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Prachanda asks king not to instruct parties

Maoist Chairman Prachanda (File Photo)

Maoist Chairman Prachanda has asked King Gyanendra to stop advising parties on democracy. He said the King's interview to a foreign paper was an attempt to make a comeback into the national politics once again.

Speaking to reporters after meeting Norwegian prime minister at Hotel Dwarika's in Kathmandu on Friday afternoon, Prachanda said it was not appropriate time for the King to instruct political parties on principles of democracy.

"It signals his effort for possible comeback into politics," he said adding that foreign powers might have backed him to give such statement.

He informed that the issue will be raised and discussed during the seven party meeting scheduled for Sunday.

Further, he said the issue of police raid on YCL office on Wednesday has been discussed with home minister, peace and reconstruction minister and other Nepali Congress leaders. Accordingly, government has withdrawn the
police from the office of Maoist-affiliated Samana Culture Group in Bhaisepati, Lalitpur, he said.

In another context, Prachanda claimed his party will lead the government after the constituent assembly election in April. ia Feb 08 08

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Gazadi, too much weed in your brain got you hallucinating son!!  You bring the revolution of 1990 and compare it with the Maoists??  WTF?  Its like you're bringing about a discussion of the Saints when I talk about Adolf Hitler and his other anti-christ likes.  Listen foolio, in 1990, a mere 14 people died in the revolution...In the Maoists revolution 13,000+ were killed and 10,000+ are unaccounted for.  How on earth can both phenomenons be compared??  And were there lootings, kidnappings, bank robbings, destruction of public infrastructure, extortions, etc. back in 1990?  Damn, where does your reasoning even stem outta?  Go back to smoking more of that stuff rather than come up here wanting to be some damn wisecrack!

Also, you ask me why I say, "If there had been no Maoists, Nepal would've been a much different nation"?  Did you even read my post before blabbering such an ignorant statement?  Damn, the answer was right in the post!  Use that brains for comprehending sometimes, would ya? could ya? or should ya?  I've put the reasons down again (cut and paste).  Just read it this time!!  BTW, Just the fact that you support Prachanday and his commies, it shows how much of a real-world comprehending ability you possess!  Saddam, Stalin, Hitler, Napoleon and the Ayotollahs were all great charasmatic leaders...But also the most evil!  As far as I see Prachanday is just another wannabe Stalin and its about time his wings got clipped!!

This fugger was singlehandedly responsible for the regression that has been prevalent for the last 10 years...Ain't no ifs and buts about it.  What about the destruction of public infrastructure (whcih solidly hit the lil buget we as a nation had), the closure of educational establishments (depriving kids and college students alike of their fair share of developmental and field knowledge), the rampant kidnappings, the 13K+ killed and the 10s of thousands unaccounted for?  What about the looting of banks, the destruction of civil structure, both economic and social in the rural areas (infact all areas outside Ktm), hundreds of thousands of villagers displaced, thousands of kids recruited for an ideology that is nothing but a damn "ideology" only and also what about the Maoists making their cadres stay at the houses in Ktm without the owner's consent (the consent was there but using threat and other similar measures)?  And today, the YCL gundas everywhere extorting and calling themselves as self proclaimed parallel police force...WTF??  And yeah, you think we'd fall for the trap of the communist's ideologies?  Grow up fugger!  This theory works only in papaer and nowhere in real life has it ever worked (tell me China and you'd get whipped so hard by the man Samsara himself...China is a paper communist.  Those damn fools are communists in face and name with a burgeoning capitalistic economy fueling their hunger for more wealth)

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Do chhakas from NC and CPM ML have any comments??? And why did Prachanda made such (above) comments?

NC urges Maoists to stop hindering the polls

Kantipur Report

KATHMANDU, Feb 9 - The differences among Nepali Congress and CPN-Maoist seem unlikely to resolve anytime sooner with Maoist’s fraternity organisations assaulting the counterpart’s members.

With its leaders condemning the former rebels time and again, Congress issued a statement Saturday urging them not to cause hindrance in the campaign for making the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections a success.

