Maoist Contribution to Nepal - Sajha Mobile
Maoist Contribution to Nepal
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There were few intellectuals who were very vocal that maoist had contributed so much for Nepalese .They were stressing that Maoist created awareness and all.But what was ultimate contribution of Maoist to welfare of Nepal? They hadn't imagined this :more than dozen seperate armed outfit following the successful path led by maoist. I always said may be the objective was good but the path adopted was bad.In one of the thread "Terrorism" . One year ago , this debate was going on Whether to call these people terrorist or liberation army.Now , questions to these individual who supported Maoist cause like looote kukur and others .Don't you think JTTM sss ,Cobras and tigers a are freedom fighters?Do you equally have respect for these people newly mushroomed freedom fighters and why shouldn't we fulfill their demands and not divide your Nepal (which you love so much) cause you will still be reiterating that they are freedom fighters. Now , Nepal is in the verge of disintegration due to racial propaganda by maoist backfired . Do you still believe it was great contribution?? If you haven't had enough of Nepal and consequences of maoist freedom fight, There are more to come as i had predicted .wait and see.
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Here is what I wanted post at I am sure the Nepali Maoist MouthPiece in America will not dare to post at their website: "It is very surprising that NepaliPost which claims to be Nepali Journalists from America, not writing a single word on Charikot Event. What else can be a better proof than this one that this ( website is simply a mouth piece of Maoists and the Young Criminal League. Oh I am sorry I am not that careful when it comes to spelling, so lets settle with abbreviations: YCL."
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Here is a joke of the day: from KOL: Another Maoist lawmaker Salik Ram Jamarkattel said beating up a CDO cannot derail the polls but allowing free movement to a royal nominee like Sudarshan Khadka who was blackened by the Maoists in Dolakha would put the polls in uncertainty.
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Keep it coming GP, looks like the damn commies will not be around anymore on sajha...Where are these fools, anyway? Their goddamn atrocoties are finally being flashed out relentlessly by the media (who now seem to have found their balls). Hahahaa Their friggin leaders themselves are in disarray and expect to rule Nepal someday...what a fuggin joke it turned out to be!! Prachanday and Babufugginram are en route to their karmic manifestations folding out soon. The fool, Prachanday has now asked for 60 security guards, what use is it when his own inner circle are scheming within themselves to get rid of this scourge of all Nepalis?
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WahahahahahWhahahahaha.... kya majja ayo aajaa bihan ko news padhda ta... at KOL: Prachanda for another “people’s revolt” By Ujir Magar KATHMANDU, Aug 1 - Concluding that the election to the Constituent Assembly slated for November 22 will not be possible without adopting a proportional electoral system and declaring the country a republic, Maoist chairman Prachanda has proposed a fresh “people’s revolt” as an alternative. ... ...READ THE FOLLOWING PARA... hahahaa hahaha.... Yaha chha majja ko statement.... HAVE FUN GUYS. Now, I realize why Maoists Prachanda needed 60 Royal Nepal Army (oops, I should remove Royal right? I though Royal = Prachanda in communist) guards. You know what, Badal, and Kiran are now against Prachanda's policy of joining govt. and Prachanda is scared of revolt from Badal and Kiran, therefore, he is scared of own Maoists. It is communists who kill each other when it comes Gaddhari. Nepal Communist Party broke 138 times, and Nepali Congress only for 4 times. Thats the communists. Read following para from KOL's news port, and it is last paragraphs from the URL mentioned above. Good Job KOL. I don't like KOL, I love it. However, sources claimed that certain central members were of the opinion that the struggle must be continued while remaining in the government. They said that declaring an immediate revolt would incur problems, especially in the management of combatants and that there won’t be a significant participation of people in the street protests owing to the monsoon.
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I don't like KOL, I love it. should be read as : I just don't like KOL, I love it.
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another thread worth reading: Good Job Kusum. I wish god and Nepali people will forgive you for your participation to Maoists in the past, because of your decision to leave Maoists and join UML.
