less Co2 or No2 into the environment, ain't it all good, son?? "

Samsara bro, I wish it was as simple as you have pointed out. It only hurts the consumer in the end.

"Suppose your favorite car manufacturer is XYZ Company and, because business is booming for them this year, they’ve decided to increase production 25%. However, due to the increased production, they will require more carbon units due to the increased carbon dioxide output from their factories. XYZ Company has to buy carbon credits from another company who plans to come in under their quota for the year - and those carbon units will come with a hefty fee because the originator wants to profit from their carbon-cutting measures. Since XYZ Company isn’t going to absorb the costs of carbon units, the cost is passed along to their customers in the form of higher cost automobiles. What if the company selling the carbon credits is ABC Company - another automobile manufacturer? You just paid more for a car from XYZ Company and didn’t get an offset, so to you the carbon tax wasn’t neutral."

And for the rest of the dumbed down sheeps who love guzzling beer, watch football and believe in human caused global warming because they got their dose of reality from mainstream media and have "Inconvenient Truth" in their private collection, please take some time to do your own research or atleast watch the following clip from John Stossel.

By the way  did you even know your Global Warming Crusader, Al Gore, "last August alone burned through 22,619 kWh--guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore's average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.
Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore's energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006. Gore's extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore's mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year. "As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk to walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use," said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson. "

Earlier this year, Michigan Congressman John Dingell (D) proposed a 50-cents per gallon tax on gasoline to curb use. Australia recently proposed a carbon tax of $5,000 per birth and $800 per child annually due to the carbon dioxide exhaled from the additional humans. Some of us here probably love these ideas "to reduce their carbon foot print". My friends, its us who will suffer. The debate is NOT over !

"What's next - the world is flat and the moon is made of cheese?"

That's what most of the sheeples are believing when they believe in human caused Global Warming myths. Seems like you are also in the bandwagon.



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Nas, bhedas will never understand this point but listen son, in the end isn't it good for the third world farmers and factory owners who now are PAID more than they ever would through their regular means (previous way of business) for complying with the requirements which are not at all stringent and unscrupulous IBs of the West use everything to obtain the max credits and in turn pay these farmers/owners more?  In the viewpoint of us in the West a few dollars paid here and there is not much of an inconvenience so I really don't need to stoop at that level of thinking...On the contrary, its the few dollars in Nepal that could feed families for months.  Now think about that for a change and realize that funds paid for Carbon credits is a boon for the people of any LDC and Nepal is no exception.  These rural folks are paid in Euros and dollars and think of all the foreign reserves that roll into the nations coffers.  Ain't that what any developing nation needs??

BTW, this thread was started in me seeking the process of obtaining carbon credits in Nepal.  All I want is to know how and who handles the process and if the govt is linked to this program in any way.  Now if you know the answer to this, its all good but if you don't then so ahead start a thread on Global Warming instead.  I cannot say for certain what causes the maximum Co2 emissions in our planet as every info and statistic out there can be biased, but as per this thread, I really ain't interested in all that BS that is totally unnecessary in this thread.  Can you provide me with any info on this?  If so, I'd appreciate it, son.
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Samsara bro, I know you have a genuine empathy for our countrymen back home but I really don't believe that it's going to benefit the consumers at large. It will be naive of me to believe that the poor and third world countries will benefit from this scam. I am wholly convinced that Gore's Human Caused Global Warming is as true as Bush's Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Bro, I apologize for digressing from the main topic. Thank you for letting me rant on your thread :)

Just before I leave, I have one more video that I request people to view. Please do your own research and come to the conclusions. Government and Coorporations are in bed together.


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