education - Sajha Mobile
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here is a thought for the day what is education? schooling? a degree in your hands for a lucrative career? what is the point of education ulitmately? earn money? really? become a thinker? an analyst? a human being? what do we, or have we in the past, think we will receive from our degree? what is teh difference between schooling, (even at a higher insitute of learning) and education? what does it mean to be 'educated'? can an illetrate person be 'educated'? fyi, just a thought, not an essay i have to work on.
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Educationo r educated in my point of view is someone who knows the fact and understand the context of the subject. An illiterate person can be educated as well.Education - in science would master you in principles of science and in English would perfect your language. The term education as mere left it as book education in todays world.BA , MA engineering etc. The objective of education depends.It can be for money or knowledge .It depends from person to person and the type of education the person is seeking.
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"Education is the transmission of civilization” - Unknown to me.
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Education is a companion which no future can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienate it and no nepotism can enslave. - Ropo Oguntimehin
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hope i dun spend too much time here..dun wanna be late!!!(talkn/telln to meself!! feels better when one sees words than just doin it in the mind ;oP hehe) that said.. education..hmm..i guess these days(or was it always everyday?long long time back too?)when someone is 'considered' educated..the person has the paper qualifications..the certs from certified bodies etc..without that can one be considered educated?..thats how the world is hoina?..STANDARDISE!!..makin it much easier for all of us..easier to do more comparing?(oh i do agree standardisation is overall good..but just thinkn of some other it it watever..even when something is done for the good...with good the end..arghhh!!cant explain!!!dunno how to!..enuf said skip!;oP hehe) and yeah thats education eh?..and schoolin just is the step to get those certified certs/degrees/papers to let the other person/future employers? know one is educated?..educated in things they are lookin for in a person?.. but then wat about the ppl who have been educated thru their experiences in life?who hasnt the 'certs' to show it..isnt that education too?cos we learn something from it?things that cant really be taught in books(tho one might try to teach them in books ;oP hehe wat aint in books these days? much easier than our forefathers.and yet we seem to whine more and more?ironic?;oP..oh im talkn about me whinin hehe..i whine a lot :o| tho a lot might be a maha understatment there ;oP hehe..)plus i guess..there might be some ppl out there who will agree with me when i say..i felt i learned nothn (not that)much from those education places(u know just theories and theories hehe)..than when tryn to apply..praticals!!!..try to apply those theories..ok ok im losin meself here(and yes im late!already realised that 10mins ago but herum wats the implication for that..will know soon duh!im sick!not talkn about the one cares about that?:oS..).. hah shud i even post this!didnt really get to say wat i i ever really get to say wat i want?i shud learn to stay FOCUSED!!!:@ hehe.. anyways..the point of education to me(and hopefully to others too) is to learn?feel like we learnt smthings in(from) life(from studies too hehe)?and hopefully get the chance to apply those 'learnt' knowledge to use?..feels good when we are given(when we get the chance) to apply those so called learnt knowledge dun we?.. ok enuf bhak bhak..can go on and on(will carry on talkn with meself..silently as always hehe)..but yeah another lesson i learnt today!...never discount those bloody germans!!saw the last min winner they scored against poland?(was multitaskn..dun we all?;oP hehe)..wt!!and there i was thinkn..poland played good to earn at least a draw!!esp with 10men in the later stages!!...anyways result is quite inconsequential so why am i blabbering about it!!cos duh!plus now i think i learnt smthing else too..i dun hate(too strong a word?hehe) the germans as much as i think i yeah!it feels good!!!!woohoooo!!cos would books have 'taught' me that?;oP hehe and shiit im gonna miss the next bus too!!!arghhhh!!!!someone slow that bus down!!!;oP hehe.. but yeah funny aint it?wat we might feel is 'knowledge' to us..others wont feel the same way about it?..vice versa hehe...we need more Standarisation eh?;oP hehe..or maybe less?;oP hehe..dhat arghh!Im gonna be maha late!!someone stop me!!!:@ ook ok i guess i shud try to do that meself so yeah! good day!:oD and yes i dun feel too good im not 'finished' (scary eh?not finished yet ;oP hehe)..but hope intro part was enuf wahahah ;oP..arghhh!!late again!!!!maha late!!:o| why do i do this to meself!!!someone 'teach' me and be able to 'teach' me how to stop?:oS its hard!!!:oS hehe.. and was just a thot hai..tho mine might be a bit longer than some garney!some ppl are long winded!!!acceptance ppl!:@ got a bit self concious there didnt i? ;oP hehe *gone*
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i found this essay amusing and somewhat related to the post School vs. Education---by Russell Baker By the age of six the average child will have completed the basic American education and be ready to enter school. If the child has been attentive in these preschool years, he or she will already have mastered many skills. From television, the child will have learned how to pick a lock, commit a fairly elaborate bank holdup, prevent wetness all day long, get the laundry twice as white and kill peple with a variety of sophisticated armaments. From watching his parents, the child, in many cases, will already know how to smoke, how much soda to mix with whiskey, what kind of language to use when angry and how to violate the speed laws without being caught. At this point, the child is ready for the second stage of education, which occurs in school. There, a variety of lessons may be learned in the very first days. The teacher may illustrate the economic importance of belonging to a strong union by closing down the school before the child arrives. Fathers and mothers may demonstrate to the child the social cohesion that can be build on shared hatred by demonstrating their dislike for children whose pigmentation displeases them. In the latter event, the child may received visual instruction in techniques of stoning buses, cracking skulls with a nightstick and subduing mobs with tear gas. Format education has begun. During formal education, the child learns that life is for testing. This stage lasts twelve years, a period during which the child learns that success comes from telling testers what they want to hear. Early in this stage, the child learns that he is either dumb or smart. If the teacher puts intelligent demands upon the child, the child learns he is smart. If the teacher expects little of the child, the child he is dumb and soon quits bothering to tell the testers what they want to hear. At this point, education becomes more subtle. The child taught by school that he is dumb observes that neither he, she, nor any of the many children who are even dumber, ever fails to be promoted to the next grade. From this, the child learns that while everybody talks a lot about the virtue of being smart, there is very little incentive to stop being dumb. What is the point of school, besides attendance? The child wonders. As the end of the first formal stage of education approaches, school answers this question. The point is to equip the child to enter college. Children who have been taught they are smart have no difficulty. They have been happily telling testers what they want to hear for twelve years. Being artists at telling testers what they want to hear, they are admitted to college joyously; where they promptly learn that they are the hope of America. Children whose education has been limited to adjusting themselves to their schools?low estimates of them are admitted to less joyous colleges which, in some cases, may teach them to read. At this stage of education, a fresh question arises for everyone. If the point of lower education was to get into college, what is the point of college? The answer is soon learned. The point of college is to prepare the student no longer a child now to get into graduate school. In college, the student learns that it is no longer enough simply to tell the testers what they want to hear. Many are tested for graduate school; few are admitted. Those excluded may be denied valuable certificates to prosper in medicine, at the bar, in the corporate boardroom. The student learns that the race is to the cunning and often, alas, to the unprincipled. Thus, the student learns the importance of destroying competitors and emerges richly prepared to play his role in the great simmering melodrama of American life. Afterward, the former student destiny fulfilled, his life rich with Oriental carpets, rare porcelain and full bank accounts, he may one day find himself with the leisure and the inclination to open a book with a curious mind, and start to become educated.
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