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GP, Kusum too will get what he deserves once the maobadi witch-hunting process begins...they all deserve a similar fate.
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GP जी, माथीका सबै पोस्टिङहरु संग सहमत भैकन पनि पछिल्लो पोस्टिङ संङ सहमत हुन सकिन। माओबादि त्यागी एमाले हुनु वा एमाले त्यागि माओबादि हुनु मा खासै तात्विक अन्तर छैन। एमालेमा अबसर न पाएका वा क्षमता नभएका माओबादि बनेका धेरै उदाहरण छन्। देशका भए भरका लुच्चा, फटाह, गुण्डा हरु क्रान्तिकारिको मुकुण्डो लगाइ राखेका छन्। त्यो कुसुम भन्ने ले गरेको अपराध माफ दिन लायक को होला त, एमाले हुदै मा। के उस्को आत्ममा परिवर्तन भएकै हो त? कि मात्र ज्यान जोगाउन अर्को कम्युनिष्टको शरणमा गएको? जे होस्, यति बेला बीपीले भनेको कुरा याद आयो। हुन त यो भनाई धेरैलाइ न पच्न सक्छ। तर अहिले माओबादिको जङली राज देखे पछि, बी पीको भनाई सत्य मात्र होइन, ध्रुब सत्य नै लाग्यो। " एउटा मान्छे कम्युनिष्ट बन्न सक्छ, तर एउटा कम्युनिष्ट मान्छे बन्न सक्दैन।"
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RV, "FORGIVENESS" is a great word that we human created. In the country like ours, we need two right and left parties. UML or any other name is fine, but there will be one with the idea of government intervention in all biz: what we call left, and Democratic Party in US is blamed for being liberal and some call them LEFT wing party. I have no idea how the word was coined. But, Hillary clinton recently (July 23, CNN live debate) explained the word liberal and progressive. In either way, Republicans claim that Democratic Party is close to communist party in strong tone / socialist party in softer tone. Well, Nepali Congress also claims "SOCIALIST PARTY", and I would rather want it be less socialist more democratic, and let UML lead the socialist part of political parties. We should promote UML kinda liberal communists. I certainly dislike "communists", but in a country like ours we can not avoid a sector of public "BHEDA" who are run by emotions, sentiments, and hooliganism need a communist party. So, UML is a great substitute for them to lead. Kusum being first few to desert Maoist party, we should forgive them. But, Prachanda can not be forgiven, and he should face the fate of Saddam Husein, not less but more. Poor Prachanda now needs the same Nepal Army because of he is scared of his own Maoist cadres because he is smelling bad part on Kiran, and Badal, and does not know when will he find end of his life. Just keep watching.
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NewsBlaze Maoists Transfer Nepalese Money from India to Switzerland By Halshi Bash I am a Swiss national and practice Buddhism. I have been to Lumbini, Nepal, the birth place of Siddharta Gautama and other places like Kathmandu, Pokhara, Lukla, Gorkha and several Himalayan regions, many times. I love Nepal the way Nepalese do. The reason I have so much affection towards Nepal may be because my professor and mentor, the late Tony Hagen, renowned economist and very popular with Nepalese people, loveed Nepal more than his own country, Switzerland. He never tired of talking about Nepal. Though I am a native of Zurich, the German speaking city of Switzerland, I am currently residing in Rue de Rhone (Rhone lane or avenue) of Geneva, the French speaking part of the Swiss confederation. I have been here three years because of my employment contract with the Swiss Bank, "Credit Suisse". All of Switzerland's major banks are located within walking distance. It is the reason most of the employees of different banks come to a very popular eatery, "cafe de Geneve" to have their breakfast and lunch. At these times, we always try to outsmart our colleagues and friends of different banks by initiating a very hot or new item of talk. Swiss tradition is that whoever has a new or very hot topic is considered to be a smarter than the others. But the topic should be genuine and authentic. Anyone