Congress has also requested the Maoists to stop its unruly activities and assist in creating favourable atmosphere to the elections.

Condemning the Maoist cadres repeated attacks on its leaders and activists, Congress claimed that the party’s behaviour of late has raised doubt over its commitment towards the CA polls.

Only yesterday Maoist cadres had disrupted Congress general assembly at Purchauni Hat of Baitadi and attacked Congress lawmaker Narendra Bahadur Bom, former lawmaker Krishna Kumar Joshi including other leaders and activists.

The press release also notes that the Maoists have got threatened by the electoral campaign launched by Congress.

Likewise, European Union and Congress affiliated liaison offices based in America and Germany issued a joint press release today urging the Maoists to improve its behaviour immediately.

--- so its a conspiracy -- hahahahah.

This is all from Oli:

KATHMANDU, Feb 9 - CPN-UML leader KP Sharma Oli Saturday urged the government for the immediate shut down of the camps of Maoists youth front Young Communist League (YCL) nationwide.

He added that political organisations taking control of private and government properties and running camps is wrong.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Oli informed that UML will march stoutly against the people-opposed activities of Maoists.

Addressing a programme organised by UML Bhaktapur district committee today, Oli challenged Maoist Chairman Prachanda to compete in the April elections peacefully.

Secretary of UML Valley Coordination Committee Yogesh Bhattararai criticised the former rebels for mobilising youths setting up camps in different places.

----talk talk - no work just like post 1990.




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Samsara, Forget abut me,man.Let my brain be spoiled or hallucinated by weeds,none of ur business.I love the way I am.The revolution maoist carried out was not a child play.It was a peroid of insurgency and they have lifted weapons.So,its not a surprise to know the killings of people.Again,I wanna make clear I am not neglecting the killings of people and trying to justify that.Why the heck r u always mentioning that maoist killed 13+ k people?Government killed more than maoist did. You talk about the lootings of bank.What about the money looted by N.C ministers including Girija?Why don't u talk about that.Yeah,its true maoist looted bank,vandalised public properties but they had a purpose and all they did was to achieve their goal.But those ass holes of N.C looted for themselves.Maoist looted banks but Prachanda,baburam didn't use that money for their personal purposes.They used to run the party and look, where are they now?

  Samsara, wake up!!maoist got everthing they wanted.They got almost everything they fought for.Whose agenda was to abolish monarchy,constitutional assembly?Girija still is not happy.He doesnot want to uproot the monarchy.He was the prime minister who took coins from the Gyanendra even though he knew Birendra was killed by Gyanendra.Who are you talking about Samsara?A person who kills his own family just for a mere position or a person who appoints his children minister even though they got nothing,who trades the natural resources of own country with foreign countries, makes money in every kind of so called developmental things,loves chair more than his life.Sorry dude, I am not ready to accept these leeches a leader.Maoist at least did sth.Its not a fun to be underground and fight for more than 10 yrs.These so called leaders even couldnot spend 2 yrs if they are not in government.

  Who haven't done violence,tell me?N.C or U.M.L or sb else.Do u remember how they torched the vehicles and vandalised govt. vehicles running on the streets.I agree there is a huge difference in the violence between those parties and Maoist.U know why?Becoz those parties wanted to change the govt. but maoist were determined to change the whole system in country.If u r sensible enough, think how much work u need to put on to change whole country in compared to change a leadership in Singha durbar.Actually,these democratic parties never did anything for people.what they did was to get back in government.

So, now the scenario is different and YES WE CAN CHANGE,YES WE CAN CHANGE,YES WE CAN CHANGE Nepal.  And the changing force is Maoist.Take my words, if maoist fail to do sth this time there will be a rejuvenation of another armed force(might be a fraction of those or sb else).

  Time is dynamic and it has been changed.Change urself and come forward.Abandon the thoughts u used to have and come up with a new one coz its time for a change and maoist can do it nobody else.

