My husband is watching porn secretly..... - Sajha Mobile
My husband is watching porn secretly.....
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My husband is watching porn secretly


Our marriage has survived infidelity in the past and we have three children. My husband secretly gets porn from his friends and tells them to keep it secret from me. I guess that's why he doesn't come to bed with me — he stays up to watch porn alone. I've explained to him the problem I have with this — it's the neglect I feel when he's busy watching porn, and how unworthy I feel and how it affects my self esteem. I feel so humiliated on so many levels. He has promised to stop, but I found him watching it again. We're not having very much sex, because he's so busy watching porn, and I wonder if I can ever feel good about him or myself again. We've been together for 27 years and I feel so hurt, abandoned and humiliated that I don't know if we can survive this.


I can feel your pain in every word you've written — and everything you've expressed you're feeling is understandable, because when it comes to the issues of pornography and cheating, you're not alone in feeling this way. The research shows that the neglect and isolation, the time and attention that is withheld from a partner caused by viewing porn alone, ranks as highly as a betrayal as that caused from physical cheating.

If a partner is spending so much time with pornography, whether that's from film, magazines or the Internet, to the degree that it takes greater priority than spending time with their loved one, then the pain isn't only about what they are doing, but how often and how much. The combination of other sexual stimulation with the amount of time he would prefer to engage in that, rather than with you, is a double whammy of pain. So your feelings of abandonment and hurt are, of course, very real to you and these must be dealt with, regardless of whether your relationship survives, and whether your partner addresses his issue with porn.

It must be said that there is research to show that pornography itself is not necessarily harmful to relationships or sex. In fact, sometimes it can be good: as a sexual stimulant, a spark to sexual imagination, to create fantasy dialogue between partners and even sometimes (though not often) as an avenue to sex education. However, that your partner has promised to stop and hasn't would indicate that either he doesn't take your pain very seriously against his own desire to view porn (and view it alone, without you), or that he is addicted and so is truly unable to stop on his own and needs help.

Either way, after having been together for nearly 30 years, it is your decision about whether to fight for this relationship to continue. The effect of his sexual choices is clearly devastating you — your sense of sexiness, your self esteem and your sense of connectedness to your partner. You've indicated that this is serious enough for you that your marriage may very well be over. If it's not and if you want to fight for it, you can initiate some effective communication strategies with him so that you both start to really listen to each other and understand each other's point of view. If this doesn't work, it's time for professional intervention and help. You've stated that your marriage has survived infidelity before. So previously the trust in the relationship has been broken and repaired.

As a start, to see if your husband will fight with you, to save the marriage, try some reflective listening together. This is a communication skill building activity where one partner talks for 10 minutes or so, while the other listens. Then the other partner reflects back what they've heard in their own words and the original partner clarifies. You take turns like this back and forth until you both feel the issue has been heard by both of you and you understand each other's perception. It's not important to agree, it's important that you both feel heard. It's a way of extracting the essence of what you each need to say and have heard and validated by the other. It might be a beginning to have him understand your feelings about his porn watching, and it might be a chance for you to understand his point of view on pornography also. If this activity leads to greater frustration, difference and pain, though, it's a sign that you need a counselor to mediate and filter between you. You may not ever agree on pornography, but you may come to an understanding that allows for each of you to get what you need. Good luck.


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I think that this article has something to do with most of us in Sajha...
What do you think?..
Ghopto Parera
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Ghopto parera hanna nadiye pachi testai ta huncha ni.....Besides, in general, nepalese gals donot use their mouth while having these things happen frequently......I think Nepalese gals should think abt it....
alik saro
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I am not married and it is not related to me. But even then Sayami this must be related to many of us in sajha.

The average sex a woman can have is upto 45 to 55 years. But a man can have upto 55 to 65 years (average sex for man is not mentioned). Most of the woman don't feel comfortable after the age of 42. So what they should do? It is better to watch porn and give handy, instead of raping someone.

If you want to have healthy sex for the life time. I guess you should always marry a girl who is smaller than you. Make any sense.

Ghopto parera you may be right, if you are willing to suck there private part. Which is not possible for me. Coz it stink.



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I think there should be an understanding and respect between the partners, be it husband and wife or boy friend and girl friend, in terms of sex. I am not married, but I think sex is not the "only thing" a man and a woman become together for, although it may be one of the significant things and one of the important things to keep a marriage life healthy, happy, and running. There is ofcourse love and respect in a true relationshp and because of this, while having sex, if one of the partner is not comfortable using mouth (or any any of the sexual positions) for sexual fantacies, the other partner should honor that. If he/she fails to do so and forces the other partner to  go against his/her will for sexual fulfillment, then, there is no true love or respect among them, because sex is not the only thing in life.

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An intimate relationship is something that binds a male and female together. Unless man and woman understand each other's nature, they ignorantly torture one another. Each should strive for an inner balance of both reason and feeling, and so become a "whole" personality, a perfected human being.

If there is a habit or quality in your mate that rouses unlovely traits in your disposition, you should realize the purpose of this circumstance: to bring to the surface those poisons hidden within you so that you may eliminate them and thus purify your nature.

Sex has its place in the marital relationship between man and woman. But if it becomes the supreme factor in that relationship, love flies out the door and disappears completely; in its place come possessiveness, over-familirity, and the abuse and loss of friendship and understanding.

Though sexual attraction is one of the conditions under which love is born, sex in itself is not love.

Sex and love are as far apart as the moon and the sun. It is only when the transmuting quality of true love is uppermost in the relationship that sex becomes a means of expressing love.

Those who live too much on the sex plane lose their way and fail to find a satisfying marital relationship. It is by self-control, in which sex is not the ruling emotion, but only incidental to love, that husband and wife can know what real love is.

In this modern world, unfortunately, love is too often destryoed by overemphasis on sex experience.

If all men (especially) and women practice the ancient vedic technique URDHVA RETAS, the world will turn out to be a much happier place.

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