can lose his or her image for a whole lifetime if he or she tells an unreliable story. So, the Swiss people have a habit of speaking based on authenticity. Very recently, we were all outsmarted by our friends at another bank. I was particularly shocked because the topic was related to Nepal, my dream country and by faith my mother country because Buddhism was born in Nepal. The very hot item of talk was so shocking that if the people of Nepal listened to it, they would have a million watt electric shock. The leaders of the Maoist Party including ministers of the present Nepal Government, namely, Prachanda (Pushpa K. Dahal), Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, Krishna Mahara, Hishila Yami and others were here to transfer a huge amount of money from Indian Banks to major Swiss Banks. The amount of that money is even more shocking because it is in the hundreds of million Euros. If the people of Nepal ask the Swiss Government, it can influence the Swiss Banks for the disclosure of the amounts and the account holders. For my part, as a person having deep affection towards Nepal, I will do my best to find things in details but the Nepali people should understand my limitations as an Assistant Manager. The Nepali people should ask the Swiss Government to freeze the money as soon as possible otherwise the Swiss politicians could be bribed by the Banks to keep the Bank's secrecy. It has also been said that some European Union members are helping the Maoists to transfer money to Swiss Banks. Why are the capitalist western countries helping extremist radical Maoists is beyond my understanding which could be a good subject of research for the people of Nepal. Halshi Bash Geneve, Switzerland (CH) Copyright © 2007, NewsBlaze, Daily News
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Here is M***** F**** Krishna Bahadur Mahara who tries to defend YCL activities.
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And here is M***F*** krishna bahadur mahara who tries to defend YCL atrocities.
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Minister Yadav resigns: Kantipur Report KATHMANDU, Aug 2 - Minister for Forest and Soil Conservation Matrika Yadav has resigned from his post on Thursday, citing non-cooperation from the other ministries in the eight-party government. Details at KOL. Something has gone wrong within Maoists. Yadav will certainly join MPRF because Prachanda favors Sah to lead Madhes Section in his Party. It can be another big blow to Prachanda. It is rainy reason to go to jungle or run street protests. Hahahaha.... Maoists are an endangered animal in Nepal.
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धेरै ठाउंबाट्, धेरै किसिमबाट आउदो संबिधान सभाको संभाबित नतिजाबारे माओबादीमा बुद्धि भंडार ( बुद्धि त के हुनु)हरुले अन्दाज गरि सकेकाछन्। जे गरे नि, टाउकै फोरे नि तिनको हबिगत २०४७ सालको जनमोर्चा भन्दा राम्रो नहुने लक्षण देखि सकेको छ। त्यसैले जन बिद्रोह को नाम हो वा अन्य कुनै बहानामा फेरि जङल पस्ने तयारीमा लागेका छन् र बन्दूक कै भरमा सम्पूर्ण सत्ता कब्जा गर्ने दिवा स्वप्नमा रम्न थालेका छन्। अहिले सी डी ओ कुट्ने, एल् डी ओ लाई मार्ने धम्की दिने जस्ता आतंकारी गतिबिधि केन्द्र स्तरकै निर्णय बमोजिम भाको हुनु पर्छ। किनकि अति नै भए पछि गिरिजाको गर्जन को बहानामा संसदबाट् सडक हुंदै जङल जाने बाटो सजिलो हुने हुन्छ। त्यसैको नमूना स्वरुप मात्रिका यादब भन्ने जङली ले राजिनामा दिएका हुन्। संसदबाट गणतन्त्र घोषणा गर्ने अनि प्रचण्ड कामरेड राष्ट्रपति बन्ने र खमेरुज सत्ता लाद्ने सपना साकार होला जस्तो लागेन माओबादिलाई। अब त पशुपति नाथले नि कल्याण गर्न सक्दैन, हाम्रो मुलुकलाई। जब सम्म यी बांदरहरुको गिदिमा बुद्धि भन्ने केही कोशिकाहरु भरिन्न, त्यहि हो। हतियार खोला ले बगाए जस्तै तिनलाई किन बगाउंदैन भने, दैब पनि निर्धा र गरीबकै बिपक्षमा? हे प्रभु।
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GREAT RAHULVAI !!!!!!!!thats exactly what is happening................true
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