Express ur views on Maoist Leaders??? - Sajha Mobile
Express ur views on Maoist Leaders???
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nepali man6e
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Dear Viewers,
through this kurakani, our common forum, lets share what we have to say to the Maoist Leadership???

You people are not doing good at all. the situation has gone from worse to worst after Maoist joined the government. they do not have control over their youth, YCL,  they dont have control over their karyakarta. Main thing: their target group general public has nothing besides hatred, fear and extreme dissatisfaction over Maoist, they have forgotten public are JANTA JANARDAN, the voice of public is the most strong of all force. Nepalese can fight back anyone, if needeed.

Extortion, abduction, murders, forced donations, Fear, are all what we have been getting from you, if u think u r doing this for people then do as people want. Nepalese want the polls to CA and  that decides whether we should go for Republic or not. YEDI MAOBADI HARU SANGA ALIPANI HUTI 6 VANE, JANTAKO BISWAS LIYERA PRESIDENT BANOS PRACHANDA.

sathiharu, Nepalko pahilo rastrapati, huti vayeko man6e banos, tike systembata  baneko rastrapati hamilai chahidaina. Aafuma confidence navayeranai Prachandale tike pranalibata rastrapati banna khojeko ho, tapailai k lageko 6, byakta garnus

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nepali man6e
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As a basic rule of journalism,

u must publish the contrary msg(against your report) in the same paper(media) that covered the news. So, i also follow this,

last evening, i posted a news from kantipur daily, saying, 'महराको स्वरमा फोन आएपछि' however, Minister Mahara wrote a contrary comment in Kantipur daily that he has not given a call to the head of Nepal Stock Exchange office. He further added that he is uninterested, and suggested it would have been a good idea to seek for his opinion before printing.


Please be updated, Minister mahara did not call the head of NSE and he is not interested in NSE stuff.

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नेकपा माओवादीको सेना समायोजनको विषयलाई लिएर एकअर्काप्रति रोष प्रकट गरिरहेका नेपाली सेना र माओवादीका अध्यक्ष तथा जनसेनाका सुप्रिम कमाण्डर प्रचण्डबीच भेटघाट हुन्छ भन्ने सुन्दा जोकोहीलाई पनि अचम्म लाग्न सक्छ । बाहिरी रुपमा जतिसुकै कटुतापर्ूण्ा व्यवहारहरू भएका भएपनि प्रधानसेनापति रुक्मांगद कट्वाल र माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डबीच भेटघाट तथा वार्ताहरू हुने गरेको थाहा हुन आएको छ । More
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jeudai khalto ma halera purnu parchha...............

nepali man6e
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just reviving the topic

Please Express your views on Maoist leaders, their leadership, their work.

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This proves maoists and CPN UML leader and their dirty politics is trashed in sewage

विज्ञप्तिको पूर्ण पाठसैनिक जनसम्पर्क निर्देशनालयको

बिज्ञप्ति नं। - ७०

मिति - २०६६ बैशाख १६ गते ।

समयः- साँझ ०६२५ बजे ।

नेपाली सेनाको प्रतिबद्धता

१. हाल नेपाली सेनाको सम्वन्धमा विभिन्न संचार माध्यमहरुमा संप्रेसित समाचारहरु

नागरिक समाज लगायत अन्य बुद्धिजिवी वर्गहरुले नेपाली सेनाको सन्र्दभमा
गरिरहेका टिकाटिप्पणीहरु प्रति नेपाली सेनाको विशेष ध्यानाकर्षण भएको
छ ।

२. सोही विषयमा आम जनसमुदायलाई पुनः आश्वस्त पार्न आज मिति २०६६÷०१÷१६ गते

अपराहन्न जंगी अड्डामा नेपाली सेनाका प्रधानसेनापति महारथी श्री रुकंमाङ्गद
बलाध्यक्ष रथी श्री कुल बहादुर खड्का बलाधिकृत रथी श्री छत्रमान िसंह
गुरुङ्ग तथा
अन्य उच्च पदस्थ पदाधिकारीहरु उपस्थित एक समारोहमा नेपाली सेनाको
एक्यबद्धता माथीको प्रतिबद्धता पुनः प्रकट गरिएको छ ।

३. सो बैठकमा नेपाली सेनाको नेतृत्व वर्गले प्रकट गरेको प्रतिबद्धता परिशिष्ट

'क' यसै बिज्ञप्ती साथ संलग्न गरी पठाईएको छ ।

परिशिष्ट 'क'