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Gazadi Wrote: Take my words, if maoist fail to do sth this time there will be a rejuvenation of another armed force

Why do you always talk about Armed Force? If the Maoists fail (obviously they will), are you talking about another group going on the hiding and be the cause of the loss of another 13k+ people???

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here we  are discussing about our nation, how it can develop and what we can do ....and wat are the people in the policy making positions doing? making money......making money ......making they give a crap[ about what is discussed here or what the general public think....???!!!...we are fighting for a cause that is so ridiculously stupid......mann ko shanti ko laagi matra ho keta ho.......otherwise peek into your heart and ask yourself ...kun chain party le jityo bhane po desh ko unnati garla....yahan ta jun joogi aaya pani kaan chirekai huncha.....god save nepal!!!!
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Gazedi we always respect difference of opinion. But there are something that are blatantly wrong and we cannot accept that. You are trying to justify the killing of maoist by saying that government have killed more.  How pathetic explanation is that. Even Maoist have killed 5-6000 people that means they are devil.

If maoist killed 7-8000 people and government killed remaining 7-8000 people then why king is to be blamed for this. During all these killings the government was ruled by these congress, communist. So it should be Girija, UML, sher bahadur, prachanda should take the blame.

Maoist  are devil because they clearly used minor under age of 18 ( even as low as 12-13) and gave them guns. They deprived them from study. Now they are 19-20 years old. What is the future of those people now.

After maoist have signed the peace accord they have clearly not followed it . They still are continuing killing, extortion. Everyday Maoist does something wrong and prachandey gives his stereotypical explanation that " we will punish the culprit. " Have maoist punished the killer of Birendra sha. If Maoist cant follow peace even signing the peace treaty then i want to ask Gazedi on what ground does he trusts the maoist.

Most of the tarai groups are by products of maoist. Some of those groups are nothing but terrorist. Will maoist take the accountability of those tarai groups. Maoist have virtually put Nepal in the state of disintegration.

Last edited: 10-Feb-08 04:04 AM
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PEOPLE are wakening up:

Locals protest YCL attack on grocer

Kantipur Report

KANCHANPUR, Feb 10 - The Gaddhachawki Bazaar here remains tense Sunday following the protests by local residents against the manhandling of a local grocer by Maoist youth front Young Communist League (YCL) cadres.

The irate locals shut down the marketplace and obstructed vehicular movement burning tyres on the streets.

They also vandalised the rooms rented by YCL cadres protesting Saturday evening’s attack on local grocer Subash Chandra.

While most of the YCL cadres fled the area, two of them are taking shelter at a police office.

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no_quiero,    I told u that I didn't try to justify the killings.I love Nepalese and I have same respect and pity as u have.What I want to say is that was a past.We know it was a very bad past and we don't want that to repeat again.There are new glimpses of new Nepal.For me new Nepal is not only a republic Nepal which maoist are talking abut, u know what, I believe in Meritocracy.For me meritocracy is far better than any other forms of democracy.

   We need to go for a change and the change can be brought by Maoist in present political scenario. 

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God damn,

    Who is this elusivecat?

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Let’s analyze what our great April movement was.  Let’s get into the facts first:
What is Nepal ’s population? 28,901,790
What is Kathmandu ’s population?     800000
Where was the demonstration primarily? Kathmandu
Why was there a demonstration? 

I use the term “Monopolization of Government”.  Do you think the wish of 800,000 people is the same as 28,901,790?  What made you think everyone wants the same as Katmandu wants?  Even if we consider the cities like Nepalgunj, Biratnager, Butwal, the number cannot exceed 900,000 who participated in the April movement.  Now, was it voluntary?  No.  People were forced by the Maoists to join the street demonstration, and most of them were Maoists themselves.  2.42% of people is not a good number to prove that there was a revolution.   What about the people from Rolpa, Dolpa, Mustang and many other remote places?  Have you ever considered what they want?  Just because they are honest and not violent does not mean that they have authorized you to lead their lives. The present government is for 900,000 people, not for 28,901,790.