१. प्रधानसेनापति महारथी श्री रुकमाङ्गद कटवालको प्रतिबद्धता: गौरवमय ईतिहास

बोकेको र जनता प्रति सदैव उत्तरदायी रहेको नेपाली सेनाको नेतृत्व वर्ग लगायत
दर्जा एक ढिक्का भई उच्च अनुशासनमा रही राष्ट्रको सुरक्षा र राष्ट्रियताको
गर्नका लागि राज्यले दिएका जिम्मेवारीहरुलाई निर्वाह गर्दै आएका छौं ।
विगत केही
दिन यता विभिन्न संचार माध्यमहरुमा नेपाली सेनाको अनुशासन तथा बरिष्ठ
विशेषतः प्रधान सेनापति लगायत बरिष्ठतम रथीहरुका बिचको सम्बन्धलाई
लिएर आएको समाचार
प्रति हाम्रो गम्भीर ध्यानाकर्षण भएकोले त्यस्तो समाचारमा
कुनै सत्यता नभएको र त्यो
भ्रामक र कपोलकल्पीत मात्रै भएको स्पष्ट गर्न
चाहन्छौं । यस सन्दर्भमा म नेपाली
सेनाको प्रधान सेनापति महारथी श्री रुकमाङ्गद
कटवाल बलाध्यक्ष रथी श्री कुल बहादुर
खड्का र बलाधिकृत रथी श्री छत्रमान िसंह
गुरुङ्गको बीचमा कुनै मन मुटाव वा द्धैश
नभएको र हामीहरु आ आफ्नो नियुक्तिमा
प्रचलित नियम कानुन र आफ्नो चेन अफ कमान्ड
अनुसार नेपाली सेनाको गैरराजनैतिक
चरित्रलाई कायम राख्दै यसको संस्थागत विकास गर्न
र राष्ट्रिय सेनाको राष्ट्रिय
चरित्रलाई अझ व्यापक र अझ जनता केन्द्रित बनाउन सक्षम
छौं र त्यसैकार्यमा
कटिबद्ध पनि छौं । हामीहरु व्यक्तिगत तथा संस्थागत दुवै रुपमा
नेपालको संविधान
प्रचलित कानुन र विगतका शान्ति सम्झौताहरु प्रति पूर्ण रुपमा
प्रतिबद्ध र
लोकतान्त्रिक पद्धति प्रति समर्पित रही शान्ति प्रकृयालाई तार्किक
लैजानका लागि राज्य र जननिर्वाचित प्रतिनिधिहरुलाई हरेक प्रकारको सहयोग
लागि सदैव तत्पर रहेको जानकारी गराउंदछौं।'

२. बलाध्यक्ष रथी श्री कुल बहादुर खड्काको प्रतिबद्धता: 'प्रधान सेनापतिले भन्नु

भएको कुरामा मेरो पुर्ण सहमति समर्थन र प्रतिबद्धता छ।'

३. बलाधिकृत रथी श्री छत्रमानिसंह गुरुङ्गको प्रतिबद्धता: 'प्रधान सेनापति र

बलाध्यक्ष ज्यू ले भन्नु भएको कुरामा मेरो पुर्ण सहमति समर्थन र प्रतिबद्धता


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 Maobadi + Swine Flu = Samething 
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All of the parties are same, be it Maiost, Nepali Congress, UML, Terai Party. They all are murderers, take bribes, have no ethics, can't see others in the ruling position, never agree with the others, work on their own benefit only, suck Nepal and Nepali big time. ALL ARE SAME. NO PARTY IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER

Anybody advocating on any of these parties are insane, and utterly irresponsible person.  There is no party in Nepal that one can support. I just prey for Nepal and Nepali.

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If snake bites prachanda snake dies.
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Well Said no_quiero

तेस्ताको  कुरा गरेर k time waste गर्नु?

मैले नबुझेको कुरा, सेनाले राष्ट्रिय खेल्कुद   लाई छोड्यो वनेर सेना  लाई स्पष्टिकरण   सोध्ने रे, अनि त्यो काम गर्न वाध्य बनाउने   प्रचन्देलाई स्पष्टिकरण  दिनु नपर्ने? कुरै गर्ने हो वने त सेनाले  भन्दा प्रचन्देले 10 गुना  बदी कानुन मिचेको होइन र?
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maoists leaders are bunch of craps
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Maoist Leaders Dont now anything abt government, neither how to run the government...
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some what ago in some post i see one friend telling a sentence that fits the maoist ....that was ...napaune le kera payo bhutla suddhai khayo.... hey guys you know what is the use of Monkey's tail? so its the same to trust this fagsssssss to lead our country is like carrying a monkey's tail
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Maoist said that King are inherently against peoples’ welfare. Girija and Makune never realized this until Gyanendra kicked their asses. Then they said ‘oh maoist, you were right and we were wrong; forgive us and please save us’.