How do you analyze "the Nepalese people  can decide what they want"?  On what grounds and facts do you claim what the wishes of Nepalese are? When was the last election held?  When was the last time people voted for any of their rights?  How can you confirm that the decision of Nepalese people are not the decisions of the power hungry leaders?  Give me one good justification as to why I should not believe the word "people" has not been misused.
How do you know what Nepalese people want? Are you or the SPA the representative for the people?  When did people elect you?  Are you self proclaimed representative? Who gave you the right to make decisions on behalf of the people?
Let me ask you, why do you want CA? What does CA mean to you?  What will CA do? Why was CA demanded?  The basic purpose of CA is to declare Nepal republic so that Nepal can be raped by eight dictators until she dies.  And, this is what we will witness if election is forced.  CA will legalize terrorism and corruption.  The precedent has been set by Home Minister Sitaula—the cousin of terrorist chief Prachanda—whose primary action was to launch state terrorism against Madhesis.  What will make people support your SPA?   To get exile once the country is republic.  Imagine you being a citizen of a Communist country; we cannot be more ashamed if this happens.  Monarchy is not an issue for the development of country.  The history of economics proves that many countries in the world emerged as global powers under dictatorship.  We were ruled by a mere symbolic King; advancement was questionable with the democracy of 90s.  

Do you think CA will be free and fair?  We are democratic, and in order to preserve democracy and avoid the SPA and Maoists dictatorship, we must need to boycott CA poll.  I certainly do not want to vote for election that will legalize terrorism. 

The bottom line is:  Who wants CA? –only the people who were and remained unemployed when King’s rule was imposed.  Besides, they did not have any alternatives to do since most of them are illiterate. 

I invite everyone to join with me to create awareness in boycotting the CA election.  Please do not ruin your and your coming generation’s future by voting the terrorists.  Our vote will be a poison for us.


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Shrivastav, awesome analysis.  I read and re-read and still couldn't get enough of your post: 

Do you think CA will be free and fair?  We are democratic, and in order to preserve democracy and avoid the SPA and Maoists dictatorship, we must need to boycott CA poll.  I certainly do not want to vote for election that will legalize terrorism. 

I use the term “Monopolization of Government”.  Do you think the wish of 800,000 people is the same as 28,901,790?  What made you think everyone wants the same as Katmandu wants?

Exactly ma man and its about time peeps start using that lil gray matter they have otherwise we'd all be doomed under the damn commie yoke! 

Laal salaam up Prachanday and Babufugginram's azz!!

Last edited: 11-Feb-08 10:08 PM
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Thank you for your support Samsara.  We need to actively debate these topics.  I have been arguing like this and no one ever cross replied to my arguments.  I guess there is no cross arguments against the "truth".
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Shrisvastav you are bang on target good show.

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Last edited: 12-Feb-08 04:46 AM
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Last edited: 12-Feb-08 04:48 AM
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I agree you guys Srivastav and Samsara. However, I would not support for boycotting CA polls. I would rather say we should strictly watch it, fair and close. This is the time to nude Maoist and Palace and show them their level ( aukat). If we boycott CA polls, its damn sure that Palace will be back in power, which majority of the nepali will never want neither they want the country to in hand of mofo maoist. They killed thousands to reach there and they will for sure kill millions to stick over.

The best thing that nepali people can do is, go for the final war. No more vandalism, just peace march during election. Likewise, YCL thousands of cadres of UML and NC along with other peaceful democratic party should provide protection against maoist and palace infiltration. If maoist still wants to go for booth capture ( no leave it they don have guts nor resource to go against thousands and lakhs people), they can't do it. 100 YCL cadres will be grinded in a bloody shed. FUG em.

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I think u didn't follow the news carefully in the April.The demonstartion was

not only in Kathmandu, but every where.There were thousands of people marching

forward against the king.I will not say people came out because they love the

political parties or Maoist, but they were fed up with the ongoing conflicts and

were looking for a change. This can be proved even though there was no presence of

political parties , the movement reached a significant height. Madhesi dude, don't

forget there were lot of processions in Madhesh too.