Sher Bahadur was a great bhakta of Gyanendra. He rejected the main demand of Maoist, ‘Constituent Assembly’ and let more Nepalese die in the brutal war. He said, ‘you fools, you want republic nepal and constituent assembly; I’ll drink your blood. If anyone can bring their head (I’m sorry, my army and police can’t), I’ll give them millions’ .

When Gyanendra step over the constitution and sacked this guy twice (I think he is proud about it, thats why he didn’t commit suicide!), then he said ‘oh maoist, you were right; now I wan’t constituent assembly’.

Then Maoist came from the Jungle and saved them from a cruel tyrant.

Supporting the army chief, these moron wanted army supremacy over civilian, and get their asses spanked once again. But Maoist felt pity for these poor guys and sacked Rukmangut
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oie eternal bliss. Prachanda ko gay partner. What government decision? Aja ko baithak ma jamma maoist matra thiyo .  There was no UML no MJF. Sadbhawana showed not of dissent. 29 percent lai government ko decision bhanne. 

And king ???? Ajhai muj***  mari sakya raja lai dosh lagauna chod dai nas. After the peace accord was signed 800 people have been killed  . Janta le k payo ta .

Tarai is banda for last 20-25 days. People have nothing to eat. Things are very expensive. Tyata tira marera lagnu parne. Yo prachanda gay kattu kattu bhanera bhagya cha. Janta ko baal matlab randi haru lai. Down with communism.

Ani katuwal lai kina hatako sap lai thaha cha. They wanted to put khadga who is pro maoist in the army so that maoist can get grip in the army.
Last edited: 03-May-09 05:16 AM
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बिनास काले बिपरित बुद्धी

now ppl who voted  them will vote them out.

nepali man6e
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आज एक पटक फेरी यो थ्रेडलाई सम्झना मन लाग्यो
यि माओवादी को नियत, नैतीकता ( एदी कुनै थियो भने  ) माथि बारम्बार प्रश्न लाग्दै आएको थियो, तेसैले के रहेछ त साझा बासी को धारणा माओवादीका बारेमा वनेर सुरु गरेको
हुन त त्यो भिडियो बारेमा नसुनेको होइन , तर आज आँखा ले देखे पछी कस्तो नरमैलो लाग्यो, अनी त्यो भन्दा बदी अब देश कस्तो हुने हो कता जाने हो अनी नेपाली दाजु भाई दिदी बहिनी ले कती आशन्ती पौने हो तेस्को चिन्ता लाग्न थालयो  / खै केही पनि भन्नै आएन मलाई त यो राष्ट्रिय सोक को घडीमा  मलाई यो समय कुनै राष्ट्रिय सोक भन्दा कम् लगेको छैन।    

तपाईं हरुको अनुभव सुनौनुस् न, मन केही शान्त हुन्थ्यो कि ?

नेपाली मान्छे
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I am very suprised with Prachanda's  thug personality.

And damn man I am angry at him and his party

I thought at least BabuRam had decency to keep his name with his deed. I was changing from being Skeptic (alike most Nepalese) to an optimist with regards to New Nepal.

But I was wrong, and I don't feel sorry to say I was wrong because of dual characters and low life Moaist leader of Nepal. They displayed the life of pimp, wanting to sell the peace of Nepalese.

I don't know how to share my hope with Nepalese folks rather than the obvious suprise, and confusion of Nepal present and future identity

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Terrorist .

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See this all Nepalese living abroad. Noone need to comment anymore about Prachanda, he spoke himself!


I guess YCL will not be surrounding the youtube office.



nepali man6e
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Shame on you Maoists....

Maoist concerned over file video broadcast

Kantipur Report KATHMANDU, May 5 - The
unified CPN (Maoist) on Tuesday expressed serious concern over what it
called “extraneous” file video of the party chairman Pushpa Kamal
Dahal’s address to its rank and file on the Constituent Assembly being
aired as exclusive video.
In a statement issued today, the party made it clear that the video was
distributed by those who do not want civilian supremacy in the country
and is a conspiracy to derail the peace process and provoke the current
critical political situation.

We are completely committed to the peace process. We are clear about
the army integration, drafting of people-oriented constitution and our
commitment to the people political belief
,” read the statement.

Maoist appealed to the people not to be misled by publicising of such
orthogonal and provocative video with the intention to disrupt the
ongoing peace process and political process.

The party, which pulled out of the government yesterday over the Chief
of Army Staff row, urged the media not to air such provocative material
and remain alert towards their social responsibility.

ekantipur dot com
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