Lets go to your thing:

Let’s analyze what our great April movement was. 

Let’s get into the facts first:
What is Nepal ’s population? 28,901,790
What is Kathmandu ’s population?     800000
Where was the demonstration primarily? Kathmandu
Why was there a demonstration

I think I already answered your question why there was a demonstration

and where was it?I know not all of Nepali came to the movement but think

this way:

Total poulation (according to u):28,901,790

I think u accept the fact that signicant number of those people are

out of country. Lets say at least 500,000(including all countries).

Lets say there are some disables and people in hospitals,childrens,

old people who are not politically conscious at least 1,000,000.

so, Total active population: ( 28,901,790-200,000-500,000)= 27401790

Size of family(assume): 6

27401790\6 = 4566965

I hope u know not all the members of family go to movement.Lets say one

represnts a family. Calculate urself and think about it.

Nobody ever an get 100% support,not only in Nepal but go n look

the world history.Every body is going for CA except the few Madhesi.

Its not the movement of Madhesi but its the movemnt of those people

who are discontent with what they got.Because they are Madhesi

they are trying to interpret it as a group movement.Look, who is leader?

A guy who was supporting April movement and was in govt., why he came

out of govt.?Does it make any sense.Don't be fooled guys, becoz we

are being fooled for a long time and now the hope to change is CA.


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I think u didn't follow the news carefully in the April.The demonstartion was

not only in Kathmandu, but every where.There were thousands of people marching

forward against the king.I will not say people came out because they love the

political parties or Maoist, but they were fed up with the ongoing conflicts and

were looking for a change. This can be proved even though there was no presence of

political parties , the movement reached a significant height. Madhesi dude, don't

forget there were lot of processions in Madhesh too.

Lets go to your thing:

Let’s analyze what our great April movement was. 

Let’s get into the facts first:
What is Nepal ’s population? 28,901,790
What is Kathmandu ’s population?     800000
Where was the demonstration primarily? Kathmandu
Why was there a demonstration

I think I already answered your question why there was a demonstration

and where was it?I know not all of Nepali came to the movement but think

this way:

Total poulation (according to u):28,901,790

I think u accept the fact that signicant number of those people are

out of country. Lets say at least 500,000(including all countries).

Lets say there are some disables and people in hospitals,childrens,

old people who are not politically conscious at least 1,000,000.

so, Total active population: ( 28,901,790-200,000-500,000)= 27401790

Size of family(assume): 6

27401790\6 = 4566965

I hope u know not all the members of family go to movement.Lets say one

represnts a family. Calculate urself and think about it.

Nobody ever an get 100% support,not only in Nepal but go n look

the world history.Every body is going for CA except the few Madhesi.

Its not the movement of Madhesi but its the movemnt of those people

who are discontent with what they got.Because they are Madhesi

they are trying to interpret it as a group movement.Look, who is leader?

A guy who was supporting April movement and was in govt., why he came

out of govt.?Does it make any sense.Don't be fooled guys, becoz we

are being fooled for a long time and now the hope to change is CA.


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April Movement had more to do with the frustration of a Nepali towards the ongoing violence, the corruption, the unfulfilled promises, the anarchy prevailing in the country more than anythg else. People were willing to go on with the aandolon even if meals were not cooked in their house becoz they wanted an end to all these issues once and for all. I saw people making their daily living working on daily wages taking part in this aandolon; they had serious financial crisis  and were  finding difficult for hand to mouth survival but they still actively took aprt in the aandolon coz they hoped this would end the anarchy in the country forever. Then they hoped they could pursue their life peacefuuly and in prosperity. Nobody, not even the public which took part in the movement had ever realized that their movement would grow so large, with similar sentiments being evoked from all strata of the society. Now the assholez leaders want to take up the credit for bringing so an so many ppl to the street.....what a phucking joke.......and what a phucking irony that the CAUSE for the uprising is being so ignored by the political leaders....hope all these leaders burn in hell...!!!

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